Mana Manipulator




  • Path of Analysis
  • Path of Animation
  • Path of Astral Wandering
  • Path of Beast-mastery
  • Path of Chaos Swilrs
  • Path of Cold
  • Path of Control
  • Path of Countering
  • Path of Creations
  • Path of Crafting
  • Path of Curses
  • Path of Darkness
  • Path of Detection
  • Path of Disease
  • Path of Dissolve
  • Path of Disguise
  • Path of Divinity
  • Path of Earth
  • Path of Enhancement
  • Path of Enlightenment
  • Path of Fire
  • Path of Hand Weaving
  • Path of Healing
  • Path of Herbs
  • Path of Illusions
  • Path of Intuition
  • Path of Water
  • Path of Weather
  • Path of Wind
  • Path of Light
  • Path of Magic Language
  • Path of Movement
  • Path of Muting
  • Path of Nature
  • Path of Origins
  • Path of Poison
  • Path of Protection
  • Path of Purification
  • Path of Repulsion
  • Path of Resistance
  • Path of Runes
  • Path of Shielding
  • Path of Shifting
  • Path of Spirits
  • Path of Summons
  • Path of Telekinesis
  • Path of Telepathy
  • Path of Tracking
  • Path of Weather


Remembing how the little girl smiled in joy, broke patterns, and rushed things many decades ago. The mismanipulation creating an astral rift and the loosened energies seeking carcasses to fill warped and dissolved his comrades. And the deafening roar silencing alongside her scream as the rift consumed all but him. So when he saw that glimpse in the boy’s eye and the wrinkled twist of the mouth, he slammed a silencing aura on the lad.

Skjald Sejrik



A mana manipulator is someone who has the ability to bend, augment, twist, or otherwise modify reality content or energy flow. Because their untrained acts have resulted in blunders and calamities in the past, it is currently regarded as best practice to put these capabilities in the care of a teacher as soon as they are discovered. As a result, newfound manipulators are put as apprentices under the supervision of an experienced manipulator. As a result, they are coached in accordance with what is thought to be the most potential.

Throughout schooling, students gradually develop their talents, skills, and knowledge. This results in what is known as “spanning the colors.” Slowly gaining power and increasing the scope of manipulation. As a result, a properly taught apprentice achieving novice rank may begin to practice a neighbouring aura olor. When they reach Journeyman level, they can choose a third aura colour, and so on.

Skjald El Mary



Dark Ages

Mana manipulating started after the Vornir and Boriac had entered the astral. When they began to tamper with and shape mana leaking or delivered to the void, they started to link to their findings. It’s somewhat unclear if Wickeryadi and Thursar were taught by the boriacs or if they figured themselves. But Wickeryadi was the first to teach Drakk Alfar, and Thursar was the first to teach Dwarves. Thus, ensuring the knowledge trickled down the racial ladder.

Up through the First Age, Second Age, and Third Age, the sharing and teachings became more and more formalised, as well as limited in scope and sharing. And at the beginning of the Fourth Age, the apprentice system was close tobeinge dropped. But the cost of losing prospective talent or bystanders exceeded any championing the termination.

However, some still argue that its existence also prevents the advancement of potent arcane magic, as well as keeping control and power in the hands of magic schools and certain masters and lords. These voices are though mostly silenced by promotion, bribing, or disseaperance of the one claiming foul play.

Skjald Vinotis



Many people have perished in misery, transformed into cripples or horrific beasts, or disturbed reality due to bad casting. As a result, magic users have decided to follow the information learned. Thus, it is extremely unusual for anyone to venture down unexplored roads or attempt to cast and manipulate beyond one’s ability, although its easily attempted.

Most people stick to the rigid realms, paths, and levels of mastery, which are divided into eight separate knowledge and difficulty levels. The perceptive may note a resemblance with the way guilds are constructed, and it’s no accident – but it’s unclear who copied who due to thousands of years of history.


Truenames, VornirianMana Mastery, Mana Burst, Mana Carcass, Hand Weaving, Void Weaving, Alchemy, and Ingredients are the eight Magic Schools that every Manipulator of the Mana Sea practices and trains in.

Alchemy: how Ingredients are prepared.

Hand Weaving: indicates the precision with which the caster’s hand gestures affect reality by controlling the shape and flow of the Mana Sea.

Ingredients: Understanding of which raw materials, resources, and so on can increase or decrease the effects of Path Spells.

  • Stats for one’s ability are Dexterity, Presence, and Wisdom

Linguistically: how precisely can the Mana Manipulator speak the True Names of objects and creatures in the old divine language Vornirian.

  • Stats for one’s ability are Empathy, Intuition, and Wisdom

Mana Mastery: the Mana Manipulator’s ability to regulate the vibrancy and keep the length of Path Spells discharged without interruption.

  • Stats for one’s ability are Empathy, Intuition, and Presence

Mana Burst: the capacity to manage large quantities of Mana released in a single Path Spell discharge without depleting soul or health pieces.

  • Stats for one’s ability are Constitution, Presence, and Wisdom

Mana Carcass: training the body to determine how much Mana a caster’s carcass can hold without warping.

  • Stats for one’s ability are Empathy, Intuition, and Strength

Truenames: how extensive is the Manipulator’s knowledge of true names, as well as their ability to discern patterns within Truenames?

  • Stats for one’s ability are Presence, Intuition, and Wisdom

Skjald Ulrich


Rag Tags (0)

They have little knowledge of Magic Paths, yet when observed surviving a spell, they usually have an Aura Color skill ranging from 1 to 49.

Bursts and Flows are safe up to 49 Mana; anything above that has a 50% risk of failing.


Apprentice (I)

Magic Paths Aura Color skill from 50 to 174.

Spell Paths can be learned and used at level 1 within 1 Aura Color.

Bursts and Flows up to 174 Mana are safe; anything over that has a 20% risk of failing.


Novice (II)

Magic Paths Aura Color skill from 175 to 299.

Spell Paths can be learned and used up to level 2, and they can span two Aura Colors.

Bursts and Flows are safe up to 299 Mana; anything above that has a 10% risk of failing.


Journeyman (III)

Magic Paths Aura Color skill from 300 to 424.

Spell Paths can be learned and used up to level 3 and span three Aura Colors.

Bursts and Flows are safe up to 424 Mana; anything above that has a 5% risk of failing.

It is possible to hire an apprentice.


Chief (IV)

Magic Paths Aura Color skill from 425 to 549.

May learn and use Spell Paths up to level 4, and span 4 Aura Colours.

Performing Bursts & Flows up to 549 Mana are safe, exceeding this is with a 4% chance of failure.

May set up a workshop.


Master (V)

Magic Paths Aura Color skill from 550 to 674.

Spell Paths can be learned and used up to level 4, and span four Aura Colors.

Bursts and Flows are safe up to 674 Mana; anything beyond that has a 4% risk of failing.

A workshop might be organised.


Lord (VI)

Magic Paths Aura Color skill from 675 to 799.

Spell Paths up to level 6 and 6 Aura Colors can be learned and used.

These great people usually keep within the five spans of safety, but a select handful have ventured to go beyond this boundary. As a result, they cover a greater range than is normally taught or mastered.

Bursts and Flows are safe up to 799 Mana; anything above that has a 1% risk of failing.


Overlord (VII)

Magic Paths Aura Color skill from 800 to 924.

Spell Paths up to level 7 and 7 Aura Colors can be learned and used.

Few have mastered a 7 Aura Color spread over time, and there is now just one Human living who has done so, Deepminded.

Bursts and Flows are safe up to 924 Mana; anything above that has a 1% risk of failing.

The contenders for the annual Grand lord title are Overlords.


Grand lord (VIII)

Magic Paths Aura Color skill from 925 to 1000.

Spell Paths up to level 8 and all 8 Aura Colors can be learned and used.

The Grand Lord studies and practices in such a way that he can span the complete Magic Wheel.

Bursts and Flows are safe up to 1000 Mana; anything above that has a 1% risk of failing.

Skjald El Mary



Mana Manipulators have a sixth sense and can detect when there are people with excellent Manipulating talents nearby, therefore they tend to avoid crowds or disguise themselves in different ways.

Skjald Ulrich



Having just escaped the Pigryns, due to Jarr'agdur N'Bolos bold Plantwall overcast. The wall blocking the pursuers long enough for the group to climb the ropes back up and pull them so they could mount and ride off. The group eventually came to a halt and decided to camp, so they also could treat their wounds.

Opening his backpack, Huggart B'Obola stared into the emptiness. Slowly drawing his dagger as he rose, he walked towards his horse. As he passed him, he stabbed it deep into “Jarr’agdur’s left eye, meanwhile shouting, “Not only did yo hav me brother killed, by yo sloppy manis, yo darn me also used me Combat Herbs for ye blocking wildniss.”

Then he jumped onto his horse and gallopped away from the stunned group.

Skjald Sejrik


Last Updated on 2024-07-27 by IoM-Christian