

BORN: 10/07 1176 FA in Gaslug

RACE: Moss'Ari/Vular

REALM: Channelling

AURA: Cyan

HEIGHT: 183 cm




46th King of Ye Olde Zephyrs



1176 born in Gaslug

1203 Join Ye Olde Zephyrs

1215 Made Jarl

1250 At High King coronation

1250 At Woodmaster coronation

1253 At Sjekac coronation

1254 Is 45th King of Ye Olde Zephyrs


“Son of a guard… life was hard…

joined the best… outshone the rest…

Without a frown… wore their crown.”

Skjald Kazumix



Fourth Age

Born in 1176 in the coastal town of Göten, th the son of the city guard captain, he spent his youth aiding his father and training with the guardsmen. He was on a path to becoming officer of the guard when, in 1203, he encountered a group from Ye Olde Zephyrs. The impression these made on him made him leave his home and travel along to Grindaa.

So in the autumn, he stood at their great hall, pledging loyalty to Ye Olde Zephyrs, and his fighting skills soon made him a preferred participant in patrolling and raiding those who plundered their lands. Such were his skills, mood, and demeanour that he was made in 1215 Jarl.

Skjald Sejrik


Taking his position as Jarl seriously, he tried to prevent the split when War'lust left. To such an extent that several elders thought him qualified to be King. And when Black Oak resigned in 1250 to become High King, Wolfhowl kept a stiff upper lip, so to speak, and supported his comrade Woodmaster as the 43rd King. However, Woodmaster abdicated in 1253, and Sjekac became a temporary king, to be properly crowned at the Fair of the Realm in 1254. He heard the mumbling of the men.

So, it was not Sjekac who had the crown placed at his head by the High King Black Oak, but Wolfhowl, who became the 45th king of Ye Olde Zephyrs. He spent the time managing the cracked and torn lot, trying to restore the Hordes former glory, but time has changed and less fighting has taken place. Duels were no longer undertaken as laws settled disputes, and Hordes, on the surface, generally lived in peace.

Skjald Ulrich


But in 1277, when The Great Invasion hit The Realm, ‘The Wolfhowl’ rang again throughout the lands. He participated in the Cleansing Crusade and now walks the Cleansing Oath and tends his almost erased Horde.

Skjald Vinotis



Has outstanding military organisation skills.

Skjald El Mary

Last Updated on 2024-02-17 by IoM-Christian