


From muscular to bulky

Height: (cm)

Females: 305-355

Males: 330-380



Females: 270-280

Males: 280-290


Females; 350-390

Males: 345-370


Shades of  brown, some even dark orange


Mostly brown








“In the Dark Ages Gods created these resilient Warriors as a tool to roam the pitch dark The Void and our World.”

Skjald El Mary



They are distinguished by being of considerable larger size than anyone else, and with their size, great ears, and tusks, they even make T'Aurs look small. They seemingly favour a nomadic culture and are fierce warriors Beastmaster's, usually accompanied by several mechanised animals and beasts, wearing boxes, bags, quivers, tools, and whatnot.

The Northern Clans are non-furred, thick-skinned like Elephants. and the southern ones from down around The Rim are furred like Mammoths.

The only major variations we have noticed are that trunkless ones exist, and these semmingly are far more able to bond with Spirits. and thus function as sort of Fylgia Lot trackers.

Another, although minor variation, is the size of tusks and ears. With tusks, we have seen no compensation done by individuals, but regarding ears, we have noticed that they tend to add shoulder-enlarging armour, generally in the form of horns or spikes.

Skjald Vinotis



If the legend is true, then no wonder nothing scares them, being a favourite tool of the gods. They simply ignore any danger or disasterous odds and are quite capable Warriors Mana Manipulator. The only thing that seemingly annoys them so much that they act rash are Fylgia possessed people. There must be something with the loose Spirit. According to Yell'a'Beard, the saying over there was that they had killed most Outlands Fylgin and promptly hunted those discovered. But he was not down in their own part of the Outlands, so he hasn’t seen for himself.

How they evolved, if at all, is beyond us, but they have a very strong grip on Southern. Armelien where they dominate the area known as Uestu. Yet it still eludes us why they joined The Great Invasion.

Skjald Valgrif



Back home, they live in dispersed settlements, either as Walder in small settlements or as wandering Nomad groups. Here they merely stampeded around, hard to catch and kill.

Skjald Ulrich








Exactly how they are organised we are unsure of, but we do know that all eyes in The Great Invasion are males and most often are encountered alone. No females are seen here, so we only have Yell'a'Beards words for their looks.

They are dispersed around The Realm in small clan-like groups, doing random damage as they see fit. Each clan is led by a leader who decides everything—until they are slain in battle or assassinated. We have never seen one betray its kind or surrender willingly.

Skjald Sigurd






They have the ability to bind with others Fylgia, thus being able to see ‘visions’ revealing their prey.

Skjald Sejrik


Last Updated on 2024-04-09 by IoM-Christian