“Gargantuan pigsty nests of the most nasty Lords aloft from their lowborn, is what Kultu’ar”
How did the Pigryn come to be? Not even Gods knew, yet suddenly they were encountered many thousands of years ago. Huddled up in a gargantuan cave system, they reproduced quickly and soon became too many for their realm. Kinda like the Mawmen, except these didn’t Harvest Raw material or share Crafting knowledge. They merely spread to other parts of the mountains, huddled up in caves that they refined into dwellings and then shaped into gargantuan monestary-like strongholds.
The whole mountain range is littered with them, but it’s unclear why the pigs stick to the mountains. Especially since they came to The Realm with the Kinoblin. But maybe they were looking for something?
Skjald Vinotis
Each section of Kultu is ruled by one Pigryn Clan, and there are border guards between each. Ensuring trade fees are paid, slaves don’t escape, and foes are sighted as early as possible.
Skjald Valgrif
It is a very dangerous area to visit.
Skjald El Mary
Last Updated on 2024-02-04 by IoM-Christian