Coastal Zone



The people of the coasts, plain, humble, yet proud of their own worth, have birthed many legends.

Skjald Yell'a'Beard



Coastal climates are significantly influenced by large bodies of water, resulting in moderate temperatures and increased humidity compared to inland regions. The proximity to the ocean also affects precipitation patterns, wind conditions, and the overall character of the environment.

Skjald El Mary



Coastal climates are found everywhere: Utari, Mealis, Findon, Naldar, Midgard, Markeoy, Dalip, West Fjella, East Fjella, and Darin.

Average Temperature Range: Generally milder temperatures compared to inland areas, with smaller fluctuations between seasons. Cooler summers and warmer winters than inland locations at the same latitude. Maritime influence often results in a more temperate climate.

Precipitation Patterns: Higher precipitation levels compared to inland areas due to the moisture from the ocean. Frequent fog and mist, especially in coastal regions with cold ocean currents. Rain or snow patterns influenced by prevailing winds and ocean currents.

Wind Patterns: The predominant influence of prevailing winds, often leading to consistent wind patterns. Coastal areas are susceptible to sea breezes and land breezes, creating diurnal wind patterns. Potential for strong storms and gales, especially in exposed coastal locations.


  • Diverse vegetation influenced by the specific coastal region’s climate.
  • Coastal forests, marshes, and wetlands are common features.
  • Salt-tolerant plants adapted to saline conditions.
  • Abundant marine life supports coastal ecosystems.


  • Rich biodiversity due to the abundance of food sources from the ocean
  • Variety of marine life, including fish, mammals, and birds
  • Coastal birds adapted to the marine environment
  • Amphibians and reptiles in suitable habitats

Human Adaptations:

  • Development of fishing and maritime cultures
  • Construction of coastal settlements adapted to the marine environment
  • Reliance on seafood as a primary food source
  • Adaptation to humid and often windy conditions

N-Erectus Adaptations:

  • Adaptations for aquatic or semi-aquatic lifestyles in some species
  • Specialised hunting and gathering strategies focused on marine resources
  • Development of technologies for fishing and boat building
  • Magical or supernatural abilities related to the sea

Skjald Vinotis



Suddenly it comes rolling across the land… that cold, damp mist… looking, searching… for the unweary.

Skjald Kazumix

Last Updated on 2024-08-11 by IoM-Christian