
Forum breadcrumbs - You are here:ForumMiniature Wargame: RulesRULES 0.0.7 PDF
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The whole thing can be divided into three separate areas, each to be substituted if players feel for it.

  • Buliding armies
  • Setting up a game
  • Playing a game

Building IoM armies are currently a complex process involving a lot of calculation, you can swap IoM lists for whatever lists yor prefer.

Setting up a games units can also be done however players prefer it.

Playing phases of a games rounds, placing orders and rolling for activation chits can likewise be substituted if players feel for it.


A writeup of the rules as PDF can be grabbed here: WIP Game rules

These rules might at times, be out of sync with Forum threads, but then the Forum threads, will have a higher version number than this .PDF

IOM-Peter has reacted to this post.

Version 0.02 is up

During this test process it would be nice to see edits and additions in a different color to keep track 🙂

IoM-Christian has reacted to this post.

I have edited all forum thread OP's to reflect the rulebook as of 0.02 and tagged threads similarly as I do for Army Lists. Future forum posts will be version tagged as Army Lists and main thread versioned as well. So its easily seen what came pre or post whats in a 'rulebook'.

Version 0.03 of the .PDF has been created and uploaded.

I changed font colour to red on all changes inside the document.

Version 0.04 of the .PDF has been created and uploaded.

I changed font colour to blue on all new changes inside the document and added some graphic charts, etc.

Version 0.05 of the .PDF has been created and uploaded.

All ranges altered to centimetres.

Elaborated on General Command levels, and Order Activation Tokens.

Version 0.06 of the .PDF has been created and uploaded.

It's a major rule overhaul as well as section reordering.

Version 0.07 of the .PDF has been created and uploaded.

Several rule elaborations, a merge of bases and models sharing a base, another QuillBot grammar run, and an and an illustration of charger halt.

Version 0.0.7

Added descriptions of the three major areas of IoM rules.

  • Buliding armies
  • Setting up a game
  • Playing a game