Underwater culture



  • Direction Sense
  • Disarm Trap
  • Hide Item
  • Hostile Environment
  • Mimery
  • Read Tracks
  • Rope Mastery
  • Sense Ambush/Assassin
  • Set Traps
  • Stalk & Hide
  • Time Sense
  • Trap Building
  • Fishing
  • Navigation
  • Diving
  • Swimming


Sealkin and Undines at times come forth and enrich us with great adventures and aid, bringing tales from the depths and the gifts of the sea.

Skjald Yell'a'Beard



Underwater dwellers, including Sealkin and Undines, are uniquely adapted to aquatic life, possessing physical characteristics that allow them to thrive in their environment. Their lives revolve around hunting, gathering, and cultivating underwater plants. These dwellers live somewhat secluded from terrestrial nature but heavily interact with other cultures, drawing a significant influx from diverse origins.


  • Undines: Tend coral reefs, rescue sea creatures stuck in wrecks and lost nets, and farm seaweed. They are rumoured to inhabit large underwater towns with golden roofs, though this remains unconfirmed.
  • Sealkin: Live in familial pods known as “sleuths,” which are matriarchal and autonomous but maintain strong bonds with neighbouring groups. They focus on hunting, gathering, and maintaining their territories.

Diet: Subsurface cultures, such as those living in caves or under the sea, rely on subterranean fungi, cave-dwelling creatures, and fish that can be caught in underground lakes or rivers. They may also farm bioluminescent plants or trade with surface dwellers for grains and other supplies. Their diet is often sparse, focussing on what can be grown or found in dark, enclosed environments.

Traditions and Stories: Rich oral traditions contain stories of ancient, strong aquatic animals, heroic rescues, and magical underwater happenings. Every seventh year, the Sealkin hold the Seventh Tide Festival, which is a big gathering for dining, storytelling, and renewing ancient relationships. Rituals to respect coral reefs, which are regarded as sacred protectors of their habitats.

Marriage Pattern: Marriages frequently result in strategic partnerships between various pods or communities, which promote genetic diversity and improve social links. Marriages between coastal Undines and landfolk are common, resulting in a blending of cultures and customs.

Religion: Worship of a pantheon of sea gods and goddesses, each responsible for a distinct part of the ocean. Rituals and sacrifices are performed on a regular basis to respect and appease the sea spirits.

  • Religious system: Polytheism: belief in multiple gods, associated with the ocean depths, creatures, and natural phenomena
  • God-Mortal Interaction: A deep connection to all marine life, with spirits inhabiting everything from fish to coral, reverence for those who first adapted to underwater life.
  • Rituals: ceremonies to ensure bountiful harvests, protection from predators, and rites of passage involving underwater challenges.
  • Impact on Society: A strong sense of community and interdependence. Respect for the marine ecosystem is paramount. Religion reinforces the importance of cooperation and resourcefulness.

Skjald Sigurd


Craftsmanship: Expertise in making tools and objects out of shells, coral, and underwater plants. Items are frequently embellished with complex motifs inspired by aquatic life.Making beautiful and functional products from pearls and other aquatic treasures.

Clothing & Decoration:

Garments constructed of seaweed fibres embellished with shells, pearls, and bioluminescent elements. Clothing made to be both functional for swimming and visually appealing, frequently resembling the hues and patterns of the ocean.

Armor: Light armour made from toughened fish scales or hardened coral, providing protection without hindering movement.

Weapons: Tridents, harpoons, coral-bladed knives, and nets. Some may also wield magical items imbued with water-based enchantments.

Special Items: Items that emit light in the dark depths of the sea are used for illumination and communication. Enchanted pearls are used for healing, navigation, and communication across vast distances underwater.

Skjald Valgrif


Time: Underwater cultures adhere to ocean currents, tides, bioluminescent displays, marine life cycles, and sea life migration patterns.

Accomplishment and achievement: Community efforts in defence, exploration, resource harvesting and management, and underwater ecosystem protection are highly regarded. Mastery in underwater navigation, skilled diving, and coral farming are highly valued.

Authority Interaction: Chieftains or seers wield authority and are revered for their knowledge and expertise. Respect for those who can connect with water creatures as well as sea deities, or regulate currents,

Fears & Inabilities: Struggle with prolonged periods on land due to their aquatic adaptations.

Mien: Culture has a high influence and strongly shapes demeanour, with limited room for individual expression.

Mannerism: Unique challenges of aquatic life could lead to a calm, observant, and patient demeanour.

Prejudices: Most underwater dwellers are wary of land-based races, viewing them as disruptive to the delicate balance of their environment. They are fiercely protective of their underwater homes and resources.

Skjald Ulrich


General Resistance: Moderate

Disease Resistance: Moderately resistant to waterborne diseases due to their environment and lifestyle.

Poison Resistance: Familiarity with underwater toxins provides some resistance, coupled with knowledge of antidotes.

Remedies: Extensive usage of medicinal plants and ocean-derived compounds, such as algae and coral extracts. Spiritual healing methods that use the blessings of sea deities.

Skjald Vinotis




Underwater cultures might have emerged from land-dwelling ancestors who adapted to life beneath the waves, leading to a unique evolution of traditions and beliefs.

Skjald El Mary



They live in the deep blue sea as well as on the coast, in villages that range from underwater towns to modest coastal communities. Their cultures are frequently matriarchal, with females taking the lead while avoiding the disputes and battles of land-based species.

Skjald Valgrif



Based on hunting prowess, knowledge of underwater resources, and spiritual authority.

  • Sealkin Society: loosely organised around familial pods, with strong inter-pod bonds and autonomous sleuths.
  • Undine Settlements: Led by a council of three, representing those in water, those on land, and a ceremonial master.

Skjald Kazumix



Gills, webbed hands and feet, and bioluminescence are examples of unique physical characteristics. Advanced understanding of marine life and ocean currents. Development of novel technology for underwater transit, communication, and lighting. Deep spiritual connection to the water and its magical energies.

Skjald Sejrik


Last Updated on 2024-10-20 by IoM-Christian