Subterranean culture



  • Fletching
  • Grappling Hook
  • Jumping
  • Leatherworking
  • Man. in H. Leather
  • Mapping
  • Stalk & Hide
  • Stone Evaluation
  • Stone-Crafts
  • Stone-Working
  • Climbing
  • Direction Sense
  • Man. in S. Leather
  • Rope Mastery
  • Time Sense
  • Caving
  • Mining


Sometimes these dwellers dig so deep that they unearth the world’s inner mana sea, gaining magic shards of pristine quality.

Skjald Sigurd



Subterranean dwellers are often pale, having adapted to life underground. They value knowledge, resourcefulness, and cooperation. Their lives revolve around cultivating underground fungi and other bioluminescent plants, as well as raising subterranean livestock.

Lifestyle: Miners, craftsmen, architects, gatherers, and engineers. Living in extended families and clan-like holdings emphasises strong familial relationships. They have a thorough awareness of geology, which allows them to accurately navigate and alter their surroundings.

Diet: Subground cultures, living in caves and tunnels, rely on subterranean fungi, insects, and small animals for sustenance. They may also farm hardy crops in underground gardens or trade with surface cultures for grains and other essentials. Their diet is often sparse and functional, focused on what can be sustainably grown or hunted in the dark, enclosed environment.

Traditions and Stories: Rich oral traditions preserve history, mythology, and laws. Tales of ancient heroes and encounters with surface dwellers, who are frequently portrayed as mythological creatures. Regular ceremonies to commemorate earth spirits and ancestors, such as offerings and chanting in holy caves.

Marriage Pattern: Elders frequently arrange marriages to build clan bonds and maintain genetic variety. Elaborate subterranean rites involving the exchange of handcrafted gifts and blessings from clan chiefs.

Religion: Devotion to minor deities and terrestrial spirits, with ceremonies to respect them. Worship of higher deities through individual conceptions of the “true gods.” Shamans are present, communicating with the earth’s spirits.

  • Religious system: Nature Worship to the natural worlds deities representing elements or animals.
  • God-Mortal Interaction: Deities associated with the underworld, minerals, and caverns.
  • Rituals: ceremonies to ensure the safety of miners, rituals for the dead, and coming-of-age rites involving underground trials.
  • Impact on Society: A hierarchical society often develops, with those with knowledge of the underground holding power. Religion reinforces the importance of cooperation and resourcefulness.

Skjald Valgrif


Craftsmanship: Expertise in metalworking, stone carving, and gem cutting. Their craftsmanship is both utilitarian and rustic. Use of sturdy materials such as granite, iron, and steel, frequently incorporating bioluminescent components for decoration.

Clothing & Decoration: Rugged wool and hide tunics with leggings, rough overcoats, short cloaks, and fur hats. Woollens include patterns that represent the wearer’s familial lines and clan membership. Jewellery and accessories made of metals, stones, and bioluminescent fungi.

Armor: Normally none or soft leather for everyday protection; rigid leather, chains, and plate armour for warfare.

Weapons: Sword, club, dagger, handaxe, spear, cudgel, pickaxe.

Special Items: Items have a crude yet appealing appearance and are frequently made of long-lasting materials such as granite, iron, and steel. Artefacts created from magical shards that they occasionally uncover.

Skjald Yell'a'Beard


Time: Subterranean societies follow natural cycles such as underground rivers, bioluminescent fungi, and seismic activity. Schedules are organised on work shifts, mining cycles, and resource management.

Accomplishment and achievement: Navigating natural tunnels, protecting caverns, and increasing living space. Efficient use of limited resources, resource extraction, mining valuable gems, and artisan achievements are praised.

Authority Interaction: To maintain order in restricted places, strict hierarchies are used; leaders tend to be respected master miners or engineers with skill-based authority.Councils of elders or cave priests exercise authority while adhering to ancient traditions.

Fears & Inabilities: Extremely superstitious, with noticeable discomfort in sunlight. Many people are afraid to venture above ground because they believe it is dangerous.

Mien: Culture has high influence and strongly shapes demeanor, with limited room for individual expression

Mannerism: Isolation can result in a secretive, cautious, or even paranoid demeanor.

Prejudices:Surface dwellers, particularly nomads, are generally viewed with suspicion or distrust.

Skjald El Mary


General Resistance: Moderate.

Disease Resistance: Moderate due to isolation but exposure to underground pathogens.

Poison Resistance: Moderate knowledge of subterranean toxins and antidotes.

Remedies: Extensive knowledge of underground plants and fungi for medicinal purposes.

Skjald Valgrif



Subterranean cultures have a history of isolation, leading to the development of unique languages and customs. They have legends about surface dwellers as mythical creatures and tales of ancient subterranean battles and discoveries.

Skjald Sejrik



They traditionally live below the surface of the ground or in deep hills and mountainside caves or tunnels. Their settlements include intricate networks of tunnels and chambers, mapped with precision.

Skjald Vinotis



Subterranean societies are often communal and egalitarian with leadership based on wisdom and knowledge. They have a complex system of underground tunnels and chambers, with specialised areas for cultivation, living, and research.

Skjald El Mary



Subterranean cultures possess advanced knowledge of geology, botany, and biology, especially related to underground life. They have developed unique technologies for underground travel, communication, and lighting. They also have a deep spiritual connection to the earth and its depths, believing in the presence of magical energies and ancient spirits within the subterranean world.

Skjald Ulrich


Last Updated on 2024-10-20 by IoM-Christian