Truename Tome


“Some of those who heard the Hymn of Truenames have written the lyrics into precious Truename Tomes.”

Skjald El Mary



Seeing their work being bent, torn, and outright destroyed, the Vornir decided to sing all Truenames through The Void, Astral, and our World.

Some used these in the ongoing conflict; others saw an opportunity to face old foes on equal terms or even attempt previously impossible feats, besting Monsters or gaining sought-after answers. Most of these forgot that more than Truenames mattered and knew not sufficient Hand Weaving, or lacked Mana Flow, etc., so they failed.

Others either realised their limitations or saw this as a means for Mana Thread study—almost as if trying to figure out the very nature of Vornir minds—and thus the key to an even higher level of mana manipulation. So Tomes were written, and mind me saying, in varying quality, as some are very well-built masterpieces. Masterpieces that can be studied alone due to the very nature of their content, but also content that could be studied in groups or groups for a better understanding of what was just tread.

Skjald El Mary




Not all wrote what they recall… so better grab big and small… read it all…

Knowing a God’s won’t hurt… but do not blurt… as even whispers are heard.

Skjald Kazumix


Most Truename Tomes are written by different individuals, so their content varies greatly. Both in what it is but also in how it is organised, and really important to stress is how it is recalled upon writing it down. Merely relying on a single Tomes Truename can, in the worst case, prove fatal, as it was heard and written down by an untrained ear and an unskilled Scholar or Mana Manipulator. So if you can get several matching references to the same from separate sources, you are on safer ground.

Its also worth mentioning that attempting to pronounce truenames, hand weaving untaught or unfamiliar patterns, etc. can result in a fatal experience. Not only for the foolhearted but for entire rooms filled with Scholars whose last heard words will be yealls of precausion or sreams of agony.

Because energies released from the mere mumble of lore explored can be enough to stir reality and start an increasing swirl. Generally, though, Tomes with such powerful content are protected by Magic Paths. and at times even have enhanced coverage, telling of the dangers that lie within its embrace. But it has been seen that distracted souls or creators on the brink of insanity or malignant intent have recorded information that should long have echoed out.

Skjald Valgrif



Some Truename Tomes even contain Truenames of individuals of the Divine Races and Monsters of the Void.

Skjald Sejrik

Last Updated on 2024-02-07 by IoM-Christian