
1st VioletThe Pilgrim

1st BlueTius

1st CyanMethic y Paladin

1st GreenLeanne

1st YellowFantasia

1st OrangeJupiler

1st RedUlfvarinn

1st PinkGarrett

2nd VioletBullivar


The High King experienced that the Law of The Realm was not upheld, but it was urgent justice that was upheld throughout The Realm. So the Enforcers were created to travel, watch, listen, and enforce the laws of the Fair of the Realm.

Skjald Yell'a'Beard



As such, the idea was spawned in the late autumn of 1250 SA, but it was not until the next year that the first Enforcer The Pilgrim was officially announced. Within a week, the Pilgrim and the High King had found and announced the rest of the enforcers.

In the first year, there were several arguments, a few heated conflicts, and a handful of swift death sentences. As words spread, the conflicts died out, and Nobility as such began adhering to the agreement. Although mourning the loss and the need for harsh enforcement, the High King saw this as a small price to pay as life for everyone generally became easier and more tolerable. Its odd, though, to think that such a large fraction spread all over The Realm not only opposed it but also worked to topple it all.

Skjald Ulrich



They adhered to the laws set at each Fair of the Realm and could enforce its wording upon local Nobility trying to bend the rules. They only answered to the High King, but could be summoned to court at Grimsborg in case a local Lord disagreed with their behaviour.

Skjald El Mary



They are not above the Law of the Realm, but they are pretty damn close.

Skjald Sejrik


Last Updated on 2024-01-30 by IoM-Christian