

BORN: 10/9 1166 FA in Pearlin

RACE: Dwarves/Realmar

REALM: Channelling

AURA: Orange

HEIGHT: 176cm




Holy Star Order Silver Founder

High Kings Captain


“One of the most valiant ‘power packs’ to have emerged from Human and Dwarves union is this great small fist of ‘Earthblood’.”

Skjald Vinotis



Fourth Age

Gizmo told me he is the youngest son of a Dwarves Gem Merchant and a Jomzaar mother, the daughter of a Vular and Ogryl couple. So earth’s breathing, raw material appraisal, and force of fist run deep in him. In fact, he is one of but a handful of humans, with Dwarves ancestors known to any Skjald.

He spent his childhood roaming shores for Amber and rare stones. Soon, he learned that precious finds had to be kept secret and guarded until they reached a safe selling place, or they would be robbed and beat for the only payment. So, he began practicing two things long before other kids—the art of secrecy and the physical training of his inherit power.

Skjald Ulrich


In his early teens, he established good knowledge of how streams would have pockets of Agate and other precious stones. How shores would place amber, and how rocks would consist of stone or precious ores. He became connected with nature in an oddly understanding way. Travelling and long stays in the wild resulted in great physical shape, enabling him to handle others much larger than him. He was strong as an Ox, quite something for a lad in his late teens.

Skjald Yell'a'Beard


As he grew in abilities, he more often than others managed to find precious gems and rare stones and keep their origins a secret. Traders began to show interest in his goods, and they also heard some of his stories. They thought he was capable of safeguarding what he was carrying and gave him delivery jobs. These ensured he met some mighty and powerful people at a young age, and his network and reputation grew further.

It was on such a delivery task, to Island of Piecao at the mansion of Lionel, that he met a handful of people who would become an essential part of his life. Present at the meeting were Lionel, Regarir, Dogil, Aragon, Kalmo, and Bergon, a ranger from Tusla. All were to set out on a quest for something very precious to the Junnatu Weavers. Located at a place known to someone Bergon had met and persuaded to reveal, if paid enough in rare yellow gems—the stones Gizmo had just delivered. The group would like Gizmo to travel along, offering more than just adventure. But also the position as commander in the rapidly growing Holy Star Order.

Skjald Valgrif


Bergon, that scoundrel, always good for a twisting comment, once told me that he thought Gizmo saw the offer from those Holy Star Order people as an opportunity to secure himself. And of course, he was excited to find out what exactly the objective was. I mean, who wouldn’t? I know I would. He agreed, and within the week they travelled off to Tornix, loaded with yellow gems. They sailed to Gaslug where Lionel departed, and then they sailed to Grebi to fetch something that huge beast-tamer Kalmo needed. The stay at the Beastmaster Arenas is something Gizmo often brings up when we meet, as he there saw so many odd animals, beasts, and what he would call monsters. Monsters, ha, if he only knew the things I’ve seen. Anyways, they’d all peacefully trot alongside their connected beastmaster, without but an occasional snort or grunt, he claims.

Skjald Yell'a'Beard


It’s said they came to Tornix… Where he met the legendary Zizu, who recognised Dogil at the city market square… He invited the group to dine with him, an offer they couldn’t reject.

So they went to his palace… Ashenhall which is as impressive inside as it looks from a distance… Towering high atop the city, it has odd wyrmlike ornaments in every room and every hallway… People claim the ornaments are alive, as if the earth itself were breathing and pulsing.

Much to their surprise, they were about to begin the meal… A small, silvery chiming was heard, and out of a large mirror stepped another guest… It was the mighty Terminus… emissary of the Junnatu Weavers, who laughed heartily at the sight of the group.

Expressing his gratitude for being summoned by the Reborn King… To join in welcoming the Holy Star Order… at the soil of East Fjella … The group was shaken by his insight… as they had never met him before.

But they managed to keep their wits… And seemingly spilled no beans… in their casual chatter with these mighty lords… As indicated by the outcome of the task ahead… Late that night, Terminus bowed, thanked them all for a good evening… and said he looked forward to formal discussions with the group at his king’s court… with regard to whether the Holy Star Order would be getting a foothold in East Fjella.

Skjald Kazumix


In the early morning, Zizu and Gizmo, the only two left awake at the table, were exchanging previous adventures when suddenly Zizu looked Gizmo deep in the eyes and asked, “Are you certain this legacy is what you want? Should you folks succeed?” Gizmo was honestly surprised and said he had no clue what Zizu meant. The reborn merely looked deeper into the eyes, searching for the memory and soul of his guest. He then turned his head, grabbed a goblet, cheered the order instead, and apologised for his misinterpretation of their intentions. Gizmo indeed felt confused—was it the wine or was it the gaze? Regardless,  he was long overdue and excused himself. He needed rest, to which the Reborn answered, “Ah yes, rest, the gift I myself crave.” It was only years later that Gizmo told me. That he realised what the Reborn had seen in the others and was prying at.

Later that day, they rode out, and after a few days, they reached the border lakes between Padame's Peak and Mt. Posme. Selling their mounts, they hired some boats and sailed across to Usai, the homeland of the Junnatu Weavers. Gizmo is said to have expressed that he looked forward to the court meetings when a grinning Dogil looked at the others. And then, out at the water, they revealed to him what they were after—a prize far more precious than anything for them. The most dangerous thing to crave and something they considered giving up reaching when Zizu summoned Terminus last night. For a while, they thought either would figure out the reason behind the rather incognito travel, but seemingly they managed to hide it.

They were to reach the Junnatu Caves and grab the hidden heart of Meanbone, a prize they needed before negotiating the terms of their order settling in East Fjella. Gizmo was stunned and said he had no clue what they talked about. So Kalmo told him the legend of Meanbone, the rumours about the caves and what was known about Attilla, the guard, and his magic bracers, with the map revealing the hearts location. Gizmo told me he was not entirely pleased, but as long as it was an item to be grabbed for later exchange of favourable terms, he had no reason to turn around. A comment he once mentioned made both Dogil and Bergon share a smile.

Skjald Ulrich


I would have loved to see their faces, for as they reached a small town on the other side and started to unpack, Gizmo told me he noticed Bergon pull the sleeve of Dogil and do a slight throw with his head towards one of the other passengers as that one gathered his goods. Ha ha, it must have been the boldest thing Dogil ever did as he stepped forward with open, empty hands and walked up to the hooded man, saying, “Excuse me, but aren’t you Den Godan? And if so, allow me and my comrades to offer you a seat, mead, and meat at a table in that tavern up there.”

As the man unhooded, those nearby who heard Dogil mention that name all showed the usual behaviour, and in but a minute they were alone at the pier. It was the King of the le Draugr Riders. It could be no coincidence he was here as well, as proven by his words as he looked at Dogil and said, “Yes, let’s do that. I bring you words from the High King anyways.”.

Skjald Yell'a'Beard


It’s not often great men cross by coincidence, but I was lucky to be at that inn the day fate walked in and sat down at the table next to mine. As the door opened and that group entered, the inn emptied in no time. No normal peasant, ragtag, or nobleman liked to be in a tavern with a Draugr Rider, least of all their king. But if Murf wanted me, why flee? So I stayed. So, they sat down and ate, talking about the weather, the land, and their plans. When Den Godan said, “The High King sends his respect for the task to be attempted, but he must also inform you that if you fail, he will have to take steps to restore honour amongst the nobility and his closest allies, of which you will be no longer, if this fails. So, tread carefully and ‘do not’ spill blood, or rivers will flow through the Order”. Without waiting for an answer, as none was expected, he gently rose, nodded a polite and respectful farewell, and left the tavern.

Then he came back in, walked past the group to me and the seemingly sleeping drunkard next to me, and said, “Murf’s greeting good Onesis Klavisson,” which made the man yank up and stare at his bane to be. Then Den Godan punched his stiletto straight into the left eye of the spy. Then he smiled at me and said, “Not your time, El’m.” Then he tossed the innkeeper a coin and whistled as he walked out again. Gizmo was the only one still chewing away at his bread and cheese through it all. Then he said, “So we have the blessing of the High King, my, my. Very interesting company; you folks have turned out to be… eh, Onesis?” At which all but the innkeeper broke out in laughter.

Skjald El Mary


Bergon told me the following, and I have not been able to verify it with any other of the parties involved.

A week later, they stood at the gate to another tavern, with Bergon stepping inside first, and then, after a few minutes, the rest came in. Seeing him at a table, pouring ale to what looked like a stableboy, they walked over and took seats as Bergon introduced Waxo to them and the founders of their order to him, an introduction that made the stableboy relax and draw a sigh of relief. After some food and small talk, the lad asked for his payment, and Gizmo slid the small leather pouch across the table. “Before it rests in your hands, then tell us the whereabouts of Attila, and you will be paid properly.” “At the ‘Wronged Donkey’ two streets up and around the bend, is where your man is with his preferred every night.”

As Gizmo let go of the pouch, the lad grabbed it. He rose and went for the door; as they had no more business there, the group followed. Now it was time for the confrontation and the test of Gizmos skills. As they walked out, Bergon scouted around, noticing which house Waxo entered and if any came out or were on rooftops or corners. But all seemed good. As they began the last part of their travel, Kalmo laid his huge hand on Gizmos shoulder and asked, “So are you ready to display that famed speed and strength you are known for? For in but a few you will have to jet and ram one of The Realms most dangerous fighters.”

Gizmo looked up at the huge, muscular mountain, slow due to his bulk, and nodded a silent yes. They walked in silence the rest of the way and entered the inn, which was empty but for the keeper, who was just to ask, when Dogil broke him off and asked if Attila was residing. The innkeeper instinctively looked up at one of the doors, stopped midsentence, and yelled a warning at his trusted guest., but he was knocked out by Dogil’s magic. Then they climbed the stairs, and to their luck, the Attilas girl came sliding out, closing the door silently. She turned around and was paralysed by the magic unleashed by Dogil.

They opened the door as silently as they could, and Kalmo stepped in, to the words of a fully awake and armour-donning impressive warrior uttering, “I am Attila, and you cannot live on…” Kalmo charged, aiming for Attila’s right side—a suicidal move—had it not been for Attila being slowed by Dogil’s magic and the need to dodge an arrow from Bergon. Resulting in the rather small Gizmo being able to dart forward, ramming Attila in the chest. As he screamed at the cowards, Gizmo delivered an iron-hard jab to the legend’s jaw. Sending him to the floor as a stone pillar toppled. “I’m Gizmo, and we just did…”.

They tied up Attila, took and studied his bracers, and wrapped him in a carpet. Then they left the inn and rode off in the night with their loot and cargo. Six days later, a ship under the flag of the Holy Star Order stood out from Tornix. Leaving Bergon and a huge wooden box at the pier, he clapped gently and then left alone as he strode up into the town. After a while, it started to make considerable noise, and eventually Attila smashed it from inside and stepped out. Several random sailors and landlubbers were gifted with broken jaws and bent noses that day. Some sharp-eyed bypassers say that they remember him weeping as he raged, and some say that he had a bare upper torso and no bracers either.

Skjald Ulrich


Later that year, in the negotiations between the Council of East Fjella and the Holy Star Order, the Junnatu Weavers supported the Order, which resulted in exceptionally good tax deals for the order.

It is said that Gizmo, as the commander of the orders military branch, visited the Junnatu Weavers Court alone after the meeting and presented both Meanbone and Attila with personal gifts.

Some say that his doing this gained him so much respect that it was Meanbone who pressed to have the High King offer Gizmo the title of High Kings Captain. , a title Gizmo accepted and took, some say, only after he was allowed a personal duel against Attila to restore an honour issue; none have said who won. But it’s said that at some point in the duel, Attila whispered something in the ear of Gizmo.

Skjald Valgrif



When the invasion hit, Gizmo had a break from duties at Holy Star Order and was revisiting Lionel at Piecao. To talk about the large influx of rare yellow gemstones recently seen at the Gem Fair and floating towards the court of the new High King. And that ranger from back then, Bergon, who also had surfaced at the court, But it was a matter that became rather unimportant as society collapsed and everyone had to focus on other things. Gizmo mentioned during the Cleansing Crusade that as he walked to Lionels mansion, he observed the Naldar mini-fortress seemingly empty and didn’t meet a single N’Aldaan at Piecao. Lionel had replied that Jocky Chan had arrived 4 months earlier, and all of their 'Zan House Quasaki had gone back to reclaim the lands of Borroto Usari. And it was Borrotos son, grandson, and great-grandson who had lived in that mini-fortress.

Skjald Sejrik



Gizmo can see in underground darkness, and due to his Dwarves/Ogryl heritage, he is exceptionally strong. And his Dwarves part has given him a natural insight into certain Magic Paths.

Skjald Ulrich


Last Updated on 2024-05-28 by IoM-Christian