

BUILT: 1179 – 1277

OPENED: 1250

RAZED: 1277


Black Oak said it came to him in a vision on his way home from the Deep Inn.”

Skjald Yell'a'Beard



Fourth Age

The vision of a great capital for the Realm was a vision Black Oak had back in 1169 as he rode over a ridge in the late evening, and looked down onto the grand plains of Bebram. There, he envisioned the bustling capital, and scores of caravans coming and going.

Maybe it was the gods that lured him, as the site was a powerful Earthnode and Astral Site/Gate. So, when he claimed it and began constructing, both Archaic, Fautyr, and Wickeryadi were quite upset. But his mind was set: for the great peaceful kingdom of united kings, the capitol should lie there, at the centre of Midgard.

Skjald Valgrif


He bought the site and the lands around it that summer, and then deployed settlers and workers there. As they began constructing, the Fautyrs arrived and demanded their leave, but Ye Olde Zephyrs and their allies stood their ground. After quite a discussion, a skirmish broke out, but Fautyrs halted when reinforcements from nearby human lords arrived, supporting Black Oak.

Realising that too many supported this earthnode takeover, the Fautyrs withdrew from the promise that if any caravans or settlers were hurt, Humans would swarm Fautyr settlements and do likewise, regardless of whether they were involved or not. Thus, Fautyr became trapped as unwilling guardians of the construction.

Skjald Sejrik


Black Oak had named it Grimsborg, covering both the small castle and the houses surrounding it. Slowly but steadily, this masked castle built up defences, roads, and a town around it as it formed more towards his vision. It grew quicker than anticipated, as Astravel directly to the site was possible.

In 1180, the inner castle foundations were completed, and the first of the outer rings saw the first stones laid. As that ring neared completion, the outer ring saw its first earth heaps and stones, and the original distance from castle to house began to make sense. These early worker houses would persist and either be in the second or third ring.

In 1190, the inner castle had grown more towards the envisioned grand palace, and both the first and second wall rings stood tall. The third wall was begun, alongside improving all roads and bridges and establishing rest stops, toll gates, and more.

Skjald El Mary


When The Realm was a reality and the High King was to be crowned in 1250, it occurred in Grimsborg. It was such a grand place and occasion that even the Fautyrs participated. Broad were the smiles on the faces of those from the 1st Alliance and even on several leaders of various organisations and guilds as Grimsborg was also building the greatest library and academy ever seen.

Some kings and leaders also smiled because the Fair of The Realm would be held here, at the expense of the high king, and not at their castles anymore.

The smiles did stiffen when Black Oak resigned and faded in 1274, when the Torch managed to coup the high king’s seat. And they turned into slackmouthed gawks when the high king was cut down at the gates by an Anurai general in 1277.

Skjald Vinotis


Once more, in the spring of 1281, the gods tricked Black Oak into Grimsborg. Whispering to his mind, liberating it from Invaders would greatly boost the morale of the 2nd Alliance. He arrived with his army, was ambushed, but chosed to withdraw. And I think we are lucky he opted for that, because he had a battle like the one to come at the Battle of Weeping Plains. I think the gods behind it all would have served us similarly to the 1st Cataclysm and the Deep Blue Tsunami.

-a Contender struggle

Skjald Ulrich



The High King ruled from a set of laws, defined due to previous agreements, and what would be decided at the Fair of the Realm.

Skjald Ulrich



Some have begun rebuilding Grimsborg.

Skjald Valgrif

Last Updated on 2024-06-17 by IoM-Christian