- Path of Analysis
- Path of Animation
- Path of Astral Wandering
- Path of Beast-mastery
- Path of Chaos Swilrs
- Path of Cold
- Path of Control
- Path of Countering
- Path of Creations
- Path of Crafting
- Path of Curses
- Path of Darkness
- Path of Detection
- Path of Disease
- Path of Dissolve
- Path of Disguise
- Path of Divinity
- Path of Earth
- Path of Enhancement
- Path of Enlightenment
- Path of Fire
- Path of Astral Weaving
- Path of Healing
- Path of Herbs
- Path of Illusions
- Path of Intuition
- Path of Water
- Path of Weather
- Path of Wind
- Path of Light
- Path of Magic Language
- Path of Movement
- Path of Muting
- Path of Nature
- Path of Origins
- Path of Poison
- Path of Protection
- Path of Purification
- Path of Repulsion
- Path of Resistance
- Path of Runes
- Path of Shielding
- Path of Shifting
- Path of Spirits
- Path of Summons
- Path of Telekinesis
- Path of Telepathy
- Path of Tracking
- Path of Weather
“Astral energies can be altered by the strongwilled, sometimes for the benefit of people, sometimes just for the benefit of the mana manipulator.”
Rooted in the mind… or the spirit, both residing in the carcass… originates the energies… of mentalism magic.
Ingredients and gesturing… is not needed… as it’s a matter of presence, wisdom, and empathy… for the mentalist manipulator… to reshape what Vornir or manipulator did.
Skjald Kazumix
Most scholars and mana manipulators believe that mentalism is the peak achievement in mind over matter. Reaching 8th level in any mentalism magic paths demonstrates that one has mastered complicated patterns of mana threads.
Skjald Sigurd
The Drakk Alfar elders claim it was easier to perform void weaving when they lived in it, and back then it was but one art, or school if you prefer.
World ReformingSince it, the art of mentalism has evolved into two schools, each grounded on either the mind or the body of the mana manipulator. As a result, one gets established in cyan and green, or red and pink, while the other slowly becomes inaccessible, dangerous, or outright forbidden to explore.
Skjald Sejrik
It has been taught that mentalism can only be achieved via intense focus, meditation, and rituals. Otherwise, one cannot unthread and/or recreate energies that are either floating freely or bound in form and existence as woven by the Vornir. When manipulating, one may even change the makeup of whatever is the objective by adding elements.
Even gods do not appear to be able to construct the fabric of the mana sea into mana threads like the vornir, or perhaps there is a distinction in how vornir, gods, and lesser species just re-spin mana threads. For mana sea energy is often discovered in crystalized fragments and bits in their aura colour. These strange, slightly translucent items with no truename can be utilized to change reality or feed the ever-wanting contender gods. Theres eight shards for this realm.
Skjald Valgrif
Mentalist of the mind…
Colour: Cyan
Gender: Male
Stat: Empathy
Colour: Green
Gender: Female
Stat: Intuition
Mentalist of the body…
Colour: Red
Gender: Male
Stat: Constitution
Colour: Pink
Gender: Female
Stat: Dexterity
Mentalist shared colour realms…
Colour: Yellow
Gender: Male
Stat: Presence
Colour: Orange
Gender: Female
Stat: Wisdom
Colour: Violet
Colour: Blue
Gender: Female
Stat: Quickness
The uncoloured…
Colour: Chaos (Rainbow) – Crystalized
Gender: Both
Stat: All
Gods: All
Colour: Chaos (Rainbow) – Living
Gender: Both
Stat: All
Gods: All
Skjald Ulrich
Mentalist manipulators are the most competent at releasing magic paths unseen and unnoticed by others.
Skjald Vinotis
Last Updated on 2025-01-01 by IoM-Christian