Methil Maniour


BORN: 6/8 1226 FA in Bebram

RACE: Jomzaar/Tatongōl

REALM: Channelling

AURA: Orange

HEIGHT: 199 cm




2nd High King of The Realm


“Never has there been a merrier, honest, and outright dishohoured King than Metil Maniour, also known as the ‘Paladin’.”

Skjald Sejrik



Metil was born in 1226 by a noble couple close to the High King, yet as they held etics high, their son never enrered Grimsborg. They also made sure no rival plotter could set up traps for their son or use him to scheme their hard-earned seats at court.

Parents busy with state affairs, he was left with household staff and a mixed handful of lesser and lower nobility sons and daughters. Which allowed him plenty of time for studying literature, the arts, and playing music. Quite a singer and poet as well, the charming youngster also had a talent for acrobatics and was exceptionally well built. The sheltered life was what vecane his cane though, as he had no real feel for court plotting and people’s urge to gain power at any cost.

Skjald Sigurd


As time passed, his friends got positions and responsibilities, yet he kept being the unbound one. As he acted cleverly, he even avoided the fruit of love and stayed unmarried. The lack of ties, despite quite a large circle of nobility and Court Officials, was, though, what became his ticket to the highest of thrones and a crown thought unreachable. But that did not happen until 1264.

When he became 30, he began travelling The Realm visiting exiting places and soaking in what information could be gained. Thus, he also began to meet and befriend those we call heroes. I think it was these friendships that finalised the future vote. Anyways, Solvarr Svartholtr met the young massive muscle mountain at The Beastmaster Fair in 1262, as he had heard about the young fountain of joy and a good wrestle. The High King asked for a friendly test of skills, to which Metil reluctantly bent; he had no intention to break the ‘old tree’. A comment that arose a roar of laughter and a storm of swift bets meant that they both donned weapons. The lad displayed quite a skill, but it ended with a High Kings victory.

But from that day on,  Metil became part of the High Kings personal guard. Thus he entered the centre of Grimsborgs court by his own merit; his parents showed great joy hearing this but suppressed anxious fear. This is what they told me over dinner, and we should have a bite too.

Skjald Yell'a'Beard


Only 2 years later, Solvarr ‘Black Oak’ Svartholtr resigned as High King, and much to everyone’s surprise, an overwhelming majority elected Metil as 2nd High King. Black Oak opened a series of inns throughout The Realm, called The Black Oak Inn. Many of the old heroes left Grimsborg Court to pursue personal goals or old dreams. Some to Halkistal; others to their former Hordes. Thus, Metil had a growing problem: alone at the throne and no deep ties to lean on—a disaster was brewing.

Skjald Ulrich


At the Fair of The Realm in 1270, the High Kings reelection showed a large crack in The Realm as more than a quarter of the assembled voted for another noblesman from Noriag. Metin spent the next three years trying to solve the stirring conflict between the fractions without success. Somehow, a group who called themselves The Torch had an eye for the crown and treasure chamber of The Realm. Certain they could gain unimaginable wealth, they spent a fortune bribing, promishing trade consessions, blackmail, outright murder, and discussions with agents of a foreign army from Outlands that could aid in case the Grimsborg Guard or the major Hordes should be a problem.

In 1974, Kjertil 'Nail' Ninch was elected 3rd High King of the Realm by 1 vote more than Metil. As the various guests were leaving the event that same evening, the new High King entered the chambers of Metil and told him to leave Grimsborg along with his personal staff, friends, and parents! An order that almost resulted in Metil cracking that freshly elected squeaking parrots skull open, but he left Grimsborg as ordered.

Skjald Valgrif


It’s said he was seen at The Deep Inn in 1277, just a day late, to catch some good old friends. But he stayed a few days as the Skjald El Mary and the seemingly discussed what Metil knew about The Torch till late hours, with Deepminded or at his room.

Skjald Vinotis



Since his departure as High King, he has travelled unbound, but when The Great Invasion hit, he came forth and crached foe heads. Now, if still alive, he’s roaming the dusty roads of the realm.

Skjald Ulrich

Last Updated on 2024-02-07 by IoM-Christian