
Use area

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Use a 10-number system.


“Given to the Mammutan by the Gods amidst the mayhem of the 1st Cataclysm.

Skjald Yell'a'Beard



Lürri is the main language of the Mammutan.

Skjald Sejrik



Spelling & Phonology

  • Consonant inventory: b d g h j k l m n n̪ p r s t v z ŋ ɣ ɫ ɰ ɾ ʃ ʤ ʧ β
  • Vowel inventory: a e i o u y ø ɯ

Skjald Valgrif



So far, we have not been able to figure out if they use uppercase letters or math symbols. We are also uncertain if our assumptions regarding their numbers are correct. Sadly, we have only had reluctant prisoners of war inquire about the very few documents retrieved.

Skjald Vinotis



Aside from the Drakk Alfar and a few others in The Realm somewhat understand Lürri.

Skjald Sigurd


Last Updated on 2024-02-09 by IoM-Christian