

Kings, nobility


Always shrinking… always growing…

Skjald Kazumix



Most countries consist of several smaller kingdoms where each king rules over a secluded valley or a larger area. Exactly how many kingdoms the 60 countries consist of is uncertain, due to the internal feuds that occur despite the institution of the High King's attempt to restore order and stop any such skirmish or war.

Some of these kingdoms hold their populations in an iron grip, while others have their populations’ willing and free support to protect the kingdom from neighbouring kings and nobility, eager to impose taxes on the lowborn and plunder the wealthy. All have in common, though, that there’s a nobility layer between the king and commoner, forming a pyramid of lesser, middle, and higher noblemen, each bound by oaths to their superior or liege. Oaths are only to be broken in three circumstances: if the chain is violated, treachery erupts, or victory is the result of a plot to seize power.

Each disturbance of the order is brought up at the Fair of the Realm falling once every four years, where the dispute is legally reverted, adjusted, or approved. The result is entered in the Codex Hordium and fees or dues paid accordingly.

Skjald Valgrif


As the Realms social structure broke down due to The Great Invasion, no one really knows what borders and kingdoms are still valid. But the high king already has sent Geologists, Cartographers and Sociologists out to report back to the restructured administration. All tell the same tale: the commoner doesn’t care if it’s this or that highborn or country claiming their loyalty and tax; all they want is safety and peace.

Skjald Ulrich


Some lesser kings, seemingly more than expected, seem to hide individuals and organisations that work against the best interests of the people of The Realm, far more focused on their own interests and long-term gains. I do hope the powers to come will be able to handle this.

Skjald Sejrik


Last Updated on 2024-02-06 by IoM-Christian