Mana Thread



“Things existing come from Mana, some spin into great Heroes of such impact that they shape their time.”.

Skjald El Mary



Mana threads are what most are made of, say Vornir, Boriac. and maybe Thursar. There are, of course, things in The Void. maybe of self-spun, raw, and unnamed Mana Threads, maybe of something similar to Vornir, Boriac, or Thursar. Regardless, they have no Truename as they are from prior to the Vornirs obsessive control.

Some Gods claim that once there was only the Void, then vague energies began to glow and shimmer. As time went on, they grew and began to drift towards each other. In a slow swirl, they mixed, and their multicolor radiated throughout the Void. Then suddenly, a female and a male stepped into the swirling chaos. Soon others came from all directions Directions and they took residence in this colourful, swirling heavenly place, enjoying and toying with the shapeable colours.

Their interactions with the colours had the odd effect that the colours grew in mass and density. And at some point, their place was sort of solid but also vast, so the colours began to drift away as ases. Drifting off, it crystalized and became odd Shards. Shards that, when picked up and brought back, would dissolve back to swirling colours. Others had become Raw material, Flora, Fauna, Monster, or Races.

Skjald Sejrik


Thus began the Vornir to control what drifted away, broke off, and came to be. Carefully viewing the drifting colours, they also began to weave at it, shaping the things to be. Shortening, extending, and gently weaving colours, they slowly improved their skills and experimented with how they felt the colours radiated. Thus is everything formed by a mana thread, shaped into what it wanted to be, and having an Aura Colour telling of its inner Spirit.

Generally, it’s only Vornir who has formed things, but we know that some Wickeryadi taught Drakk Alfar their exceptional Hand Weaving skills. And in exchange for teaching the Vornir this, the Drakk Alfars were allowed to aid in shaping some mana threads—but not how many.

One of these could have been what became the Ljost Alfar. Insilnuella Eranvurtal as she had what seemed like a birthgift regarding weaving. A gift that brought her from our world to the Astral, where she for 16 years wandered around shaping things. Then, because of her talent and skill development, she was approached by the Vornir. Grand Lady Nanin Kamill le Toft and asked if she wanted to exchange knowledge.

Such was her progress that she surpassed every Drakk Alfar and was allowed to inflict her will on a lot of Mana threads that were to become Moss'Ari.

Skjald Vinotis



They are organised into the 8 colours of the Magic Realm.

Skjald Sigurd



Each has a true name… each has a spirit… each has a fate… and all dissolve in time.

Skjald Kazumix

Last Updated on 2024-02-07 by IoM-Christian