“Since dawn of time Alchemists has improved refining of Raw material, raising Purity and improving Enhancing“—to al -to almost Divine level.”
There’s indication that it all started when sharp-witted individuals noticed how Boriac picked up raw material, scoffed it away, or seemingly smilingly tucked it in a bag. Easily seeing what was scoffed and eventually figuring out what was kept, the hunt to improve our own finds began. Either for self-usage or as barter goods, as everyone knew, Boriac rewarded well in many ways. It was not long before attempts to refine or improve barter were attempted; the rewards far outweighed the loss of a piece or two in borked handling.
Skjald Valgrif
- Ianiuar
- Manitz
- Ipralia
- Yamay
- Youlai
- Scemti
- Novbii
- Demba
Raw materials
Inorganic and organic, in these groups:
- Air
- Earth
- Water
Skjald Sigurd
Alchemists are generally skilled in several of their branches and organised in guilds.
Apprentice (I)
Apprentices are able to make items and objects with purity from 1 to 174.
Novice (II)
Novices are able to make items and objects with purity from 1 up to 299.
Journeyman (III)
Journeymen are able to make items and objects with purity from 1 to 424.
Chief (IV)
Chiefs are able to make items and objects with purity from 1 to 549.
Master (V)
Masters are able to make items and objects with purity from 1 to 674.
Lord (VI)
Lords are able to make items and objects with purity from 1 to 799.
Overlord (VII)
Overlords are able to make items and objects with purity from 1 to 924.
Grandlord (VIII)
Grandlords are able to make items and objects with a purity of 1 to 1000.
Skjald Ulrich
Alchemists either have or can make what you want, or know who does.
Skjald Sejrik
Last Updated on 2024-01-29 by IoM-Christian