“Pigryn are more than brute bastards; in fact, they have an elaborate language hidden beneath their snouts.”.
Pitray is the main language of the Pigryn.
Skjald Vinotis
Spelling & Phonology
- Consonant inventory: b d g h j k m n p s t w z ŋ ɾ
- Vowel inventory: a e i o u
Skjald Valgrif
Yell'a'Beard has been a tremendous aid regarding the Pigryns alphabet, numbers, and basic math. He at times pretended to know more when questioning Pigryn captives about the content of documents captured in the fray of war. They seemingly have no upper-case letters.
Skjald Sejrik
Aside from the Drakk Alfar and a few others in The Realm somewhat understand Pitray.
Skjald El Mary
Last Updated on 2024-02-09 by IoM-Christian