Combat Herbs
- Arnumis
- Asarabi
- Attanaris
- Barberries
- Blood-breeze
- Dogauk
- Emberfern
- Ethereal Enigma
- Frostbloom
- Godders Palm
- Gods Sight
- Hamaritt
- Kobolds Agrimony
- Marrlick
- Maugtrawix
- Memeranno
- Mocrugs Eye
- Moonshadow's Feet
- Mopmerza
- Niwalakpa
- Noavutile
- Oimalassi
- Palmeldi
- Polimasta
- Raudiks Alohue
- Rewaki
- Roseramion
- Sayasitu
- Seducers Nut
- Seraphines Kiss
- Shepherds Pillow
- Silvery Skyleaf
- Snakecloud
- Snakeheal
- Snowy Star
- Sparkling Bell
- Star-root
- Swefoltre
- Tamatak
- Tasters Spice
- Teribas
- Thunderbloom
- Thuril
- Thursi-skin
- Urtate
- Venomcure
- Vonilku
- Wiinclam
- Woodsira
- Yavetta
- Yorram
- Zolsenea
- Zurta
“Since the dawn of time… some have consumed combat herbs.”
Combat herbs, unique in their origin as they were tended from swirling mana to flora by the wickeryadi and not the vornir, possess ties to many other realms and beings, enabling them to affect these entities when processed.
Skjald Sejrik
First Age
However, with the growing cooperation between the wickeryadi, thursar, vornir, and boriac, and the folding of void gardens into our world, new combat herbs became a rarity, and it’s been hundreds of decades since any new ones have sprung forth.
Skjald Sigurd
Second Age
After the 1st cataclysm… several previously unknown combat herb types… were discovered throughout the world…
Skjald Yell'a'Beard
Third Age
Throughout history, beings have consumed combat herbs to enhance their performance, expedite recovery, and more. After the arrival of wanderers, many began to search for, refine, sell, and use combat herbs. Over time, this consumption and its effects evolved into the establishment of academies, schools, recipes, and cookbooks, teaching the dos and don’ts of herbalism.
These schools can be divided into two major branches: those that shunned misuse and taught about dangerous herbs, and those who found ways to counter or ignore the damages and embraced forbidden combat herbs. Many of the potent combat herbs had damaging side effects, leading the high king to ban their use throughout the realm. However, the ban became more of a de facto tool for the nobility to control the distribution than a proper ban, as those close to the high king continued to distribute them clandestinely.
Skjald Ulrich
Combat herbs are generally green, with flower colours or hues in between the eight core colours of the magic wheel. They can also serve culinary purposes for food flavouring or have fragrances, spiritual, or therapeutic properties. There exists a vast variety of combat herbs, including annuals, biennials, and perennials, each with their own distinct characteristics and lifespans.
Annual combat herbs complete their life cycle in a single year, from seed to death, and they tend to appear anew each year due to dropped seeds.
Biennial combat herbs follow a unique growth pattern that spans two years. During their first year of growth, they have a low stem and leaves in a rosette form. This initial phase allows the combat herb to gather strength and resources before entering a dormancy period, which typically occurs during the winter season. This dormancy is crucial for the combat herb’s survival and prepares it for the transformative stage in the second year.
In the combat herb’s second year, significant changes occur. The stem elongates, giving rise to tall and robust growth. During this phase, the combat herb bears flowers and fruits, which play a vital role in the combat herb’s reproductive process. The flowers serve as the site for pollination, and once pollinated, they develop into fruits that contain seeds.
After this reproductive phase is complete, the biennial combat herb completes its life cycle, and it dies off. However, there are certain circumstances that can alter this pattern. For instance, some biennial combat herbs may take longer than two years to reach their second stage, depending on environmental conditions and the combat herb’s health. This prolonged period can be identified by observing the size of the combat herb’s leaves, which tend to grow larger in the final phase.
Additionally, in specific special circumstances, such as vernalization, the combat herb’s growth cycle can be accelerated. Vernalization refers to subjecting the combat herb to a period of cold exposure, typically during the winter. This triggers a response within the combat herb, inducing it to complete its entire life cycle in a shorter time frame, sometimes as little as 3–4 months. This accelerated process can be especially advantageous for herbalists and cultivators seeking a faster harvest or reproduction of the biennial combat herb.
Perennial combat herbs live for two or more seasons, producing flowers annually after their first year.
Skjald Ulrich
Combat herbs can manifest in various forms, including trees, shrubs, subshrubs, grasses, sedges, forbs, cushion plants, lianas, ferns, mosses, hornworts, liverworts, algae, lichens, and fungi. Thus, some of them have wooden stems and do not lose all aerial parts at the end of each season.
Combat herbs are diverse and fascinating plants with various parts that serve distinct purposes. Let’s delve deeper into the different components and characteristics of these combat herbs:
- Leaf: The leaf is one of the most recognisable parts of an combat herb. It emerges from stem buds and comes in a wide array of shapes, such as frond-like or coniferous, and sizes. The colour and hairiness can vary on both the front and back surfaces of the leaf. Leaves also play a vital role in converting sunlight, into energy for the combat herb’s growth and survival.
- Stem: The stem provides support and structure to the combat herb, connecting the roots to the leaves and flowers. While most combat herbs have soft, non-wooden stems, some, especially those not strictly classified as “herbs” in the conventional sense, can have wooden stems. These woody stems allow certain combat herbs to retain their aerial parts even after the end of the growing season.
- Flowers: Flowers are the reproductive organs of the combat herb. They attract pollinators like bees, butterflies, and birds to aid in pollination. Once pollinated, the flowers develop into fruits that house the seeds, enabling the combat herb to reproduce and spread.
- Roots: The roots anchor the combat herb in the soil and absorb water and nutrients necessary for its growth. Some combat herbs have taproots, while others have fibrous root systems, each adapted to suit their specific environments.
- Bark: The bark is the protective outer covering of the stem and branches of certain woody combat herbs. It can be divided into inner, middle, and outer layers, each with unique properties and compositions.
- Fruits: The fruits encompass several layers, including the epicarp (peel or skin), mesocarp, and endocarp. These layers contain various compounds like essential oils, paraffin waxes, fatty acids, and pigments. Combat herbs often use fruits as a means of seed dispersal, ensuring the continuation of their species.
In the realm of combat herbs, diversity knows no bounds. While many combat herbs follow the pattern of dying back to the ground at the end of each season, there are exceptions. Some combat herbs can exhibit unique adaptations and behaviours, allowing them to thrive in different environments and fulfil their roles as combat herbs.
Indeed, the diversity of combat herb leaves is truly astounding, and their variations play a significant role in identifying and distinguishing different plant species. Let’s explore these leaf characteristics in more detail:
- Colour and Hairiness: Combat herb leaves typically have a green colour. However, the shade of green can vary from light to dark, and some combat herbs may exhibit other colours like red, purple, or silver. Additionally, the surfaces of the leaves can be hairy or smooth, with varying degrees of hairiness on the front and back sides of the leaf.
- Shape: Leaves come in a wide range of shapes, and some common forms include:
- Frond: These leaves are typically large, divided into many smaller leaflets, and resemble the shape of fern fronds.
- Conifer: Coniferous leaves are usually needle-shaped or scale-like and are commonly found on trees like pine and spruce.
- Apex Form: The apex, or tip, of the leaf can vary, such as being pointed, rounded, notched, or divided.
- Vein System: The arrangement of veins on the leaf can be parallel, pinnate (feather-like), or palmate (radiating from a central point).
- Leaf Margin: The leaf margin refers to the edge of the leaf, and it can be smooth, serrated (with small teeth), lobed, or deeply incised.
- Stalks (Petiolate/Sessile): The stalk of the leaf, known as the petiole, connects the leaf to the stem. Some leaves have petioles, making them petiolate, while others lack this stalk and are directly attached to the stem (sessile).
- Arrangement: Leaves can be arranged in various patterns along the stem, and common arrangements include:
- Alternate: Leaves are arranged singly along the stem, alternating sides with each leaf.
- Basal: Leaves are clustered at the base of the stem.
- Cauline: Leaves are arranged along the stem without forming a basal cluster.
- Opposite: Leaves are paired at each node of the stem, opposite each other.
- Decussate: Leaves are arranged in pairs at each node, but each pair is perpendicular to the pair above or below it.
- Whorled: Three or more leaves are arranged in a circle around the stem at each node.
- Rosulate: Leaves are clustered in a rosette-like arrangement.
The distinct features of combat herb leaves are vital tools for herbalists and botanists in identifying and categorising various plants. Understanding the different parts of combat herbs, such as leaves, stems, flowers, roots, bark, and fruits, and the characteristics of combat herbs is crucial for herbalists and apothecaries as they seek to harness their beneficial properties in the preparation of essential oils, paraffin waxes, fatty acids, pigments, and gums that can be turned into potions, salves, oils, gels, pastes, and powders for various purposes, be it healing, enhancing performance, or other mysterious and potent effects.
Skjald Valgrif
The practice of herbalism is often carried out by herbalists, apothecaries, and pharmacists, collectively known as druggists. Herbalists, in particular, travel to nature and the wilderness in search of combat herbs, and they use stem-cut perennials to reproduce valuable combat herb gardens.
Gathering and handling combat herbs can also be done by people with herb lore, who may not refine them further. However, this is a tricky task, as the purity of the combat herb may exceed the finder’s skill and knowledge, potentially leading to its ruin.
Herbalism is the skill of identifying, gathering, preparing, and refining ingredients to craft potions, salves, oils, and powders. Every character possesses the ability to perform herbalism with the proper tools and seek out ingredients. The skill of herbalism evolves through practice and study, and herbalists often carry personalised herbalism toolkits, some of which may be inherited through generations.
Skjald Sejrik
The practice of stem-cutting perennials are a clever technique employed by skilled herbalists to propagate and grow these valuable combat herbs in dedicated gardens. Stem-cutting is a form of asexual reproduction that allows the herbalist to create new plants that are genetically identical to the parent plant. Here’s how the process works:
- Selecting the Perennial: The herbalist carefully chooses a healthy and mature perennial plant that exhibits the desired traits, such as potent medicinal properties, aromatic qualities, or unique flavours.
- Preparing the Cutting: Using a sharp and clean cutting tool, the herbalist takes a portion of the perennial’s stem. The stem cutting should be a few inches long and preferably taken from the current season’s growth. The cutting is typically taken just below a leaf node, where the leaves emerge from the stem.
- Rooting the Cutting: The herbalist places the stem cutting in a suitable rooting medium, such as a mix of perlite and peat moss or a rooting powder. The cutting is then carefully watered and kept in a warm and humid environment to encourage root growth.
- Transplanting: Once the cutting develops roots and establishes itself as a new combat herb, the herbalist carefully transplants it into a dedicated garden. These gardens are specifically designed to meet the needs of the perennial, providing it with the right amount of sunlight, water, and nutrients.
By stem-cutting perennials, herbalists ensure that they can cultivate and harvest these valuable combat herbs consistently. It allows them to maintain a renewable and sustainable source of medicinal and culinary specimen for their practice and for the benefit of the local community. Additionally, growing perennials in controlled environments like combat herb gardens enables herbalists to monitor and optimise the conditions to maximise the potency and quality of the combat herbs.
Moreover, combat herb gardens become centres of knowledge and preservation where herbalists can study and experiment with different perennial varieties, refining their understanding of herbalism and discovering new applications for these plants. The dedication of herbalists to stem-cutting perennials and nurturing them in these gardens contributes to the preservation of ancient knowledge and traditions in the ever-evolving world of herbal medicine and the appreciation of nature’s gifts.
Skjald Yell’a’Beard
In the mystical realm of combat herbs and potions, understanding their properties and shelf life is crucial for any aspiring herbalist. Cut and prepared combat herbs, unless specifically enchanted, possess a fleeting shelf life, lasting only 3 to 18 weeks. However, for those who wish to preserve the potency of combat herbs for an extended period of time, dried forms come to the rescue. When kept in a tightly sealed container, away from the insidious grasp of moisture, dried combat herbs can maintain their efficacy for 1 to 4 years.
Potions, on the other hand, stand as an exception in the world of herbalism. Harnessing the essence of magic, these concoctions boast an indefinite lifespan. It’s no wonder they command a higher price than other combat herbal products, as they have remained desirable for countless ages.
Skjald El Mary
Buying or selling
When it comes to the art of buying and selling combat herbs, a rule of thumb prevails in bustling city markets. In the combat herb’s native region, the likelihood of purchasing one is akin to finding it in the wild—a matter of chance and luck. However, venturing beyond the combat herb’s home turf introduces some intriguing variables. In large cities outside its native region, the probability of stumbling upon it is halved, but the price is doubled due to its rarity and allure. And if one dares to seek it in a large city opposite its native region, the chance of success diminishes to a mere quarter, while the price soars to at least triple the normal rate, reflecting its scarcity and mystique.
As one journeys to smaller cities, quaint towns, and isolated farmsteads, the availability of rare combat herbs dwindles further, presenting a considerable challenge for herbalists. The pursuit of these precious ingredients becomes even more arduous, and the price tag reflects their exclusivity and demand, making them far more expensive.
In this enigmatic world of combat herbs and potions, knowledge of their shelf life, magical properties, and availability is the key to unlocking the secrets of herbalism and navigating the intricate web of buying and selling in the diverse landscapes of the realm.
Skjald Valgrif
Combat herbs are not limited to combat applications; they also have healing and other beneficial properties for consumers. They may only be used by characters with herbalism skills, and each combat herb’s description contains vital information, such as its common nickname, discovery attributions, availability season, rarity, location, value, doses, description, recipe, and effects.
Its common name.
The name of the individual to whom we attribute the discovery of effects.
Location: The climates and region where it can be found.
Availability: season of the year is available.
Rarity: the percentage chance for a person who searches for it to find it one day.
Value: the cost in a natural form or the cost in a ready-to-use form.
Doses: Indicates how much of it can be found at any one location.
Description: The look, scent, etc. of the combat herb.
Recipe: Describes preparation circumstances, prima, secunda, tertia, ingredients, and so on. How to use it and its effect(s).
Skjald El Mary
Herb Types
Combat herbs can be categorised into several types, such as recovery, which aid in sprains, bruises, blood loss, and sight restoration. There are also combat herbs that remove infections, as well as resistance ones that offer protection against poisons.
- Recovery: sprains, bruises, blood loss, sight
- Remove the infection.
- Resistance: poison,
Skjald Vinotis
Herbs, when carefully collected, processed, and refined, can yield a plethora of valuable products with diverse applications. Some of the most common and beneficial herbal preparations are:
1. Tisanes: Tisanes, commonly known as herbal teas, are beverages made by infusing various herbs, flowers, or dried plant materials in hot water. Unlike traditional tea made from the Camellia sinensis plant, tisanes do not contain caffeine. They are renowned for their soothing and therapeutic properties, offering a wide range of flavours and benefits, depending on the herbs used. Some tisanes are enjoyed for relaxation and promoting sleep, while others are valued for their digestive, immune-boosting, or calming effects.
2. Salves and Ointments: Salves and ointments are topical applications made from herbal extracts infused into a base such as oils, beeswax, or lanolin. They are designed to be applied directly to the skin to address various skin conditions, soothe irritations, or promote healing. Salves and ointments are highly effective in delivering the medicinal properties of herbs to the affected area and are commonly used for treating minor cuts, burns, rashes, and dry skin.
3. Pastes and Gels: Herbal pastes are created by grinding or mashing herbs into a smooth consistency and adding liquid or gel-like substances to enhance their application. These pastes can be applied to affected areas for targeted relief from inflammation, pain, or skin irritations. Gels are similar to pastes but have a smoother texture and are suitable for specific topical treatments.
4. Poultices: Poultices are soft and moist herbal preparations used externally to alleviate pain, inflammation, or infection in localised areas of the body. They are made by applying a heated herbal mixture directly to the affected area and then covering it with a cloth or bandage. Poultices are commonly used to treat bruises, sprains, wounds, and boils, providing both soothing relief and promoting healing.
5. Powders: Herbal powders are finely ground plant materials derived from leaves, roots, flowers, or other plant parts. They are incredibly versatile and can be used in various ways, such as mixing with liquids to create herbal beverages or sprinkling onto food for added flavour and health benefits. Herbal powders are also encapsulated or compressed into tablets for easier consumption and to ensure precise dosing of herbal remedies.
6. Essential Oils: Essential oils are highly concentrated extracts obtained from distilling or cold-pressing plant materials. These oils capture the essence and aromatic compounds of herbs, which can be inhaled, applied topically, or used in aromatherapy diffusers. Essential oils have numerous therapeutic properties and are commonly used to promote relaxation, alleviate stress, boost mood, and address various physical and emotional imbalances.
7. Potions and Elixirs: Potions and elixirs are herbal concoctions prepared by blending specific herbs with liquids such as water, alcohol, or honey. These custom blends are formulated to address specific health concerns or to support overall well-being. Potions and elixirs are ingested orally to benefit from their herbal properties.
By harnessing the diverse forms of herbal preparations, individuals can fully experience the remarkable benefits of combat herbs in their daily lives. It is essential to understand each type’s appropriate usage and dosage to ensure safe and effective integration into one’s herbal practice or wellness routine. The use of these varied herbal preparations has been passed down through generations, with herbalists and practitioners continually refining their knowledge and techniques to harness the full potential of nature’s healing gifts. Each preparation method offers unique advantages, making herbal medicine a versatile and valuable aspect of holistic health and wellness.
Skjald Yell’a’Beard
It is essential for users to educate themselves about the potential side- or after-effects of Combat Herbs and follow recommended dosages and usage guidelines. Prior to incorporating any combat herb into their health regimen, individuals should consult with a skilled herbalist or healthcare provider to ensure safety and efficacy. By using Combat Herbs responsibly and with proper knowledge, individuals can harness their healing properties while minimising any adverse effects.
Skjald Sejrik
Combat herbs, while potent and beneficial, can indeed have side-effects or after-effects that users should be aware of. These effects can vary depending on the specific herb and the individual’s constitution. Some common side-effects or after-effects of combat herbs include:
Skjald Sigurd
Last Updated on 2024-12-08 by IoM-Christian