
  • Trader
  • Crafter
  • Scholar
  • Military
  • Religion
  • Sailor


“It’s worth noting that having a job is not strictly necessary for some. You needed some sort of income, but that doesn’t mean you have to work in a single profession. Nobility can often get away with just owning land to provide for them.”

Skjald Valgrif



Through time, common folk generally had only one job if they worked for someone else, and it was rare if they switched to do something else. Those with talent for their trade slowly rose from daily hand-to-mouth tasks to doing for others, which was above the general standard. Their service or goods made them praised and well paid, and often they expanded their skillset to gain more jobs. Or specialise even further, taking their craft to an unmatchable level. This slowly evolved into the now widely used Crafter classification, where a person is defined by skills and normally lingers at apprentice or novice level, unless proper training has been undertaken and further knowledge gained.

Going beyond the Novice standard requires gaining and sharing a lot of knowledge, either by having guests or travelling. Mostly Journeymen and up prefer to gain knowledge by tralel, as most don’t have noteworthy workshops. This travel often led crafters to areas where jobs are, and living lightly is a result of their qualifications. On the other hand, some Kingdoms have established a system of Guilds basically having monopoly by decree, which makes certain tasks illegal unless you work for or with a particular guild who owns the contract. Some skilled professionals have ended their days in deep dungeons or gallows, forgetting to make inquiries before setting up shops or taking on a task in a new town.

Skjald El Mary



It’s worth noting that one can have several crafts and be differently skilled in each.

Rag Tags (0)
These aren’t part of the Preofessions system, but they can do things with skills from 1 up to 49.

Apprentice (I)

Skill up to 174.

Novice (II)

Skill up to 299.

Journeyman (III)

Skill up to 424.

Chief (IV)

Skill up to 549

Master (V)

Skill up to 674.

Lord (VI)

Skill up to 799.

Overlord (VII)

Skill up to 924.

Grand lord (VIII)

Skill up to 1000.


Those who have proven themselves in a specific branch of craftsmanship often call themselves one of the following:

Farmer: ackerman, cowherd, crofter, dairymaid, dung carter, farmer, freibauer, gardener, goatherd, hawker, hayward, herder, horse trainer, ostler, peasant, plowman, reaper, serf, sheepshearer, shepherd, swineherd, thresher, tillerman, vintner, woodcutter, woolcomber, woolman.

Hunter: climmer, falconer, fewterer, forester, fowler, gamekeeper, hawker, hunter, huntsman, master of hounds, molecatcher, parker, rat catcher, sperviter, trapper.

Fisherman: fisher, leech-collector, oyster raker, oysterer, seaweed harvester.

Artist: artist, artisan, artist’s model, fresco painter, glasspainter, illuminator, limner, painter, sculptor, composer,  playwright, poet, writer.

Crafter-Misc: furrier, tailor, jeweler, pastrycook, mason, carpenter, weaver, chandler, cooper, baker,  hatmaker, saddler, chicken butcher, purse maker, meat butcher, buckle maker, roofer, locksmith, ropemaker, rugmaker, harness maker, bleacher, cutler, glover, accoutrement aker, alabasterer, architect, arkwright, baker, balancemaker, basketmaker, beekeeper, beerbrewer, bellfounder, bellmaker, besom maker, billier, bleacher, blockcutter, bodger, bog iron hunter, bonecarver, bookbinder, bookprinter, brazier, brewer, bricker, bricklayer, broderer, broom-dasher, brushbinder, builder, Butcher, buttonmaker, cabinetmaker, calligrapher, campaner, canvasser, carder, cardmaker, carpenter, cartographer, cartwright, chainmaker, chandler, charcoalburner, cheesemaker, chicken butcher, clockmaker, clothier, coiner, combmaker, compasssmith, confectioner, cooper, corsetier, cutler, delver, diamantaire, disher, draper, drycooper, drywaller, dyer, embroiderer, engraver, fabricshearer, feltmaker, fewtrer, fuller, furniture maker, furrier, gemcutter, gilder, glassblower, glazier, glover, gravedigger, grinder, Guild Master, hacker, harness maker, hatmaker, hatter, horner, ivorist, jeweler, joiner, knacker, knapper, lacemaker, lampwright, lanternmaker, lapidary, latoner, leadworker, limeburner, limner, linen-armorer, linener, linenspinner, lutemaker, luthier, mailer, mapmaker, marler, marleywoman, mason, master builder, meat butcher, miller, milliner, miner, miniaturist, minter, mintmaster, moneyer, mirrorer, nailmaker, nedeller, netmaker, oilmaker, papermaker, parchmenter, pasteler, pattenmaker, perfumer, pewterer, physician, pinmaker, plasterer, plattner, plumber, pointer, pot mender, potter, printer, purser, purse maker, quarryman, quilter, rectifier, reedmaker, roofer, roper, ropemaker, rugmaker, rugweaver, sailmaker, saltboiler, salter, sawyer, seamstress, shingler, shipwright, siever, silkmaid, silk-dresser, silk-maker, silk-mercer, silk-dyer, silk-carder, Spinner/spinster, stonecarver, stonecutter, stonemason, tailor, tallowchandler, tapestrymaker, tapicer, tasseler, tenter, thacker, threadmaker, tile-burner, tile-theeker, tile maker, treen maker, turner, typefounder, upholder, vintner, waxchandler, Weaver, webber, wheeler, wheelwright, wiredrawer, woodcarver, woodcutter, woodturner

Crafter-leather: bottelier, cobbler, cordwainer, currier, girdler, lorimer, malemaker, saddler, scabbard maker, shoemaker, tanner, thonger, vaginarius

Crafter-Armour: armorsmith, bowyer, grinder, linen-armorer, mailmaker, merchant taylor, poleturner, scythesmith, stringer, vaginarius

Crafter-Weapon: arrowsmith, bladesmith, fletcher, gunsmith, gunstocker, knifesmith, lancier, swordsmith,

Crafter-Smith: Blacksmith, blacksmith’s striker, brightsmith, bronzefounder, buckle maker, coppersmith, farrier, foundryman, goldbeater, locksmith, redsmith, scythesmith, silversmith, smelter, smith, spooner, spurrer, tinker, tinsmith

Entertainer: bard, fiddler, harper, jongleur, lutenist, meistersinger, minnesinger, minstrel, musician, nakerer, piper, singer, Actor, bard, barker, bear-ward, dancer, fool, jester, juggler, mummer, player actor, playwright, poet, skald, storyteller, trobairitz, troubadour, tumbler

Government: ale-conner, Bailiff, Captain of the Guard, Castellan, Catchpole, Chamberlain, Chancellor, Chancery Clerk, Cofferer, Coin-Stamper, Constable, Diplomat, Emperor, Exchequer, Hayward, Herald, Jailer, Judge, Keeper of the Privy Seal, Keeper of the Rolls, Keeper of the Wardrobe, King, Knight, Lady, Landed Gentry, landlord, Liner, Lord High Steward, marshal, Master of the Revels, Pinder, Noble, Nobleman, Prince, Pursuivant, Reeve, Seneschal, Sheriff, Steward, Summoner (law), Tax Collector, Toll Keeper, Town Crier, Treasurer, Watchman, Woodward

Nobility: Emperor/Empress, King/Queen, Archduke/Archduchess, Prince/Princess, Marquess, Count/Countess, Viscount/Viscountess, Baron/Baroness, Baronet/Baronetess, Knight/Dame, Esquire

Medicine: alchemist, apothecary, chirurgeon, cunning man, doctor, leech, leech-collector, midwife, nurse, sawbones, surgeon, toad doctor, wise woman,

Merchant:  acater, alewife, apothecary, banker, beer seller, bog iron hunter, boothman, chapman, collier, colporteur, costermonger, drover, eggler, fishmonger, fruiterer, fruitier, fueller, glass seller, greengrocer, grocer, Guild Master, harberdasher, hay merchant, hetheleder, innkeeper, ironmonger, lighterman, linen-draper, mercer, milkmaid, oil merchant, old-clothes dealer, oynter, peddler, pie seller, plumer, poulter, ragpicker, shrimper, skinner, spice merchant, spicer, stationer, taverner, thresher, unguentary, waferer, waterseller, weirkeeper, wine seller, wood seller, woodmonger, wool stapler

Military: Arbalestier, Archer, Argolet, Bodyguard, Bowman, Captain, Captain of the Guard, Crossbowman, Drummer, Guardsman, Halberdier, Knifeman, Knight, Mercenary, Militia, Pikeman, Scout, Sergeant, Sergeant-at-arms, Spearman, Spy, Squire, Viking, Watchman, Cannoneer, Pioneer (siege), Sapper, Siege Engineer
Admiral, Captain, Captain of the Guard, Castellan, Marshal, Armorer, Bowyer, Camp Cook, Camp Follower, Cartwright, Fletcher, lancier, linen-armorer, knifesmith, Mercenary, merchant taylor, Pioneer (siege), poleturner, Prostitute, Sapper, Scout, Siege Engineer, smith, Spy, vaginarius, Weaponsmith

Religious: abbess, abbot, almoner, anchorite, archbishop, beadle, beguine, bishop, canon, cantor, cardinal, cathar perfect, chantry priest, chaplain, clark, clerk, colporteur, curate, friar, hermit , metropolitan bishop, monk, nun, ostiary, palmer, pardoner, parish priest, pilgrim, pope, priest, primate religion), sacristan, sexton, summoner (law), Theologian

sailor: bargeman, boatman, boatwright, canaller, ferryman, hobbler, lighter man, mariner, navigator, riverboat pilot, sail maker, sailor, sea captain, ship’s captain, shipchandler, ship provisioner, shipwright, waterman

Scholar: alchemist, amanuensis, apothecary, astrologer, chirurgeon, bearleader, calligrapher, cartographer, courtesan, courtier, dean, herald, herbalist, librarian, mathematician, poet, philosopher, professor, quack, scribe, scrivener, tutor, theologian

Service: maidservant, barber, restaurateur, water carrier, laundress, porter, doctor, bather, copyist, accomptant, accoucheur, accoucheus, accountant, actuary, amanuensis, attendent, bagger, bailiff, barrister, bartender, bath attendent, bather , Bodyguard, bodyservant, butler, camp cook, camp follower, carman, carter, cartier, carver, castellan, ceiler, cellarer, chamberlain, chimney sweep, chirurgeon, clouter, coistsell, cook, copyist, courtesan, courtier, cowherd, currier, dairymaid, dapifer, ditcher, diver, doctor, dog trainer, drayman, dresser, dung carter, executioner, famulus, farrier, ferryman, fortune teller, gardner, gong farmer, groom, guide, harlot, herald, horseleech, hurdle maker, innkeeper, lady’s maid, laundress, lawyer, leech, legerdemainist, link boy, link man, maid, maidservant, messenger, midwife, miller, napier, nurse, panter, paperer (needlemaking), pavior, pavyler, poet, porter, potboy, privycleaner, procurator, prostitute, quartermaster, rag and bone man, raker, rat catcher, restaurateur, riveter, royal food taster, sawbones, scribe, scullion, scullery maid, seneschal, serf, servant, smelter, solicitor, sperviter, stablehand, stabler, stainer, steward, stillroom, surgeon, tapster, teamster, toad doctor, treadmill worker, trencherman, userer, valet, wagoner, waller, water carrier, wattler, weeper, wetnurse, whipping boy

Skjald Sigurd

Last Updated on 2024-02-06 by IoM-Christian