RACE: Findograa
REALM: Channelling
AURA: Yellow
HEIGHT: 177 cm
Elder of Fylgia Lot
“An odd fate is said to lay on her shoulders, as shes destined to live a thousand years and be reborn at millenniums end.”
At a remote farmstead, the ancient old and wise midwife held aloft the newborn, raising it towards the Moon. Looking into the skies, her eyes rolled up, and with but the white, she seemingly stared into the Astral as colours flickered and shone back. Then, with a vibrating deep voice, she uttered, “This is the millennium’s last child, born here at Vrekabo. A child destined to live us another one full!”. Then she sank dead to the floor, and it seemed like the child consumed her Spirit as it released.
Her mother, an old Ulrich
It’s unclear if it was Wrekazi, Vrekabo, or something different back then that caused the ageing and deaths of so many. But after she moved, it stopped, and even though she was back, it didn’t take place again. I assume she actually brought someone along, since she knows, but I never asked.
The small village of Akmutal at the east side of Mt. Mazari was a thriving trade centre as they had one of the purest Serandite mines in all the isles. Thus, being rather small population-wise, it had quite a number of wealthy collectors and alternative enthusiasts. So, despite being the foster child of a Herder. Wrekazi had access to Shaman and literature both, and she preferred those to playing with other children.
As the years passed, it was clear that she was gifted with shamanistic ways, and she claimed she could communicate with Fylgia. Which, combined with the old rumour about her life-consuming lifestyle, made other children and adults shun her. As I experienced, it actually fitted her perfectly, because she could then study and practice in peace. I still remember coming to Akmutal for the first time and hearing about her.
Visiting the Herdsman's son—her foster father—in 1129 at the brink of his life. He told me about her, how he found her, his father’s words, and the diary. A thing he had forgotten for so long, but as he never learned to read, he never gave it a thought. The next day, he closed his eyes for the last time, and I praised myself for being lucky that I managed to come across this remarkable story previously undiscovered. I visited her shortly, and it was she who told me about The Bay of Braburg—far””more interesting than building with Serandite.
Skjald Sejrik
When I heard Sejrik mention Wrekazi and her odd story for the first time at The Barfing Seal in 1172, I asked why he hadn’t shared it yet. He told me that he would confirm it at some point by going back to Vrekabo, or maybe he would let some Skjald do that. It’s sort of odd to think that a hundred years passed and then he became a Skjald himself. Anyways, I must watch not to fall into chit-chatting like that Yell'A'Beard and stick to Wrekazi’s story.
Immediately, I postponed plans to go to Tornix and instead headed for Quigly up the island of Utari. Within a few weeks, I was at the docks of Port Lensil and from there travelled across Yill Scrub-lands and up through the rough lands to Akmutal. There, outside the village, at the end of Cûrrme Crevasse lay Zi Grove and the treehouse of Wrekazi.
It was an interesting meeting, in which I asked her about the weird tickling sensation I felt. Was it confirmation of her proclaimed lethal ability, or something else? She laughed wholeheartedly and told me about Earthnodes, a thing I had no previous knowledge of. She said that she believed living in these locations kept her curse at bay. When I inquired into ‘these locations’, she grinned and confirmed that they were spread out across the islands. Each and every one is believed to be sacred sites leading into the Spiritual World. This made me actually forget about the diary in Vrekabo, but maybe it was the Skjalds luck.
Skjald Valgrif
Staying at Ashenhall in 1173, Valgrif came as well, as he had to discuss something about Earthnodes with Zizu. The topic was, at that time, still a bit vague among many of the Skjalds. So I left to meet that Wrekazi and handed the interesting young Vinotis to the hospitality of Zizu and Valgrif.
Oddly enough, I met her in Port Lomovil in Lom's Fjord at the south-most shore of Scia. As we lay there for the day to trade and get fresh provisions, I saw someone walking from another ship with a shoulder carriage and an odd staff similar to the description Sejrik had given Valgrif. So, I chanced my luck and yelled, “Wrekazi…” at the person. She merely turned and smiled as if she had anticipated the boldness.
I waved at her, quickly grabbed my things, and parted with the captain. Facing her at the pier, it struck me how beautiful she was. Her being another human, albeit 130 years older than me, had left no trace at all, and she was stunning. Maybe there was something about her ability or curse. Anyways, I presented myself as a friend of Valgrif and acquainted myself with Sejrik, another one who I had met, and told her that I, as a Skjald, was interested in Earthnodes. Especially as I had encountered some old rite and temple sites in my time, that might have been such Earthnodes.
Due to my being a Skjald, she accepted the invitation to talk, and we spent a couple of days at a nice little inn, where she told me of the Earthnodes she knew and I told her of those I knew. During the session, I noticed her raising an eyebrow when I described The Grey Crevasse. At that time, I had no idea that it would become her favourite place of residence or its potential for what Magic users call Carcass Refill. It was a couple of educational days in more ways than I had anticipated.
Skjald Ulrich
As they sat munching bread… and poking stew… a very foolish crew… with ears too big… and oh so spiked a stick… tried their best… to rid the guest… when leaving stay… they started a fray… and Kaziwren faces grabbed… and their souls she trapped… so horrified the Skjald… such gentle smile.
Skjald Kazumix
I’ve heard that after the brawl in Port Lomovil, Wrekazi went directly for The Grey Crevasse and Ulrich directly for Vrekabo. There he recovered the original farmstead owner’s diary and also had visions in his dreams as he stayed there overnight. In these, he saw Wrekazi’s birth and her early weeks, in which she in fact did consume the spirits of the living, and the Fylgia urgently coming around to investigate her. He told me some had entered her willingly; others had a rather unpleasant departure from their former hosts.
Wrekazi passed by Ea and resisted going there despite the strong pull. She wanted to see The Grey Crevasse before anything else, and as she told me, it was a wise move. Even when she was closing in, she could feel its inherit power, and standing amidst the toppled and cracked pillars of the site, she was overwhelmed. All the entrapped spirits left their vessel and began swirling in a whirlpool. Extracting and contracting in pulsing rhythm with the throbbing of the Earthnodes, they opened the Astral Site/Gate to the Astral and surged through.
Holding her breath, determined that this was to be examined or that it was pointless to live, she stepped through the flickering and fading gateway. With a flash, she stood at the Astral, bewildered and deprived of direction sense, and started to walk. She saw odd creatures pass by her; impressively-looking heroes, lords, and ladies strode by as well. Some turned their heads as if sensing her, but most merely went by and disappeared in the blurred mist.
Then, she told me with an odd smile, “‘He’, stood there in front of me…”, and she broke off, never telling me that story. Most annoyingly for a Skjald.
Skjald Vinotis
Some say that the Grey Crevasse felt different prior to 1173; I can’t tell as I was not even born then. Many have told and confirmed this to Skjalds, though, so it must have been quite some spectacle unfolding there when Wrekazi unloaded her burden. Whats more odd is that she was not reported seen by anyone again until she appeared in the town of Vilmala at the shore of Lake Ryba on New Year’s Day in 1200. She is said to have entered the city gates from the direction of Drikwald and not the paved roads defining Markeoy's trade routes. Entering the city, she went directly to the town’s goldsmith Arr 'O' Loth, not to trade gold but to visit Arr’s delivering wife Murr An Andal.
The talk was brief, with a blessing of the baby to come, and then they say she left again. As she walked out the door, Arr ‘O’ Loth rushed after to thank her. But, outside, she was nowhere to be seen, and inside, a baby’s cry was heard.
Skjald El Mary
Again silence, emptiness, and none with a sighting of Wrekazi until 1212, when she appeared at the town of Wrinde in Aigon, again to visit a birthing. This time a troubled one with a mother on the brink of dying before delivering. As if renewed energy flowed through the woman, she surprised the attending midwife and managed to give birth to a healthy boy. Holding her child, she smiled at the attendant, and then she died. As all had focused on the mother-to-be, none had noticed that Wrekazi had left the room.
Once more, Wrekazi was not seen until reported appearing at Mt. Vula in 1230.
Skjald Yell'a'Beard
Hammer and anvil… she made them not civil… ingots to balls… souls heard calls… gases and flares… consumed odd stares… bastard and beast… she consumes in a feast…
Skjald Kazumix
She is said to have stayed at Mt. Vula for 8 years, spending one year at Soul Sphere. Working with great Smidhr, Alchemists, and other Grandmasters. Then, in 1239, she travelled to Ea, where she spent a few years in the Academy of Ea. And in 1241, she’s reported to have been seen at Junnatu Caves.
Then she is reported to have been mostly at The Grey Crevasse, where she met with Heroes, Skjalds, and whoever passed by. Retracted into a side crack, the grove covering her house allowed for anyone to pass by or pause and meet her. She was always welcoming to anyone and had much to say if one had time to listen.
Skjald Sejrik
She’s claimed by some to have attended meetings where the plans for a High King and The Realm were spawned and growing. Others claim she was neutral, as she was more fond of the old system of Hordes setting the course and getting rid of anything weak or flawed—the old way.
Anyways, she was attending the 1st. coronation at Bilmurs Bridge where the opposition was defeated and kneeling to the supremacy of the 1st Alliance. Some say she actively participated on the High Kings side, defeating several of the opponents in both melee and magic. But she was not at the great feast where Grimsborg, High King, and The Realm were celebrated. Marking the beginning of the new age was not in her interest, as some say it could be seen as another’millennia’ birth. Thus raising doubt about her own birth prophecy.
Skjald Ulrich
At the time up to The Great Invasion she told me she was in the Astral with her preferred one. Then things became complicated and odd, and she left the Astral. Only to find herself on the other side of The Rim. It took her considerable effort and a year and a half to finally return to The Grey Crevasse. Only to find her seals broken and her house razed. Infuriated, she began hunting invaders.
Skjald Valgrif
She is currently the elder of Fylgia Lot.
Skjald Vinotis
She can use her powers to consume people’s souls, which she stores in her glass spheres. She also has a vasp nest hanging from her staff, which, on her bidding, will scout ahead or attack opponents.
Skjald Sigurd
Last Updated on 2024-12-14 by IoM-Christian