Egral Rulers
Noble Families & Organisations
Other Nobility
Public Organisations
Shadowy Organisations
Thieving Organisations
Human Characters
Drakk Alfar Characters
Coinage of note:
Cities of note:
Towns of note:
Inns of note:
Taverns of note:
Rest Spots of note:
Bridges of note:
Ruins of note:
Shrines of note:
Raw Materails of note:
“Once green meadows littered with flowers and streams amongst hills were filled with fish. But then our World reshaped.”
I actually feel like those born in the Sun-burning deserts or Moon-chilled beaches of Keshon. But then I remember that their ancestors have had thousands of decades to move. Yet they have stayed, because this is their home, regardless of the harsh environments it offers as shelter and a bed.
And it’s not only the climate that’s harsh; it’s also the constant fighting between the various Races, internally amongst Tribes, and even amongst Town or City parts. Also add to the rain of issues its populations have to deal with. But dealing with it they do, thus are they folks of strong arms and steady wills, regardless of how skinned and boned they might seem.
Skjald Yell'a'Beard
The lands have a long tradition of herding, and it is generally these herds that have led to clashes. Or when ores of valuable raw material are found, surges of rascals, local militias, or distant warlords tend to bring doom and slavery. Thus, there is a rather large secret sale, or ‘black market’, for precious Resource in Keshon. The only downside to this valuable ‘finders market of treasures’, is that unskilled excavators or miners at times ruin the most exquisite of Ingredients.
But there are also huge trade markets here, where everything can be bought—even a Kinoblin Lamp now and then. Most likely being bought by Zizu agents, as they are on a constant hunt for these entrapped Souls.
Skjald Vinotis
The old tensions between Ughuz and Findograa have erupted anew since The Great Invasion. So a visiting traveller should think carefully before talking at any market, inn, or town.
At the West Border lies Lake Karraq .
At the South Border lie Mt. Obme and Sukuda Roughs. Rhimo Wilds and Mazata Steppes.
At the East Border, one finds Mt. Tevuta and Pnongo Plains. and Perotos Pond.
In the middle lies Nimabu Pond. and Guratmi Grave.
Skjald Sigurd
The land is ruled by different races who each control this or that area, so the country of Keshon are in fact many small selv-governed societies or kingdoms.
Skjald Valgrif
One can be lucky and buy the most pure ingredient, resource, or raw material that is somewhat cheap.
Skjald El Mary
Last Updated on 2024-03-13 by IoM-Christian