

BORN: 23/6 1138 FA in Falbur

RACE: Ughuz/Ortagui

REALM: Cyan Mentalism

AURA: Pink

HEIGHT: 182 cm




1st Arrow of Udring

Fifth Finger of Lionel

Holy Star Order Copper Founder


“No matter what wind and how hard it blows his face and work, he always scoffs it and keeps returning to his climb towards power.”

Skjald El Mary



Fourth Age

Born in the town of Longyr on the west side of Vermufs Crevasse Bergon grew up watching caravans come from the Shimmering Valley in the east, Rin Roughlands in the south, and through Afmoll Valley all the way from the sea shores in Falbur.

He was the 6th child in a flock of 11, and as his brothers, he exchanged child-play with mountain climbing to gather herbs, plants, and other goods from the mountains and rough foothills. This not only improved the boys physique and gathering skills, but also their scouting. Skills they began to offer to caravans and lone travellers to guide them safely through the wilderness. As their skills and confidence grew, so did their prizes and ideas.

Skjald Vinotis


In the winter of 1151, the annals of Longyr describe an incident in which a couple of traders were seen leaving eastward with Bergon and his brothers, but these traders never reached the town of Innil Imza in the Shimmering Valley. The loss of traders was blamed on the flock, despite the fact that they didn’t seem enriched by theft. Yet the Sheriff of Longyr needed scapegoats to ensure the town’s reputation and his incoming taxes, so he blamed the family. The brothers were captured, the sisters were sold as slaves, and his parents were banished from the town. Of the sons, only Bergon managed to escape, and from afar, he saw his brothers hanging and his sisters being shoved into a waggon bound for Falbur.

The next morning, as messengers came to town, they reported that the waggon had been ambushed, the crew dead, and all the girls gone. People discovered that the Sherif sat at his desk with his throat cut and his mouth full of coins. There is no proof available, but many thought Bergon to be the hand of the task. And that began a 15-year-long period of ambush in as good as all of northern Udring.

Skjald Sejrik


In the 15 years that passed since that horrible day he saw his family destroyed, Bergon pursued those in power and the merchants he knew were behind the decision to send that signal. In the first years, many rascals and cutthroats, as well as corrupt officials and wealthy folks, turned up dead—mouthfuls of coins. So people began talking, agreeing that maybe Bergon’s family had been without guilt, and he began to gain fame among the poor and mistreated. As the years passed, he gained quite a lot of followers and close comrades.

To my knowledge, he spent enough money to bribe enough officials to side with him so that every spy and assassin sent back was sent back dead. After 15 years of odd guerilla warfare, he also controlled public administration and, to some extent, the underworld.

State affairs learned and in a powerful position allowed him to enter negotiations with the newly crowned King. Leoandry II of Udring in 1166. The deal ended with him and his family getting a public excuse and his gang—in fact, a whole army—a public pardon. It’s said that as they signed, Bergon leaned close to Leoandry II, who paled at the words whispered. In return, Bergon became Minister of the country’s internal affairs.

Within the year, caravan ambushes stopped, and merchants once again began to flood valleys and crevasses with their goods. And it was a clever move by Bergon, I think, to never reveal any of his fellow Borgians to the king and his allies. With an unknown number of men in the shadows, Bergon could consider himself secure.

Skjald Valgrif


As the years went on, little was known of Bergon’s actual doings as he stayed in the shadows of his ministry. But it is certain that his powers spread from internal affairs to foreign affairs. Ambassadors and Consuls affiliated with Udring was often seen welcoming or addressing him whenever he did a rare state visit alongside the king or other ministers.

It’s said that in 1222 he tried to infiltrate Setil's. Dark Needles and create a similar force. Maybe the biggest error in his life, as King Leoandry II in the spring of 1223 presented his son to the public, drowned many years prior. After their reunion, the prince told his father that he had been a captive in some unknown dungeon since 1164.

Only by sheer luck had he managed to escape his captors a month earlier. He had heard a name mentioned as captive—Bergon. He also heard his captors joke about how Bergon had fooled everyone about the trader ambush in 1151 and managed to become even more powerful than the King. Infuriated, King Leoandry II issued an arrest order against Bergon and ordered him to seize everything he owned.

Skjald El Mary


The all-seeing eye an arrow caught…

Sinking but low, not a lethal blow…

But once again, shadows he entered…

Believed to be mighty a fist…

His new enemy stood there too…

So soon, strings of his net sprang…

And hidden tongues in torture sang…

But even the glow of prying eyes…

In shadow quickly dies…

Skjald Kazumix


Wounded, he fled, and within a few years, many of his known associates and thought allies in Udring were dismissed from power, some even executed, as there was much wealth and powerful positions for grasps. And it might have been this that, as Setil told me, initiated Bergon’s visit to The Lair in 1230. A visit that took Setil by surprise. He had to recognise Bergon’s boldness, and a truce was established, even though Setil was and still is uncertain if Bergon can be trusted. But at least Leoandry II stopped receiving hints from the Dark Needles.

This gave Bergon an opportunity to awaken his slumbering Borgians, and a struggle began to get fully back into the intelligence networks of Midgard. A task that brought him news about The Realm and a High King. It made him travel the nine islands as never before, and it was on one of these travels, he told me, that he discovered the secret of king Meanbone of Junnatu Weavers. Knowledge he later shared with Lionel and the Holy Star Order.

Skjald Ulrich



After his revenge, climb to power, downfall, and truce, he attempted to regain the reins of Midgard. And for that goal, he kept the Borgians as a shadow army and publicly became a leading member of the Holy Star Order. Famous for his accurate long aim, he led the ranks of their Rangers corps, and due to his background, he also served in the intelligence service, which he had a large number of Borgians infiltrate.

At the time of The Great Invasion, he was doing some research at the Astral, and he noticed a strange shift in energies. He turned to face the odd humming shimmer and was sucked out into a roaring battlefield. Seemingly through a temporary hole to the World that Dogil had created in the middle of nowhere—truly a stunning performance.

But there was no time to talk or study it, as hundreds, if not thousands, of grim and odd foes were in a chaotic infight with his order and a very large contingent of T'Aurs. He had an obligation as order leader and began slaying foes… Which he has done since.

Skjald Sigurd



He has a magic gem inserted in one eyesocket, enabling him to achieve extreme accuracy at long-range arrow shooting and vealing abilities.

Skjald Sigurd

Last Updated on 2024-02-17 by IoM-Christian