

“Reality consists of physical things spun of Mana threads from the Astral, weaved into existence by Vornir determining everything’s fate, as well as Gods and powerful Mana Manipulators twisting things to their will.”

Skjald Ulrich



Long before the advent of Magic Schools, Academies, and the establishment of order and safety. * Aside the divine races, there were those of the mortal races who also discovered how to influence the mana sea and bend reality to their own purposes or beliefs.

We don’t know if the first ones learned it from the divines or figured it out on their own. But, when they spotted each other, some battled to the death, while others shared knowledge. The habit to categorise their knowledge began to spread, creating the foundation for the Magic Realms and all their Magic Paths.

Skjald El Mary


The three Magic Realms are influenced in various ways, and as * a Mana Manipulator’s understanding and talents improve, they bury themselves deeper into that magic realm and it’s core Aura Colour. Engulfing them in the magic realm, and their aura colours wrapping their minds and corpses, making learning magic paths on the opposite end of the magic wheel exceedingly difficult.

Mana was utilised to connect everything, and those connections grew into gods. Studying, learning, and practicing the magic paths of any magic realm entails mingling with its gods, who afflict the mana manipulator’s aura colour. Furthermore, there is a difference in the speed at which one can interact with and regulate reality, with more complicated tasks taking longer and consuming more energy.

Skjald Sejrik



Channelling, Essence, and Mentalism are the three domains of magic, each ordered into eight levels, with their magic paths starting in the centre and stretching to the edge of what is conceivable. All the paths are linked to a set of gods who are drawn to and fed by the use of energies associated with them.

Even though all are born with an aura colour, it’s the mana manipulators assimilation with one of the three magic realms, linked partially by their aura colour, that ends up defining their alignment towards the gods, each manipulating in a unique fashion. As a result, they are characterised by their understanding of magic paths.

  • Channelling manipulators often employ both their own energies and the energies of their gods, as well as their gods’ knowledge of true names.
  • Essence manipulators rely more on modifying or dissolving existing reality by setting the mana sea in motion through hand weaving.
  • Mentalism manipulators either have a spiritual (cyan/green), or physical (red/pink), foundation they use to power their minds for setting things in motion or change reality.

Skjald Vinotis


Manipulation of the mana sea may be improved by employing ingredients as well as by adding mana in the form of magic shards. These shards comes into existence when mana manipulators are careless, purposefully not truenaming discharged energy, or as a result of the astral leaking mana. There are eight coloured variations of these magic shards, and two multicoloured anomalies:


Skjald El Mary



Manipulators cannot normally learn the polar opposite of their core, as it is far too energetic and complex, unless they are trained beyond mortal capabilities. Deepminded is the human who covers the most of the magic wheel, encompassing seven of the eight magic wheel colours.

Skjald Valgrif



The ability to utilise magic is perilous, especially when displayed in the wrong setting. That day at “The Prudent Mule” in Pikleby, Ivory Vale, I’ll never forget. A card-playing group suddenly erupted in a heated debate, culminating with one of them leaping to his feet in a display of ability, deep into the art of channelling heavenly forces. He began yelling numerous Truenames at a slim man across the table.

However, he was dumb enough to deploy a strong, long-casting channel. The recipient of the energies had no intention of suffering whatever annoyances his opponent was causing, so he got up and showed himself to be a manipulator. Hand weaving intricately and confidently while tossing supplies towards the chanting fool. He was clearly a master manipulator of the essence, aiming for a faster release and stunning, situation-ending impact.

The surrounding card players and visitors at the adjoining tables were taken aback by their behavior. Except for me and a hooded alcoholic who gazed wide-eyed and mumbled to himself, everyone panicked and began to escape or hide. It was rather amusing to watch others panic and freeze over.

The channelling idiot grasped the consequence and changed his spell just as the Essence manipulator launched his miniature, devastating lightning bolt. At the corner of my eye, I noted that the mumbling alcoholic was not paralysed by terror. He clenched his teeth and squinted his eyes in a determined glare at the guys in battle. He blinked, and the Essence Manipulator’s hand twisted out of sync, flinging all of his ingredient pouches into the erupting Lightning Bolt, causing it to go out of control and grow into a pulsing ball of electricity and magma-flames sucking up the Channeler’s hazily controlled energy.

Both gasped as elements and heavenly forces hit their bodies. As their trapped mana spilled out, they bent, twisted, and were ripped open. Then they erupted in a shower of coloured lights, blood, and guts, almost touching my ale mug!

The resulting hush was deafening. Everyone held their breath, sat rigidly, or lay prone in terror. Except for the hooded, somewhat tipsy mentalist, who took a large swallow of his mead and stood slowly as he assessed the situation and me. I’m still convinced I noticed a power-recognition blink and a little smile twist of the lips when we shared the glance. I nodded in recognition of a well-hidden caste. But we never brought it up again.

Skjald Yell'a'Beard

Last Updated on 2024-07-27 by IoM-Christian