

BORN: 9/8 1171 FA in Apal

Race: Moss'AriOgryl

REALM: Red Mentalism

AURA: Pink

HEIGHT: 191 cm



2nd Skjald


“A smuggler rascal who took the long road forth and back to Outlands.”

Skjald Valgrif



Fourth Age

Yell’a’Beard was born in Apal, more precisely in the foothills of the mountain range towards Esly. Born the youngest of five siblings to a Skinner family, he quickly learned Tracking. Skills and how to keep spirits up at campfires. Dancing and entertaining the other Rangers, Hunters and Skinners soon became his mark. And at times, it brought him to the edge of what others would try or endure. On one such early trip for skins, their small band was surprised and attacked by a large pack of hungry Wolves, and he was separated from the rest and for years thought dead.

Skjald Vinotis


The ensuring fight in 1187 separated me from the rest of the group and forced me to run like never before—for a distance far longer than anyone ever did. After a full day of fleeing, I realised I was far off normal tracks, and oddly enough, it was as if the mountain rim was in the wrong direction.

The next day, I saw a lodge and smoke emerging from the chimney, and I went up and knocked on the door. Being welcomed by a hermit who was surprised about my dialect, claim of origin, and passage, I was fed and thawed up, slowly realising I was in Esly. And thus, he had discovered a previously unknown passage in the mountains. I might tell you where, but man, I’m thirsty.

Skjald Yell’a’Beard


For the next 12 years or so, it’s said Yell’a’Beard travelled across the mountains many times, often with cloaked companions or wrapped-up cargo. This is, however, not verified by him or others, but my knowledge of his appearances in cities and roads in Apal and Esly hints at this being a fact. One thing that is certain is that he has a great many friends amongst the commoners, the poor, and the shady parts of society. Some even told me that he’s been seen with both Setil and Den Godan on several occasions. Both at taverns and out on the road. So, it’s no wonder he became so well versed in the matters of the world.

Skjald Ulrich


It’s said that in 1271 he broke a contract of passage, and when the customer finally tired of waiting at the docks of Gilgamil, he took the long sail around Claun. I did not witness this, but some say that a Kinoblin Junk passed Esly that same day. And that was the beginning of the 3-year-long absence of Yell’a’Beard.

Skjald El Mary


I was out at the bay delivering a package to their secret bastard Kinoblin in our small, roofed boat block, prying eyes. Handing off the goods and turning the boat, I had this sudden urge. Either I could go through life, zig-zagging them mountains and the High Kings prying eyes, or I could be one of the boldest champions ever. So, I edged over to the far side of the boat, slid silently over the railing, and dove back towards the junk. The longest dive anyone ever made, I tell you—far longer than any of my previous records in the basins of Gilgamil. And with the last breath of air in my belly, I emerged hidden in one of the huge floating anchors beside the junk.

Last night, when we passed the strait between West Fjella and Midgard, I climbed one of the ropes and entered the ship’s main hull. And my god, the wisdom I gained hiding in the cargo for all those months, and what I learned at their lands… but, by my beard, I’m getting thirsty again.

Skjald Yell’a’Beard


What actually passed during the 3 years of his total absence from any scene in the Realm is uncertain. Regardless, I’ve heard the highborn gossip about his tales being as good as any fact, and they are often discussed at court and with counsel. Some even say he is one of the most consulted regarding ‘Outlands’, as we call them. But as he seemingly has told the High King, the Kinoblin themselves call their realm up north Utallantu and a continent going all the way to The Rim for Lizard Lands. Much of the planning for the coming crusade is said to be based solely on his treasured information.

Skjald Valgrif


Its certain… Yell’a’Beard sailed on one of those gigantic Kinoblin treasure Junks, Gems and Gold as bunk… listening to the snouted big-eyed hunch backers babbling in their odd tongue… for night after night, week after week, and month after – hold my breath sailor!

He’s told me of Humans in their lands as well, and thus why his cover went so well… he learned their words, minds and when he finally understood their great plan… he dropped every gem and bar and to the shore he went… and stared at the immerse span… separating his beloved from his knowledge… and his friends from our foes!

Risking it all again, he dived, climbed and slid… and under a pile he hid… this time much sharper at their words and with passage on a far superior junk… he had chosen a way better bunk… seemingly listening to generals, leaders and top snouts!

He learned of their actual plans and after his first thoughts… to warn his friends Lionel and Setil… he decided to aim for the High King… despite knowing that new one being but a green lad… cause these news where indeed sad and bad!

Skjald Kazumix


I tell you, in their lands I saw some odd Monsters and nasty Races. All eager to subdue each other and not at all like here in The Realm. The founding fathers had it right when they said peace and trade would benefit us all. But with thunder and high waves, they have some brutal warrior tribes over there. Each one is able to stand toe to toe with a Mammutan outcome uncertain, I tell you. But where was I? Oh yes, their lands are a whole tale in themselves, and I’m hungry.

But it’s no wonder to me that the Grimsborg guard was defeated that easily. After all, the Anurai was carefully chosen as those best fit to win with the fewest casualties, but by the foamy spray, they didn’t count the toughness of the eight Hordes.

And it was funny, sort of, that it was the valuable information about those hostile lands that brought me the ears of the Noble ones, when it was the tales of our own folk, our roots, and legendary Heroes. That brought me the ear of the common folks and filled my belly-yelly beard, as Kazumix would have said it.

Oh well, better not yap like him; that might bring him around, and I owe him a coin or two.

Skjald Yell’a’Beard


Despite him talking about urgent and important information since 1274, it didn’t seem like the High King trusted him. Luckily, some nobles and Officials saw the value of this boasting half-pirate scoundrel, took note of his warning, and began inquiring about him. Soon he realised he was friends with Setil, Den Godan, Lionel, Nefius and more.

In 1276, he became a Skjald at an extraordinary meeting set up by nobility and Traders. The newfound status made him able to focus solely on gathering and organising information, and his climb through Skjald’s ranks was swift and unwavering. The value of his information ensured that he is currently second in our circle. And, despite that big, greasy beard and boasting demeanour, he’s one I’m glad to call a friend and one I honestly treasure accompanying me on my travels. But since the war is over now, I somewhat dread the next grand meeting of ours. I expect the circle to vote in favour of Skjald Valgrif.

Skjald Ulrich



Yell’a’Beard is a captivating fusion of archetypal qualities that form a complex and dynamic character. He embraces the world with an open heart and a sense of wonder, infusing each moment with curiosity and joy. His spirit thrives on risk-taking and adventure, fearlessly embracing uncertainty and inspiring others to step beyond their comfort zones.
He selflessly protects and leads, facing challenges head-on with unwavering determination. Seamlessly adapt to situations, empathetically understand different perspectives, and act as a bridge between worlds. With a hedonistic flair, he revels in sensory experiences and encourages others to savour life’s pleasures. He empowers others to transform and inspire, revealing hidden truths and sparking innovation. He pioneers new paths and challenges norms, driving progress and igniting change. His connection to the spiritual realm grants him wisdom and healing insight, guiding others on a deeper journey of self-discovery.

Strengths: natural curiosity and openness to new experiences. Uninhibited creativity and imagination. Ability to see wonder and magic in the everyday. Radiates an innocent and playful charm. Bold, risk-taking, and adventurous spirit. Thrives in situations of uncertainty and challenge. Ability to think on their feet and adapt quickly. Inspires others to step outside their comfort zones. Courageous and selfless nature. Driven to protect and defend others. Inspires with their determination and leadership. Overcomes obstacles and adversity with resilience. Adaptability and versatility in various situations. Empathy and the ability to understand others’ perspectives. Skilled communicator who can bridge different viewpoints. Thrives in social environments and relationships. Embraces pleasure and enjoys life’s sensory experiences. Encourages others to indulge and savour the moment. Often radiates enthusiasm and positive energy. Values self-care and the pursuit of happiness. Innate ability to transform situations and create change. Sees hidden connections and uncovers deeper truths. Often a source of inspiration and innovation. Uses knowledge and insight to guide others. Creative thinking and a drive to invent and improve. Pioneers new paths and challenges conventional ideas. Fosters change and progress in various domains. Inspires others with their unique approaches. Deep spiritual connection and insight. Acts as a healer and guide for others. Navigates both the physical and spiritual realms. Offers wisdom and perspective beyond the material world.

Challenges: a tendency to avoid responsibilities or seek constant entertainment. Risk of naivety and being taken advantage of. Could struggle with facing harsh realities and making mature decisions. May have difficulty navigating complex adult emotions. Tendency to pursue high-risk endeavours without considering consequences. There is a risk of addiction or overindulgence in the pursuit of excitement. Could struggle with long-term planning and stability. May experience setbacks from impulsive decision-making. Risk of taking on too much responsibility and neglecting personal well-being. Tendency to become overly focused on being the savior. Could struggle with vulnerability and asking for help. May find it hard to transition to a less intense role after heroism. Risk of blending in too much and losing their own identity. Tendency to be seen as inconsistent or unreliable. Could struggle with making decisions due to constantly changing perspectives. May have difficulty establishing deep and lasting connections. Tendency to prioritise immediate gratification over long-term goals. Risk of overindulgence and neglecting responsibilities. Could struggle with coping when faced with discomfort or challenges. May be perceived as shallow or lacking in depth. Risk of manipulation or misuse of power. Tendency to become lost in their own ideas and visions. Could struggle with the practical implementation of their transformative concepts. May be misunderstood due to their abstract thinking. Tendency to prioritise novelty over practicality. There is a risk of resistance from those resistant to change. Could struggle with following through on projects to completion. May face setbacks from experimentation and trial-and-error. Risk of becoming isolated or misunderstood due to their beliefs. Tendency to carry the emotional burdens of others. Could struggle with balancing their spiritual pursuits with everyday life. May experience scepticism or criticism from those who don’t share their worldview.

In essence, Yell’a’Beard is a tapestry of archetypal traits, weaving together adventure, selflessness, adaptability, pleasure, transformation, innovation, and spirituality. This multi-dimensional character leaves an indelible mark, embodying the essence of exploration, growth, and wisdom.

Skjald Sigurd



He knows the language of Kinoblins.

Skjald El Mary

Last Updated on 2024-02-11 by IoM-Christian