Tropical Zone



“From the thick, dense foilage come the most precious remedies and foods.”

Skjald Yell'a'Beard



The tropical regions are hot and humid, with rain falling frequently and in great quantities. These lands are rich with dense forests and diverse wildlife, thriving under the warm embrace of the sun. Rivers and lakes abound, feeding the lush vegetation and typically rich in animal life.

Hot and lush expanses, where the sun’s warmth is constant during the day, the moon delivers cooling nights, and rains fall with abundance. In some areas, where the tropical regions touch dry lands, the intense rainfall leads to the sudden growth of verdant areas amidst the arid surroundings. At the border with temperate zones, the tropicall climate moderates slightly, leading to less intense heat and more balanced precipitation.

Skjald El Mary



Tropical climates include areas such as; southern Utari, Mealis, and Findon; northern Naldar, Midgard, and Markeoy.

Average Temperature Range: Consistently high temperatures throughout the year with minimal seasonal variation.

Precipitation Patterns: High levels of precipitation, often in the form of frequent, heavy rainfall, especially during the monsoon season.

Wind Patterns: Generally trade winds, although tropical storms and hurricanes can occur, especially in coastal areas.


  • Rainforest trees with diverse canopy layers
  • Orchids and bromeliads
  • Mangrove forests in coastal areas
  • Palm trees and bamboo


  • Mammals: monkeys, jaguars, tapirs, sloths
  • Birds: parrots, toucans, hummingbirds
  • Reptiles: snakes, lizards, crocodiles
  • Amphibians: frogs, toads
  • Insects: butterflies, beetles, ants

Human Adaptations:

  • Lightweight, breathable clothing for hot and humid conditions.
  • Adaptation to high humidity levels.
  • Development of water-based transportation and fishing.
  • Construction of dwellings to maximise ventilation.

N-Erectus Adaptations:

  • Physiological adaptations such as increased sweat glands and efficient cooling mechanisms.
  • Amphibious or arboreal adaptations for specific species.
  • Development of unique hunting and gathering strategies.
  • Use of natural materials for shelter and clothing.

Skjald Ulrich



Watch your hands and steps, as poisonous stings and biters are beneath every leaf.

Skjald Kazumix

Last Updated on 2024-08-10 by IoM-Christian