

“Through time, Crafting skills have grown to such height that some crafters Objects are almost divine!”.

Skjald Ulrich



Refiners of raw materials, resources, makers of items, and assemblers of complex objects have existed since the dawn of time. In the beginning, knowledge and skills gained in their lifetime either died with the passing of the local craftsman or were passed to a child of the family or an adopted Apprentice. As time went on, crafters began sharing knowledge across workshops and towns in order to improve their work and secure not only knowledge but also overall quality and set some sort of standard for workshop and market prices.

Though most crafters stayed at their location, some either moved to greater locations and set up workshops there. Building up customer bases due to their good quality, excellent service, or clever design. Slowly, all these factors set a production fee and time standard, and trading circumstances evolved into today’s way of doing business. Either as a standalone or under the wings of Crafter Guilds, securing standards and fees even more. These do, though, tend to scorn Journeymen for their exceptional skills in arriving at a location and disrupting a worn-out customer base. But customers go where quality is available and object purity and durability are the highest!

Skjald Sejrik



Today, there are hundreds of guilds spread out across The Realm covering a vast range of specialised Professions. Listing them all here would be a hard tale for my throat. But if you listen to Skjald’s sigurds tale about Guilds, you’ll be much wiser.

But common among them all is that they are structured with apprentices as the lowest and Overlord as the highest rank, and Skills. Most have also evolved strict rules for skill usage and object creation, so no respectable guild will produce illegal objects and the like. When they begin, they start as apprentices, and at some point, they become skilled enough to be journeymen. This mostly means they travel around with their tools, boxes, and odd backpacks, trying to learn more. Some even have small wheelbarrows, charts, or even waggons, making them a spectacular sight.

When they get skilled enough, they become chiefs and then generally take over or start a new workshop. From there, they improve their skills further and slowly climb the ranks of their guild until they become Lord. Amongst the Lords, a guild elects a Overlord either for a set period or lifetime until the person retires of their own free will or dies. These Overlords are at times invited to Mt. Vula by Gods or can get there from Questing. Guild Overlords are all candidates, and every year they elect one Grandlord that must take residence at Mt. Vula for said year.

Skjald Sigurd


Apprentice (I)

Apprentices in a craft have skills from 1 to 125.

They are able to produce objects with a durability of 5/5.

Apprentice objects have a one hundred percent chance of wearing off.

Create 1 slot for Enhancing.


Novice (II)

Novices in a craft have skills from 126 to 325.

They are able to produce objects with a durability of 10/10.

Novice objects have a 75 percent chance of wearing off.

They have 10 extra slots for raw materials and items.

Create two slots for enhancement.


Journeyman (III)

Journeymen in a craft have skills from 326 to 500.

Journeymen are able to produce objects with a durability of 20/20.

Journeyman objects have a 50% chance of wearing off.

They have 20 extra slots for raw materials and items.

They have one extra slot for tools.

They have one extra slot for engines.

Create three slots for enhancement.


Chief (IV)

Chiefs in a craft have skills ranging from 501 to 650.

Chiefs are able to produce objects with a durability of 25/25.

Chief objects have a 25‰ chance of wearing off.

They have one slot available for students.

They have 30 extra slots for raw materials and items.

They have two extra slots for tools.

They have two extra slots for engines.

They have one slot for the workshop.

Chiefs are the first Crafting Fame class level that allows for setting up a workshop.

Create four slots for enhancement.


Master (V)

Masters in a craft have skills from 651 to 775.

Masters are able to produce objects with a durability of 50/50.

Master objects have a 10‰ chance of wearing off.

They have two slots available for students.

They have 50 extra slots for raw materials and items.

They have two extra slots for tools.

They have three extra slots for engines.

They have one slot for the workshop.

Create five slots for enhancement.


Lord (VI)

Lords in a craft have skills from 776 to 875.

Lords are able to produce objects with a durability of 100/100.

Lord objects have a 5‰ chance of wearing off.

They have three slots available for students.

They have 60 extra slots for raw materials and items.

They have four extra slots for tools.

They have four extra slots for engines.

They have one slot for the workshop.

Create six slots for enhancement.

Lords are the candidates for the Crafting Branch Overlord title.

Lords can be invited to Mt. Vula.


Overlord (VII)

Overlords in a craft have skills from 876 to 950.

Overlords are able to produce objects with a durability of 500/500.

Overlord objects have a 3‰ chance of wearing off.

They have four extra slots available for students.

They have 70 extra slots for raw materials and items.

They have five extra slots for tools.

They have five extra slots for engines.

Create 7 slots for enhancement.

Overlords are the candidates for the yearly Grandlord title.

Overlords can be invited to Mt. Vula or gain access by Questing.


Grandlord (VII)

Grandmasters in a craft have skills ranging from 951 to 1000.

Grandlords are able to produce objects with a durability of 1000/1000.

Grandlord objects have a 1‰ chance of wearing off.

They have five extra slots available for students.

They have 100 extra slots for raw materials and items.

They have six extra slots for tools.

They have six extra slots for engines.

Create 8 slots for enhancement.

Grandparents have temporary residence at Mt. Vula.

Skjald Sigurd


Here, a master is about to craft a Ravens Banner, and as you can see, the object will be able to get 5 enhancements.

The recipe shows two major things: raw materials, resources, items to be consumed in the crafting, and tools needed. Tools can also be engines and/or co-workers.

In the Raw Materials, Resource, and Item row, the top right numbers display how many of these are required out of the total amount in stock. The top left number and colour indicate if the resources to be consumed are those with the lowest (red), middle white),  or highest green)  value in their inventory.

In the Tools row, you can see how many tools are required and the skill level of the crafter.

Skjald Sejrik



Crafters make things… the purest of rings…

Yet Enhance… They don’t, by chance.

Skjald Kazumix

Last Updated on 2024-02-10 by IoM-Christian