

“How it happened, was it a breach in the Astral or in our World, that allowed energies to give birth to breathing, thinking, crafting races—not even Thursar seems to know. But through countless millennia, each has evolved and formed distinguished races that interbred peacefully or warred for dominance.”

Skjald Ulrich



There is no doubt the Divine Races are the oldest, nor that those we call N-Erectus are older than Human but for our Erectus ancestors. Exactly how they came to life is uncertain, but tales, countless millennia old, of Vornir discovering a Mana leak between The Void and the Astral. Tells of Vornir, who began to spin those energies, giving them form and purpose. I’m not quite sure that the Vornir should be thus praised, but since Scholars have nothing to disprove, I guess they can have it for now.

Skjald Sejrik


Through intense studies of the oldest scrolls and books. As well as long talks and discussions with some of the oldest of all living beings, even Gods, Boriac, Thursar, and some Wickeryadi. We have been able to construct an order of birth for all the intelligent races. But, as most occurred in the early Dark Ages, we don’t know years or time spans. But we do know that whats called 1st Cataclysm came after the birth of Ljost- and Drakk Alfar, and it was during this that the Aquerian and Sealkin were first seen. The Old Reshape, as we call the cooling down of our world, also saw the first T'Aurs stepping forth.

  1. ThursarWickeryadiVornirBoriac
  2. Voidnodes/Gods
  3. Erectus
  4. Drakk Alfar
  5. Ljost Alfar
  6. Missing Link
  7. Vampire
  8. Dwarves
  9. Sealkin
  10. Aquerian
  11. T'Aurs
  12. Kobold
  13. Sproblin
  14. Ye'Til
  15. Naledi
  16. Garectus
  17. Mammutan
  18. Floren
  19. Ubag
  20. Fautyr
  21. Kinoblin
  22. Anurai
  23. Antesse
  24. Roden
  25. Ergaster
  26. Pigryn
  27. Herto
  28. Heidel
  29. Neander
  30. Denisov
  31. Cromagi
  32. Moss'ari
  33. Common
  34. Romasai
  35. Izir
  36. Utarik
  37. Rimzir
  38. Jomzaar
  39. Vular
  40. Clovincaz
  41. Ogryl
  42. Findograa
  43. Tatongol
  44. Borji
  45. Markian
  46. Darim
  47. Ortagui
  48. N'Aldaan
  49. Ughuz
  50. Arisen
  51. Realmar
  52. Lava Imp

The reason gods are mentioned second is due to the fact that some, not all, of the mana links the Boriac created were prior to the first of races. And as no one has been able to, with certainity, determine the order of links that became gods and races standing tall. We have decided to rank their group as such.

Skjald Valgrif


As such, a whole new race sprang forth when Ljostari sank, and the Deep Blue flooded the remains of the dead, as it was from that tsunami that the Arisen sprang forth.

Skjald El Mary


The other races and humans are alike in so many things, but in one they are set apart. It seems, due to studies of Draugr, that humans alone among races have the ability to force their Spirit to stay in our world, even though their Carcass is damaged beyond repair or they die. In which case the spirit keeps the body animated. Aside from that, races are alike in appearance but with variations in looks and the time until they die of age.

The other races do, though, have a much longer time span in our world and were born long before any human sub-race. Some are even half of the current human sub-races. Their world-time and long-lasting cultures have bestowed upon them a much more relaxed and strategic approach to world affairs, unlike the more impetuous and rashly short-lived mankind. Which might be the explanation why it took them so long to come aid humans in The Great Invasion.

Skjald Sigurd



Prior to The Great Invasion, most humans blissfully thought themselves sole inhabitants of The Realm. and considered other races pure fiction, or occasional Monster best slain, and thus they lived happily ignorant, but those with insight knew better…

The world consists of many races, and as we all learned, far more than lived in The Realm, Darin, Outlands. and even more than lived above The Rim.

Skjald Yell'a'Beard


Most people froze and children shuddered when a Kobold, Kinoblin, or T’Aurs entered a village, and even sturdy guards or traders clearly showed their discomfort when approached. While others, accustomed to dealing with or working with other races, merely had a merry smile and easily went into cosy chat or business. The Great Invasion made these factors even more visible, and common folk have begun fleeing the scene whenever any racial creature but humans show up, while those accustomed to the other races merely base their actions upon one simple question: is this one of the hostile races or is it one of the friendly ones? This is a fact that has cost many a being from the other race’s life, despite its intentions, and many a human from the renegade or traitor.

Skjald Valgrif


I find it odd, though, that the tall dark sticks of northern Findon and the hairy muscle mountains of southern West Fjella, despite all our diversity and sprawled looks, have that little insight and respect for the other native races. I mean, we humans do, after all, cover all of The Realm, leaving very little room for the others to act as they would like. But oddly enough, they seem to accept this.

Skjald Vinotis



They are able to keep their spirit in the world and thus become Draugr.

Skjald Yell'a'Beard


Last Updated on 2024-09-20 by IoM-Christian