

“Our Crafters rival the Gods in enhancing Objects, which in the hands or covering Heroes makes legend come true.”.

Skjald Sejrik



We don’t know who was the first to use Magic Paths and add a Magic Shard or whatever they did. But somewhat late in the Dark Ages Crafters realised that object creation could be enhanced in various ways. Many centuries passed as knowledge slowly developed and patterns were discovered. Depending on Magic Realm, slightly different approaches were needed. Thus, three different branches of enhancing evolved and formed their own Guilds for enhancing the 19 locations of a character.

Skjald Valgrif



Patternist (Channelling/Abilities)

Patternmakers or tattooists are enhancers that create small gateways for divine energy, either as patterns in objects worn or wielded or as tattoos on the skin of beings. It’s worth noting that tattoos become useless. Both patterns and tattoos boost abilities or bestow new ones on the wearer or wielder.

The complexity of these patterns is formed by merging the base patterns, and what ability they boost or add depends on the amount of energy poured into the enhancement.


Rune Engravers (Mentalism/Skills)

Rune Engravers are enhancers that create small focal points that can boost wielders or wearers energy storage, flow, bursts, or enhance their skills in these groups:

  • Academic
  • Animal
  • Armour
  • Athletics
  • Combat
  • General
  • Magical
  • Perception
  • Social
  • Survival

  • Feoh (Possessions)
  • Ur (Strength)
  • Thorn (Gateway)
  • Os (Signals)
  • Rad (Journey)
  • Cen (Opening)
  • Gyfu (Partnership)
  • Wyn (Joy)


  • Hagel (Disruption)
  • Nyd (Constraint)
  • Is (Standstill)
  • Ger (Harvest)
  • Eoh (Defence)
  • Peorth (Initation)
  • Eolh (Protection)
  • Sigil (Wholeness)


  • Tyr (Warrior)
  • Beorc (Growth)
  • Eh (Movement)
  • Man (The self)
  • Lagu (Flow)
  • Ing (Fertility)
  • Daeg (Breakthrough)
  • Odal (Seperation)


Gem Enhancers (Essence/Body)

Gem Enhancers fill energies into Gems and imbed these into objects so that the wielder or wearer is enhanced in its basic form. Each of these Enhanced Gems benefits with a ‰ of equal their Purity for the stats or skills, or whatever ability is embedded. Here is a wheel of gem colours cut in octagon form, but they come in many forms determined by the Gem Cutter who refined it.

  • Cyan (Zircon)
    • Presence
  • Green (Emerald)
    • Empathy
  • Yellow (Chrysoberyl)
    • Intuition
  • Orange (Citrine)
    • Wisdom
  • Red (Ruby)
    • Constitution
  • Pink (Tourmaline)
    • Quickness
  • Violet (Ametyst)
    • Strength
  • Blue (Sapphire)
    • Dexterity
  • Rainbow (Opal)

Skjald Sigurd



Enhancers are generally skilled in several of their branches and organised in guilds.

Apprentice (I)

Apprentices are able to enhance objects with purity from 1 to 174.

Novice (II)

Novices are able to enhance objects with purity from 1 up to 299.

Journeyman (III)

Journeymen are able to enhance objects with purity from 1 to 424.

Chief (IV)

Chiefs are able to enhance objects with purity from 1 to 549.

Master (V)

Masters are able to enhance objects with purity from 1 to 674.

Lord (VI)

Lords are able to enhance objects with purity from 1 to 799.

Overlord (VII)

Overlords are able to enhance objects with purity from 1 to 924.

Grandlord (VIII)

Grandlords are able to enhance objects with purity from 1 to 1000.

Skjald Ulrich



Enhancers have, through time, learned that objects can only contain or channel a certain amount of the same energy type. Thus, enhancers adhere to the Medoza Matrix that guides not only stacking limits of one specific energy type. But it also elaborates on the narrowing of the spectrum used as it builds up. Here shown using Cyan:

[*][*][*][*][*][*][*] [*] 1 Cyan enhancement allows for full use on either side, and 1 multicolor.

[*][*][*][*][*][*] [*][*] 2 Cyan Enhancements narrows the use of either side by 1 and 2 Multicolor.

[*][*][*][*][*] [*][*][*] 3 Cyan Enhancements narrows the use of either side by 2 and 2 multicolor.

[*][*][*][*] [*][*][*][*] 4+ Cyan Enhancements narrows the use of either side by 3 and 1-4 Multicolor.

Note that this only covers one type of Cyan energy, as one Enhancing 2 [*][*] Gems can use a [*] Rune or Pattern, etc.

Skjald El Mary

Last Updated on 2024-02-07 by IoM-Christian