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The Unit moves 2D6CM in a random direction and if it comes in contact with ANY other Unit it will engage this as a foe in melee.

Gravecalling 0.03

If the General is slain each Unit without Champions rolls for Gravecalling. On 1 its removed it, on 2+ it may continue to act generating its own The Deep Blue Drop.



Arisen Embrace 0.03

Arisen Generals may turn casualties into new Zombie Units. These can only be activated by the General, unless they are soaked up by a Zombie Unit of similiar type with a Champion that pass by in Base-to-Base contact.





Rot Dust 0.03

Any Wound inflicted creates a cloud of Rot Dust, causing a Wound on the melee attacker on a D6 roll of 6.

Deep Blue Mist 0.03

Any Wound inflicted creates a cloud of Deep Blue Mist, causing a Wound on the melee attacker on a D6 roll of 6.




Immune to Psycology 0.03

Ignore all Morale tests.

Marksman 0.03

Allow them to target Units behind similar sized Bases.

Assassins Disguise 0.03

Allow Models to hide within similar base sized Core Units. When revealed the emerging Model cause FEAR.

Spotter 0.03

A target Spotter allowing a lobbing warmachine to fire directly at a foe without line of sight, if the Spotter can see both Warmachine and target.

Dual Wield 0.01

A Unit Dual wielding gains +1 Attack Die.

Dual Wielding prevents the use of 2 Hand Weapons and Shield.

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