North-Wall Teeth
“Raising steep and almost as high as their cousins at The Rim, these mountains add protection against the burning breath from North. Offering shade and winds tumbling down to cool the waters.”
Once these ragged peaks were but sandy dunes stretching hundreds of kilometres to the north. Then came the reshaping of the World and most sank below The Deep Blue. Here at our world’s roof, as its roots broke and the lands tilted, these mighty mountains arose. Revealing rare Mineral and other Resources in plenty.
Skjald Ulrich
Numerous small paths lead across the mountains, some at the mountain sides only passable by one at a time, others several metres wide.
Skjald El Mary
The mountain range is divided between several Kings, Organisation and leaders. Both human and N-Erectus.
Skjald Sejrik
Be very careful when you set any Mana Flow in motion, as things here are unleashing stronger than anywhere.
Skjald El Mary
Last Updated on 2024-11-17 by IoM-Christian