Frostland Zone



From these cold plains and frozen tops, pristine resources and shards have emerged.

Skjald Yell'a'Beard



The equatorial dominions are ever cold and covered in snow and ice throughout the year, where the sun scarcely warms. There cold reigns supreme, with only the bravest or most adapted creatures calling it home. The sun’s rays are weak and often absent, casting long shadows or leaving the land in twilight.

At the fringes of the region, where it meets continental zones, the cold begins to relent slightly, giving way to tundra landscapes. And it affects continental climate shifts to longer winters and shorter summers.

Skjald Sejrik



Frosthold as such only exists at the Rim and stretching up into southern Darin.

Average Temperature Range: Extremely low temperatures year-round, with harsh winters and cool summers.

Precipitation Patterns: Low precipitation, primarily in the form of snow.

Wind Patterns: Strong, persistent winds, often icy and driving.


  • Tundra with lichens, mosses, and dwarf shrubs
  • Coniferous forests at lower altitudes
  • Alpine meadows in sheltered areas


  • Mammals: rim bears, frost foxes, reindeer
  • Birds: owls, eagles, ptarmigan
  • Marine life: whales, seals, fish

Human Adaptations:

  • Warm clothing and insulation to protect from extreme cold.
  • Development of indoor heating and shelters.
  • Reliance on hunting and fishing for sustenance.
  • Adaptation to darkness.

N-Erectus Adaptations:

  • Fur or body fat for insulation.
  • Physiological adaptations to survive extreme cold.
  • Development of unique hunting and gathering strategies for arctic conditions.
  • Magical or supernatural abilities related to ice and cold.

Skjald Ulrich



Don’t rely on your magical paths for survival there, for magic seldom works precisely as intended or at all.

Skjald Kazumix

Last Updated on 2024-08-10 by IoM-Christian