Explosive Powder



“A very long time ago, the Borji villagers of Angbai heard a large sound, and then the Chiun Chiang Ars tower started to fall upon the villagers.”

Skjald El Mary



A few hundred years prior to the beginning of Second Age, an old Borji Alchemist, Chiun Chiang Ars, of Angbai, Where mixing all kinds of resource and raw material as well as testing the ingredients under various conditions. He cleverly enough did so in very small amounts up in his tower and always wrote what was used, the conditions, and the results. These logs were stored in the basement of his house as a safety measure.

He had grown old due to his precautions, but his Apprentices were of the young, rather impatient types. So one day, just as they had concluded experiments with a few grains of what would become explosive powder, He walked down to place the logs, while his apprentices, who tested a larger portion or fumbled with it, managed to blow his entire tower to pieces.

The explosion could be heard for miles, and the shock and falling debris killed people and nearby livestock. And it literally rained fine debris, burned dust, and sticky ash for days. Chiun was shaken by the destructive force of his discovery.

Skjald Valgrif


Within days, the rumour had reached the local Lord and inquiries began to float in about explosive powder in exchange for Gold, Silver, and Gems. At first, he refused, but when the King came by and took hold of the logs by force, He finally agreed to pass on the knowledge. Thus, several Borji learned how to create and handle it.

Skjald Sigurd


Some of these used it in weak mixings and very small amounts to create festival rockets, and further alchemical research added other ingredients so that colours would be visible upon explosion. As these festivals often included passing Tatongōl, some of these, through time, managed to grasp handling, construction, and what to mix. A few of these Tatongol became so skilled that they rivalled the Borji. Being open-hearted and mouth-watering people, they began suggesting improvements or variations to the Borjis in charge of festivals. Who, albeit surprised, took the advice with an open heart and mind, thus a Fireworkers Guild Guild of both Borji and Tatongol evolved.

Some of these Tatongol did though, just as some Borji, then N'Aldaan and finally as good as everyone else. They saw great value in explosive powder as a tool in warfare, so they began making steel-tipped rockets, handguns, and eventually cannons. Especially one lot of Tatongols, the Ughuz, preferred these over horseback archery, especially for plundering towns and cities.

Skjald Sejrik



Explosive powder has always been something a few guilds tried to control, but these days everyone has access, even the malicious lot from The Torch.

It’s a mixture of Sulfur, Carbon, and Saltpeter. The actual amounts vary amongst firefighters, and their Powder is considered the least lethal of the explosives. This is due to the deflagration process rather than a detonation, allowing for a pressure buildup that can be somewhat controlled and directed.

Thus, explosive powder is a term covering both gunpowder and explosives, the first used in fireworks, handguns, cannons, and rockets. The latter are used to crack open mines, quarry, and mountains.

Skjald Sejrik



If wet, it won’t work… if old, it’s alive… if too much… bye-bye.

Skjald Kazumix

Last Updated on 2024-11-17 by IoM-Christian