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Pigryn: Snor't a'bello Ōrbâna (WIP)

Here I will show the Pigryn army, which are being concepted, sculpted, printed and painted alongside creation of Game Rules and Army Lists.

The Invasion army of Snor't a'bello Ōrbâna, consisted of units from several independent clans of both northern and southern Pigryn. This became evident from their dress-styles and the difference they 'grunted' when interogated. According to Yell'a'Beard, and what we extracted, thats highly unusual but reflect the grand character and capabilities of Snor't a'bello Ōrbâna - an Invader general with a 6 ring beard.


All miniatures are (Oak Entertainment ©) concept and sculpting.

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First lot of Snor't a'bello Ōrbâna's army

5 champions in front of 4 warriors

All miniatures are (Oak Entertainment ©) concept and sculpting.

Snor't a'bello Ōrbâna's army v2

All miniatures are (Oak Entertainment ©) concept and sculpting.


1 champion level 3 in front of 2 champions level 1 and 2 champions level 2.

The two champions level 1 each has 4 warriors.


Colour template so far are Citadel:

Base XV 88, Screamer Pink, Wraithbone

Layer: Doombull Brown, Blue Horror, Wazdakka REd,



Pig'Ynz with halberds...

Since the Pig'Ynz units are of size 4–8, I decided to create a few full-size units showing their adherence to this or that Pigryn clan by painting them somewhat similar.

Here is the first step of an almost sculpted and base-coloured unit with champions of all three levels.

Miniatures concept and sculpting!: Oak Entertainment ©

Colours (Citadel)

Base: XV 88, Screamer Pink, Wraithbone,

Layer: Blue Horror, Wazdakka Red, Doombull Brown,

Metallic: Iron Warriors