

“The Boriac were the first to use the leaking rifts to the Astral as doorways for the instant shift of distant locations in The Void and our World.”

Skjald Ulrich



Existing alongside our world is the Astral, contained within the world’s surface. It consists of Mana as raw floating matter or thick swirling gases.

Those with a strong enough mind, body, and skills are able to enter without dissolving. Those entering it from one location in our world, with a single or few steps, can navigate the swirl and come forth tens or hundreds of kilometres away in our world—in but seconds. Travel distance and time spent depend on one’s skills.

The locations in our world giving access to the astral are Earthnodes with tiles, centre, and outer pillars Astral Sites/Gates. allowing for controlled access and Astravel.
The tiles indicate the site’s main Colour and the centre pillar is the sub-colour. The surrounding pillars indicate colours to be used for travel in that geographic Direction.


Skjald Vinotis



Scholars have due to observations Yell'a'Beard made in Outlands, and those Sessy, Themac and Zyr 'O' Loth made below The Rim. I figured that not only The Realm but the entire world are divided into a grid. In each grid, there are eight sites with the same coloured tiles, each with a centre pillar in a different colour.

This complex and intriguing system allows a aspirant to activate the site, set destination prime and secondary, and then pass into the astral through the coloured ‘aura gate’ and land at the specified coloured sub-coloured pillar.

The skilled can build up paths of immense length before setting the journey in motion. Using the Astral Site/Gates as navigation points for their’stepping in and out’ to the astral. These steps, taking one through astral to an astral site or gate in our world and maybe onwards, are so brief that not even Gods can interrupt.

Above are shown such travels from A to G (using pink and violet), to M (using pink and orange), to S (using pink and red), and to Y (using pink and orange). Thus did the traveller go Directions. 4 times through known sites, ending at the preferred orange subbsite of pink.

Activating an astral site or gate seems to somehow distort its neutrality, and it somehow becomes unusable until the Magic Shard Colour energies have been completely soaked up. The larger the group of living beings that travel, the longer the period.

Skjald Ulrich


To build up this travel, shards of the required color(s) are used, either magic shards that are consumed when travelling or divine shards that persist during the travel, which the user retains for further use. How these are transported from the start pillar to the end pillar is still a mystery.

There exist some extremely rare multicolor rainbow shards that are the most divine shards one can get. Some say these act as wildcards for any aura colour, but so far none have figured out the proper use of these.

Skjald Vinotis



The danger of travelling is that the longer the travel, the higher the risk of dissolving and the higher the risk of encountering Monsters. Thus, few use it often and even fewer in long travels across several earthenodes. But two Human I know Sessy and Atallanti have been there for several years without dissolving. Some others, like Black Pelvis, have suffered physical and mental damage from hiding and travelling there.

Skjald Yell'a'Beard

Last Updated on 2024-02-11 by IoM-Christian