“The formula of every being consists of a small number of variables. Distinguishing it amongst its kin Yin 'ar Rauloratis of the Scholars“
All the way back in the mists of First Age some scholars began to name and measure certain traits: height, weight, age, pulse, lift and carry ability, etc. These soon gathered in such vast numbers that minimums, maximums, and averages could be determined for genders and races. Through time, these have been refined into the categories and groupings explained here.
Skjald Sejrik
Stats are used to define a character’s inert skill capabilities and alignment within the realms of Magic, as well as the characters Aura Colour and strongest tie to a God.
The higher a stat, the more it benefits the character, and even though characters can have as low as a stat of 1, it’s uncommon for heroes to have stats below 64. Some are currently living Human even with stats as high as 100 or more. But those are exceptional individuals.
Skjald Sigurd
The general ability to resist disease, poison, pain, shock, bleeding, and other fatiguing hardships, as well as absorbing damage and handling the strain on the Mana Carcass when performing magic outbursts or flow-throughs.
This stat is used for determining a character’s magic abilities in Essence or Mentalism.
This stat is associated with Red. .
This stat is tied to God. Kaganthi
The general ability to use one’s muscles to the greatest advantage and movement capabilities in manoeuvres such as defence, firing missiles, stealth, and litheness.
This stat is used for determining a character’s magic abilities in essence or mentality.
This stat is associated with Blue.
This stat is tied to the godess Bylgi.
The general ability to feel and display compassion towards one’s surroundings and the extent to which one is able to comfort others. It also impacts how well a character interacts with and handles any Fylgia.
This stat is used for determining a character’s magic abilities in Channelling.
This stat is associated with Green.
This stat is tied to the godess Babusla.
The general ability to perceive things and figure out how to best handle situations, the likely consequences of actions, the odds on the fly, etc.
This stat is used for determining a character’s magic abilities in channelling or mentalism.
This stat is associated with Yellow.
This stat is tied to the god Gulmur.
The general ability to act with proper bearing, courage, and self-discipline. Its also the ability to exercise control of mind over body to push harder in the pursuit of goals, affect other characters, draw upon inner reserves, etc.
This stat is used for determining a character’s magic abilities in channelling or mentalism.
This stat is associated with Cyan.
This stat is tied to the god Mumra.
The general ability to use brute musculature affects capabilities in melee combat, carrying loads, and other activities requiring physical effort.
This stat is used for determining a character’s magic abilities in essence.
This stat is associated with Violet.
This stat is tied to God. Zazkar
The general ability determining the speed of conscious reaction time and reflexes also affects a character’s readiness.
This stat is used for determining a character’s magic abilities in essence.
This stat is associated with Pink. .
This stat is tied to the godess Nertilu.
The general ability to use common sense and reasoning affects activities that require thought or insight. As well as comprehending what was previously encountered, categorising it for future use, and drawing logical conclusions, such as learning languages, learning spell lists, reading runes, etc.
This stat is used for determining a character’s magic abilities in channelling.
This stat is associated with Orange.
This stat is tied to the godess Natiha.
Skjald Ulrich
Last Updated on 2024-02-07 by IoM-Christian