


From slim to muscular, to fat and stocky.

Height: (cm)

Females: 175-185

Males: 180-190

Weight: (kg)

Females: 60-75

Males: 65-85

Lifespan: (yr)

Females: 120-125

Males: 115-120


Dark golden to brown to black.


Mostly brown, black and rarely white.







263 SA Founded the Utarii Empire

792 Defeated Ortagui invasion.

850 Their empire collapsed


“Since the dawn of time, maybe even since their first tainting, they have been Spirit masters.

Skjald Vinotis



The Utarik emerge—a people whose roots stretch back through the sands of time, intertwining with the very essence of the land they inhabit. Drawings and carvings etched upon caves and rocks tell stories of a history that predates even the N'aldaan empire, echoing with the whispers of an era untouched by the footfalls of Wanderers. The Utarik, stewards of a land that has borne witness to their legacy, stand as an embodiment of ancestral connection, strength, and wisdom.

The Utarik’s ties to their Island run deep, reaching back for tens of thousands of years, an echo of a time before the rise of empires and the touch of outside forces. Legends passed down through generations speak of their resilience in fending off Naldar invasions, a testament to their fierce spirit and their determination to protect their land. Among the windswept landscapes and the ancient caves, the Utarik find solace in their history, with their traditions woven into the very fabric of their existence.

Covering all of Utari, the Utarik dwell in small settlements that mirror their deep connection with nature. Remote and nestled within the embrace of the land, these communities reflect their affinity for unity with the spirits of the world around them. Though generally disconnected from all others, they extend a welcoming hand to traders and travellers from far and wide, their presence a testament to the harmony they seek with the tapestry of races.

Within their settlements, the Utarik organise themselves into small Towns and larger Villages, each one a reflection of their bond with each other and the land. Yet, amidst these cohesive communities, individuals often choose to live isolated lives, their paths guided by the call of the spirits and their roles as Shamans. These spiritual leaders, bridges between the mundane and the divine, play a vital role in upholding the balance between the Utarik and the natural world.

With a deep understanding of the land they inhabit, the Utarik’s prowess as trackers and hunters is unparalleled. The pulse of the earth resonates within them, guiding their steps as they navigate the wilds with a grace that speaks of a connection that goes beyond the physical realm. Their bravery extends to their relationship with death, a realm they face without fear, and their bond with the land transcends the limitations of mortal existence.

With each step they take, the very earth seems to echo with their presence, a testament to their deep connection with the land and the spirits that dwell within it, for they are the embodiment of history, strength, and a legacy that echoes across the ages.

Skjald Sejrik



Considered the 4th oldest of the Indigenous tribes, they are said to date back to First Age when Fautyr and Archaic Heidel found them together and created the Utarik. According to their elders, the drawings and carvings in the caves and rocks indeed show that their roots on Utari go back thousands of years. To times prior the N'aldaan empire and the landing of Ye Olde Zephyrs. And when they held Findograa and Ortagui at bay and fended off any invasion attempt from Outlands,.

They are excellent trackers and often live in unity with the spirits of nature.

Skjald El Mary


As it was more rare than the norm that races were embraced, the Utarik, of course, had their share, and each vampire's enhanced physical abilities and unique powers complemented the Utarik’s natural skills and spiritual leaders. The presence of these vampires created a secretive inner circle of Utarik vampires, known only to a few. Their existence created power struggles, secret alliances, and quests for knowledge.

Jonzey Dalbert, a 3rd generation vampire, possesses significant power and influence, being relatively close to the original source of vampirism. His transformation occurred in ancient times, making him a legendary figure among the Utarik vampires. Jonzey was an ancient shaman, embodying the deep spiritual and ancestral wisdom of the Utarik. Jonzey’s vampirism granted him longevity, allowing him to serve as a living repository of Utarik history and traditions. He sees himself as a protector of the Utarik wisdom.

Timylo Dattami, a 6th-generation vampire, was embraced during the Vular War. He was a renowned tracker whose skills were close to revealing vampires, leading to his transformation. Timylo’s vampirism enhanced his abilities, making him an even more formidable tracker. Timylo’s motivations were protecting the Utarik’s vampire territory and ensuring their survival. Timylo ended up leading a secretive group of elite Utarik hunters and trackers who were aware of his true nature.

Bodzilo Safkami, an 8th-generation vampire, makes him relatively young in the vampiric hierarchy. He was embraced during the first alliance’s violent peak. Bodzilo was an explorer or diplomat, using his vampiric abilities to navigate the complexities of the Utarik’s interactions with other races and cultures. Bodzilo’s motivations included the pursuit of knowledge and the expansion of the Utarik’s vampire influence. He sought to understand more about the vampiric condition and how it could be used.

Yalmabela Himlo, a 9th-generation vampire, is the most recent addition to the vampiric lineage. She was a young and dynamic figure, embraced during the Cleansing Crusade. Yalmabela was a shaman, using her vampiric abilities to deepen her connection to the spiritual realm and aid her embracer. Yalmabela’s motivation was the enhancement of the Utarik’s vampires. She sought to use her vampiric abilities to strengthen her connection to the spirits.


Skjald Sigurd



They are covering all of Utari in small settlements, somewhat remote or disconnected with the other races. Rarely do they settle outside their communities, but they welcome traders and travellers of any race. Some of them who deal with traders are able to speak some of the other realmish dialects. They are spread throughout the following Isles and Countries

UtariBilza, HokulRemas, Quigly

Skjald Ulrich



Mostly they live in small towns or larger villages, but they are also found as individuals living isolated, mostly being shamans..

Skjald Sigurd



They are not afraid of death and are excellent trackers and hunters.

Skjald Valgrif


I could be wrong but I have seen their equal in Outlands so it wouldn’t surprise me if they originate from there, or at least they all share the same ancestors. But I can’t recall seeing or hearing about T'Aurs when I where over there.

Skjald Yell'a'Beard


Last Updated on 2024-05-20 by IoM-Christian