

Human Races N-Erectus


Heroes Hordes


Egral Rulers


Noble Families & Organisations


Other Nobility




Public Organisations


Shadowy Organisations


Thieving Organisations


Human Characters


Drakk Alfar Characters


Coinage of note:




Cities of note:


Towns of note:


Inns of note:


Taverns of note:


Rest Spots of note:


Bridges of note:


Ruins of note:


Shrines of note:


Raw Materails of note:


“A simple Country, oh no not at all. Mumak is a thriving melting pot of Human and N-Erectus, rooted deeply in time and soil -with bonds none can spoil.”

Skjald Yell'a'Beard



Since the beginning of Second Age… dominated by Human Moss'Ari forestfolk… and Fautyr's. Now both retracted deep into the wilderness…

Skjald Kazumix


Legend has it that when the Isle of Ljostari sank, the souls of those perished, where awakened by the tsunami -trapped in their corpses in our earthly realm. As a result, a new race known as the Arisen was born. These souls returned to life with all their former powerful mystical abilities, and they are guardians of ancient wisdom and secrets. Some of these resides within Mumak.

Skjald Valgrif


The Wickeryadi's, according to ancient tales, have a tree-like appearance and affinity for nature, and can quickly spring roots that extend deep into the heart of the earth. It is said that these roots connect the Wickeryadi to the spirits of the land, granting them a profound understanding of the regions of the World.

Skjald Valgrif


Within Mumak lives a single Herd of T'Aurs. This reclusive and wise race, with both humanoid and animal features, were once revered as great scholars and philosophers. However, the calamitous event on Ljostari in the past, drove them into hiding, and they became known as the “Forgotten T’Aurs.” The knowledge they hold is said to be a treasure trove of ancient wisdom.

Skjald Sejrik


Amongst the rarely met races of Mumak, are the Drakk Alfar, Ljost Alfar, and Kobold. All played crucial roles in defending The Realm during The Great Invasion and have contributed to Mumaks cultural and technological advancements trough time. Their unique Skills, knowledge, and resilience enriched the diverse tapestry of the realm, making them integral parts of Mumak’s history and legends. As Mumak continued to evolve, the memory of these ancient allies faded but now lives strong again, reminding the inhabitants of Mumak of the importance of unity and cooperation in the face of adversity.

The underground-dwelling Drakk Alfar of Mumak proved to be steadfast allies during The Great Invasion. Despite their kin from distant locations being among the invaders, these Drakk Alfar stood side by side with the forces of The Realm and the High King to defend their homeland. Their knowledge of the underground network and Astral Site/Gates was invaluable in strategizing against the Invaders. With their keen senses and affinity for the subterranean world, they were able to protect and safeguard these enigmatic Astral Site/Gates, which were crucial for the realm’s defense.

Skjald El Mary


The Ljost Alfar of Mumak, renowned for their diverse skills and expertise. As fabulous Herbalists, poets, philosophers, and crafters, they played an integral role in developing Mumak’s cultural and intellectual landscape, but slowly retracted. Their treetop and mountainside settlements, nestled deep within the remote and inaccessible forests, became unaccessible bastions of knowledge and creativity. Their crafted artifacts, potions, and elixirs, became high priced objects sought after throughout the realm. Their poetry and philosophy, once enriching the minds of the realm’s inhabitants, offering profound insights into life, nature, and the cosmos, vague memories and dusty tales. During The Great Invasion they came forth 8nce more and stood shoulder to shoulder with Human knights and farmers.

Skjald Vinotis


The somewhat stocky, thick skinned, humanoid rhino-like Kobold inhabitants, with their large uniquely patterned horn, lived scattered across Mumak in small fortified settlements. Skilled Engineers, mechanists, and craftsmen. Their affinity for mechanization and engineering made them masters of creating intricate and efficient devices. They were known for their ingenuity in crafting unique and powerful machinery, which ranged from simple tools to complex automatons. The Kobolds’ thick hides and large nose horns made them formidable defenders of their settlements, and their mechanized creations bolstered their realm’s defenses during times of conflict.

Skjald Sigurd


The Moss’ari Forestfolk: Guardians of the Woodlands are a reclusive and enigmatic human race, deeply connected to the ancient forests and woodlands of southern Mumak. They are known for their deep green eyes, hair that often blends with the foliage, and skin with a natural hue that helps them camouflage within the dense undergrowth. Their attire consists of clothing woven from natural fibers and adorned with leaf patterns and earthy tones.

Ties to the Lakes and Marshes: The Moss’ari revere the lakes and marshes that dot the landscape of their homeland. These bodies of water are considered sacred, as they believe that the spirits of their ancestors dwell within the waters. The lakes and marshes hold great significance in their spiritual practices, where they perform rituals to pay homage to their ancestors and seek their guidance.

The Moss’Ari, being masters of camouflage and deeply connected to nature, have developed a unique and ingenious tactic for warfare. When preparing for battle, they employ a strategy known as “Birch Camouflage,” where they chalk themselves white and add horizontal stripes to mimic the appearance of birch trees found in their native forests.

**1. Blend with their Environment: The Moss’Ari’s homelands are often abundant with birch trees, known for their striking white bark with horizontal markings. By mimicking the appearance of these trees, the Moss’Ari warriors can seamlessly blend in with their surroundings, making it incredibly challenging for their enemies to detect them amidst the dense foliage and shadows of the forest.

**2. Confusion and Misdirection: The Birch Camouflage tactic not only helps the Moss’Ari remain concealed but also confuses and misdirects their adversaries. The horizontal stripes create an optical illusion, making it difficult for opponents to discern the true shape and location of the Moss’Ari warriors. This confusion can lead to mistakes and hesitations, providing the Moss’Ari with a strategic advantage in battle.

**3. Connection to Nature: For the Moss’Ari, the Birch Camouflage is more than just a tactical maneuver; it is a spiritual connection to the lands they hold dear. By emulating the appearance of the birch trees, they symbolize their deep respect and kinship with the forest and its inhabitants. This connection to nature infuses their warriors with a sense of purpose and unity, strengthening their resolve on the battlefield.

**4. Mounting their Ljostari Elks: To enhance their camouflage and mobility, the Moss’Ari warriors extend their tactic to their loyal companions, the Ljostari Elks. These majestic creatures, are also chalked white with horizontal stripes to blend in seamlessly with the surroundings. By doing so, the Moss’Ari and their Ljostari Elks become a formidable, elusive force, capable of launching stealthy attacks and ambushes on unsuspecting enemies.

**5. Psychological Impact: The Birch Camouflage tactic also has a psychological impact on the Moss’Ari’s adversaries. Seeing a group of warriors seemingly emerge from the very forest itself can strike fear and uncertainty in the hearts of their foes. This psychological warfare can weaken the resolve of opposing armies, further tipping the scales in favor of the Moss’Ari during confrontations.

Overall, the Birch Camouflage is a testament to the Moss’Ari’s ingenuity, resourcefulness, and profound understanding of their natural environment. It showcases their ability to harness the power of nature in both physical and spiritual aspects, making them a formidable force on the battlefield and deeply connected to the lands they call home.

Connection to Nature: The Moss’ari have a profound connection to nature and are skilled in herbalism, botany, and the art of camouflage. They have an innate understanding of the flora and fauna, utilizing the resources of the forests for sustenance, medicine, and crafting. Their knowledge of plants and herbs often makes them sought-after healers and wise herbalists in the realm.

Protectors of the Forests: The Moss’ari have a deep sense of responsibility for the forests they inhabit. They act as guardians of these woodlands, preserving the delicate balance between the natural world and civilization. They are known to be fiercely protective of their homeland and are wary of outsiders who might pose a threat to the sanctity of their forests.

Cultural Practices: The Moss’ari are a close-knit community, living in small villages nestled within the woods. Their society is deeply rooted in traditions and customs passed down through generations. They have a strong oral storytelling tradition, narrating tales of their ancestors and the spirits that inhabit the lakes and marshes. Dance and music are essential elements of their cultural expressions, with performances often dedicated to nature and the seasons.

Skjald Sigurd


The Fable of the Shimmering Faun: In the heart of the Moss’ari forests, there is a tale of a mysterious faun with shimmering silver fur that is said to grant boons to those in need. This faun roams the woodlands, appearing only to those with pure hearts and noble intentions. Many travelers have shared stories of their encounters with the Shimmering Faun, claiming to have received wisdom and protection from its magical presence.

The Faun in The Fable of the Shimmering Faun is, in fact, a very old Fautyr. The Fautyr, being masters of shape-shifting and possessing a deep connection with the natural world, have an inherent ability to appear in various forms and guises. The Faun in the fable, with its charming and mystical presence, is a manifestation of the ancient Fautyr’s shape-shifting prowess and their profound understanding of the human psyche.

The Fable of the Shimmering Faun tells the tale of an enigmatic creature that appears to wanderers and travelers in the depths of the wilderness. The Faun captivates the hearts and minds of those who encounter it, leading them on journeys of self-discovery and transformation. With each encounter, the Faun assumes a different guise, embodying the dreams, desires, and fears of those it encounters.

As the Fable unfolds, it becomes evident that the Faun is not merely a mythical being, but a representation of the Fautyr’s ancient wisdom and the natural forces they embody. The Faun’s shimmering presence symbolizes the ever-changing nature of the wilderness, its elusive and mystical allure, and its ability to inspire and transform those who embrace its wonders.

The Fable of the Shimmering Faun serves as a reminder of the timeless bond between humanity and nature, urging the listeners to embrace the beauty and mysteries of the natural world. It also pays homage to the Fautyr’s role as guardians of the wilderness, whose shape-shifting abilities and deep understanding of the human heart weave tales of enchantment and wonder, inspiring generations to come.

Skjald Vinotis


The Fautyr: The Masters of Wilderness

The Fautyr are enigmatic beings, they possess the upper body and head of a human, adorned with finely sculpted features and expressive eyes that reflect their deep affinity for the natural world. Their most distinctive features include magnificent goat-like horns gracefully curving from their foreheads and powerful goat legs, ending with cloven hooves that allow them to navigate rugged terrains with ease. A long, flowing horse tail adds to their enchanting appearance. The Fautyrs of Mumak are somewhat special, as their skin shimmers like water under the moonlight.

Harmonious Connection to Nature:
The Fautyr are deeply attuned to the wild and untamed aspects of the realm. They live in remote settlements scattered throughout the wilderness, often nestled amidst ancient forests, rolling meadows, and lofty mountains. These settlements are designed to blend seamlessly with their surroundings, often built with natural materials such as wood, stone, and clay.

The Fautyr possess the remarkable ability to shape-shift, but unlike other shape-shifters, they do not change form for deception or disguise. Instead, they shape-shift out of necessity, adapting their appearances and abilities to thrive in different environments and encounters with nature. When navigating dense forests, their legs elongate to help them move gracefully through the undergrowth. In treacherous mountainous regions, their hooves grow sturdier, providing better traction on rocky slopes.

Guardians of the Wilderness:
The Fautyr are revered as guardians of the wilderness, taking on the responsibility of preserving the delicate balance of nature. They act as protectors of sacred groves, ancient trees, and pristine lakes, ensuring that these natural wonders remain untouched by outside forces. Their bond with the animals of the wilderness is profound, and they have a unique ability to communicate with creatures both great and small.

Skilled Craftsmen and Artists:
Despite their rustic lifestyle, the Fautyr are skilled craftsmen and artisans. They excel in creating intricate wood carvings, woven tapestries, and harmonious music that echoes the rhythm of nature. Their settlements are adorned with breathtaking art that celebrates the beauty of the natural world.

Celebration of Seasons:
The Fautyr hold the changing of seasons in great reverence, celebrating each solstice and equinox with joyous festivities. During these occasions, they gather around sacred bonfires, adorned in elaborate, nature-inspired costumes. Through enchanting music and dance, they pay homage to the cycles of life and the eternal connection between humanity and the wilderness.

The Fautyr’s existence is a testament to the timeless bond between humankind and nature. They serve as a bridge, reminding the realm’s inhabitants of the importance of preserving the wilderness and respecting the intricate web of life that sustains all living beings.

Custodians of Mystical Knowledge: The Fautyr are renowned for their arcane knowledge and magical prowess. They act as custodians of ancient mystical traditions, including the art of divination, water scrying, and weather manipulation. Fautyr shamans are highly respected within their communities and among neighboring races seeking guidance or blessings.

Symbiotic Relationship with Nature: The Fautyr have a symbiotic relationship with the natural world, particularly the waterways and marshlands. They take pride in maintaining the balance between the ecosystem and the inhabitants of the region, serving as caretakers of the fragile wetland habitats.

Cultural Practices: The Fautyr live in hidden settlements within the marshlands, designed to blend seamlessly with their surroundings. Their culture is steeped in reverence for water spirits and nature’s cycles. They celebrate the phases of the moon and the changing tides, viewing them as sacred markers of their existence.

Skjald Sejrik

The Tale of the Fautyr Sorceress: This legend speaks of a powerful Fautyr sorceress who possessed the gift of prophecy. She foretold the rise and fall of great empires, the outcomes of wars, and the destinies of monarchs. Many sought her counsel, but her cryptic visions often left them pondering her words for years, trying to decipher their true meanings.

Whispers and legends surrounding “The Tale of the Fautyr Sorceress” have captivated the imagination of the realm’s inhabitants, leaving room for speculation, intrigue, and deepening the insight into the enigmatic narrative. Among the hints, gossip, and legends that circulate, several elements stand out:

1. The Fautyr Sorceress’s True Identity: Some claim that the Fautyr Sorceress was not merely a mortal Fautyr but a being of immense power and ancient origins. Some legends suggest that she might have been a long-lost princess or an immortal creature who chose to live among the Fautyr to conceal her true nature.

2. Forbidden Love and Tragedy: Whispers speak of a forbidden love between the Fautyr Sorceress and a mortal, be it a human, an elf, or another race. The tragic tale of their ill-fated romance might have led the Fautyr Sorceress to make a pact with dark forces or undertake a dangerous quest to gain the power to change her fate.

3. The Serpent’s Coil: Some stories connect “The Tale of the Fautyr Sorceress” with the Serpent’s Coil, the mysterious artifact said to hold the essence of primordial chaos and power. Legends suggest that the Fautyr Sorceress might have sought the Serpent’s Coil to achieve her ambitions or to save her loved one, leading to unforeseen consequences.

4. The Price of Immortality: Rumors whisper of the Fautyr Sorceress’s pursuit of immortality or eternal youth. Legends tell of her delving into dark and forbidden magics, bartering with sinister beings to achieve her desires, and the steep price she had to pay for tampering with the forces of life and death.

5. The Echoes of Her Magic: Some claim that even after her disappearance or demise, the magic of the Fautyr Sorceress continues to echo through the land. Strange phenomena, spectral apparitions, and mysterious occurrences are attributed to her powerful spells and lingering presence.

6. The Lost Tome: It is said that the true account of “The Tale of the Fautyr Sorceress” lies hidden in a lost and ancient tome. The search for this elusive book becomes an obsession for scholars, adventurers, and seekers of hidden knowledge, each eager to unveil the complete truth behind the enigmatic narrative.

7. A Divine Bargain: Legends hint that the Fautyr Sorceress might have struck a deal with a powerful being or a Greater God, pledging her allegiance or service in exchange for the power she sought. The consequences of such a pact could have far-reaching implications for the realm and the Fautyr themselves.

8. Her Elusive Return: Some believe that the Fautyr Sorceress is not truly gone but merely dormant, waiting for the right moment to return. These legends speak of a prophecy foretelling her return in a time of great need or upheaval, heralding a new era of magic and mystery in the realm.

“The Tale of the Fautyr Sorceress” remains a captivating enigma, leaving both common folk and scholars enthralled by the myriad of whispers and legends that surround it. The quest to uncover the truth behind this beguiling tale continues to be an enduring pursuit in the realm of Mumak.

Skjald Ulrich


The Age of Hordes:

The Age of Hordes was a significant period in the history, marked by a tumultuous era of power struggles, territorial expansion, and the rise of several formidable families, Clans, and Tribes. This period spanned from approximately 650 to 1250 in the Second Age, and it was characterized by intense competition among various groups seeking dominance and control over territories and resources.

Causes and Background:

Post-First Age Disruptions: The Age of Hordes followed the First Age, a time of upheaval marked by the migration and clashes of various races, including theVular, Jomzaar, and Rimzir. The disruption caused by these migrations left many regions in turmoil and created power vacuums, setting the stage for further conflicts.

Exploration and Expansion: As the World recovered from the aftermath of the First Age, various factions sought to expand their influence and control over new territories. The Age of Hordes saw an increased interest in exploration and conquest, with families and clans venturing into uncharted lands and establishing footholds in new regions.

Characteristics of the Age of Hordes:

Rise of Noble Families: During this period, several noble families, clans, and tribes rose to prominence. These groups sought to consolidate their power, forming alliances and competing with one another for dominance. The struggle for supremacy often led to battles and skirmishes, resulting in shifting borders and territorial gains.

Clan and Tribe Conflicts: The Age of Hordes was marked by clashes between various clans and tribes, each seeking to secure resources, fertile lands, and strategic positions. These conflicts often escalated into feuds that lasted for generations, shaping the alliances and enmities that persisted through the ages.

Strategic Alliances: Some families and clans recognized the benefits of forming strategic alliances to strengthen their positions. These alliances were forged through marriages, treaties, and mutual defense agreements. The Age of Hordes saw the creation of influential alliances that would later play pivotal roles in shaping the realm’s future.

Migrations and Settlements: As various groups expanded their influence, they encountered new lands and regions to settle. The Age of Hordes witnessed significant migrations as clans and tribes sought to claim territories that suited their needs and desires.

Resource Wars: Scarce resources, including fertile lands, rich mines, and trade routes, often sparked conflicts between rival groups. Controlling vital resources meant gaining economic advantages and greater political influence.

Legacy and Transformation:

The Age of Hordes laid the groundwork for the transformation of several countries, kingdoms and empires. As the conflicts subsided and alliances solidified, the stage was set for the formation of a united realm known as “The Realm.” This transition culminated in the institution of a High King and the establishment of Grimsborg as the capital.

The Age of Hordes was instrumental in shaping the realm’s political landscape, forging relationships that endured through the ages. The clans and tribes that once fiercely competed for dominance came together, leaving behind their historical rivalries to unite under a common banner.

While the age was characterized by strife and upheaval, it also laid the foundation for the realm’s unity and prosperity. The heroes and leaders of this tumultuous era are celebrated in tales and legends, their feats of bravery and diplomacy inspiring future generations to embrace the values of unity, resilience, and cooperation.

Skjald Yell’a’Beard


In 1170, when the idea of The Realm and a High King was conceived, several noble banners (families) came together to form the 1st Alliance. These families played a significant role in advocating for the establishment of The Realm and the unification of Mumak under a High King. Here are some of the noble banners that stood out during this pivotal period:

House Ravenshield: Known for their unwavering commitment to honor and justice, House Ravenshield was among the first to pledge their support to the 1st alliance. They were renowned for their formidable knights and warriors, and their leader, Lord Cedric Ravenshield, was a charismatic and respected figure.

House Silverbrook: A family known for their skilled diplomats and negotiators, House Silverbrook played a crucial role in forging alliances between various factions and regions. Their leader, Lady Isabella Silverbrook, was celebrated for her shrewdness and wisdom.

House Bloodmoon: A mysterious and enigmatic family, House Bloodmoon wielded powerful magic and mystical knowledge. Their involvement in the 1st alliance added an aura of mysticism and intrigue to the movement. The secretive Lady Eveline Bloodmoon, rumored to be a skilled sorceress, represented the family’s interests.

House Thundertide: Hailing from the coastal regions, House Thundertide was known for their naval prowess and mastery of the seas. They contributed significantly to the logistics and transport of the alliance’s forces and supplies. Lord Roderick Thundertide led his family with a strong sense of duty and loyalty.

House Blackthorn: A family deeply connected to the Fautyr, House Blackthorn represented the interests of the semi-human race during the negotiations. Their leader, Lady Elara Blackthorn, was an ambassador for understanding and cooperation between the Fautyr and the human nobility.

House Winterfell: Residing in the frigid northern regions of Mumak, House Winterfell provided a much-needed perspective from the realm’s borders. They were known for their hardy warriors and skilled trackers. Lord Edmund Winterfell was a trusted advisor in matters of defense and security.

House Starblade: Known for their elite group of swordmasters and dueling expertise, House Starblade brought martial prowess and a code of honor to the alliance. Their leader, Lord Arlan Starblade, was a celebrated duelist and a symbol of chivalry.

These noble families, among others, formed the backbone of the 1st alliance, each bringing their unique strengths and perspectives to the table. Their unity and determination paved the way for the eventual establishment of The Realm and the appointment of the first High King. The 1st alliance remains a celebrated chapter in Mumak’s history, representing a rare moment of cooperation and camaraderie among the realm’s noble houses.

Skjald Valgrif


Mumak’s Past and Present Kings and Court:

King Valerius the Wise (Past): King Valerius was a renowned ruler of Mumak during the Age of Hordes. His wisdom and visionary leadership laid the foundation for the prosperity of Mumak during its golden period. He was instrumental in establishing diplomatic ties with neighboring countries, encouraging trade, and promoting cultural exchange. His reign is remembered as a time of unity and prosperity.

Queen Isadora the Resolute (Present): Queen Isadora ascended to the throne after the turmoil of The Great Invasion. Her resolute leadership and determination have been crucial in stabilizing Mumak after the devastating events. She is known for her compassion towards her people and her unwavering dedication to rebuilding the country. Queen Isadora’s court is a place of open discourse, where advisors and nobles are encouraged to offer their counsel and expertise to aid in the restoration efforts.

Queen Isadora’s husband and the King of Mumak during the time of the Great Invasion was King Edmund IV. He was a wise and just ruler, beloved by his subjects for his strong leadership and compassion. King Edmund IV was known for his efforts to maintain peace and prosperity in Mumak and for his support of cultural and artistic endeavors in the realm.

During the Great Invasion, King Edmund IV led his armies into battle to defend Mumak from the invading forces. He fought valiantly alongside his soldiers, inspiring them with his bravery and determination. However, tragedy struck during a pivotal battle when the King was mortally wounded by an enemy ambush. Despite his injuries, King Edmund IV continued to lead his troops until the very end, refusing to yield to the invaders.

In the aftermath of the battle, King Edmund IV succumbed to his injuries and passed away, leaving Queen Isadora in mourning. His death was a devastating blow to the realm, as he was not only a beloved ruler but also a symbol of hope and unity. His sacrifice and dedication to the realm were honored, and he was remembered as a noble and courageous king who gave his life to protect his people and their way of life.

Queen Isadora, left widowed by the loss of her husband, assumed the mantle of leadership and became a strong and capable ruler in her own right. She continued to lead Mumak through the tumultuous times of the Great Invasion and the subsequent Cleansing Crusade, working tirelessly to restore order and rebuild the realm after the invasion. King Edmund IV’s legacy lived on through his queen’s rule and the memory of his sacrifice, inspiring the people of Mumak to stand united and resilient in the face of adversity.

The Court of Mumak: Queen Isadora’s court is diverse and inclusive, reflecting the multicultural nature of Mumak. It includes representatives from various races, all working together for the betterment of the realm. The courtiers are known for their loyalty to the queen and their commitment to her vision of a united and prosperous Mumak.

Rivalry and Challenges: In the aftermath of The Great Invasion, various noble families vie for influence and power within the court. While most courtiers support Queen Isadora, there are factions with their own agendas, leading to political intrigue and challenges to her authority. The queen’s decisions are carefully weighed, as she seeks to balance the interests of her people while navigating the ambitions of those within her court.

The Restoration Efforts: Under Queen Isadora’s leadership, the court focuses on rebuilding Mumak, strengthening the borders, and establishing new alliances with neighboring countries. The courtiers work tirelessly to restore the economy, rejuvenate trade, and heal the wounds left by the invasion. The stories of heroes from the Age of Hordes inspire the present generation, fueling the determination to overcome challenges and secure a brighter future for Mumak.

Skjald El Mary


In the years following the formation of the 1st alliance in 1170, the noble houses of Mumak remained influential and vital contributors to the realm’s affairs. Each house continued to play a significant role in shaping the destiny of Mumak and the realm as a whole. Let’s explore the fate of these noble families:

House Ravenshield: House Ravenshield’s commitment to honor and justice remained unwavering. Their knights and warriors continued to be a formidable force in defending the realm against various threats. Their valor and loyalty earned them great respect and admiration from the realm’s inhabitants.

House Silverbrook: The diplomats and negotiators of House Silverbrook continued to play a crucial role in maintaining peace and forging alliances between different factions and regions. Their skills in mediation and diplomacy helped in averting conflicts and fostering cooperation among the noble houses.

House Bloodmoon: The enigmatic and mysterious House Bloodmoon’s mastery of powerful magic and mystical knowledge made them sought-after advisors and allies. They were often consulted on matters of arcane lore and divination, providing valuable insights to the realm’s rulers.

House Thundertide: House Thundertide’s naval prowess and expertise in navigating the lakes remained unmatched. They safeguarded the realm’s coastal regions and ensured safe passage for trade and travel across the vast waters.

House Blackthorn: As representatives of the Fautyr, House Blackthorn continued to bridge the gap between the semi-human race and the other noble houses. They advocated for the rights and interests of the Fautyr, contributing to a more inclusive and unified realm.

House Winterfell: Hailing from the frigid northern regions of Mumak, House Winterfell’s warriors and trackers served as the realm’s vigilant guardians. Their expertise in surviving and thriving in the harsh conditions of the north was invaluable in times of crisis.

House Starblade: The elite swordmasters and duelists of House Starblade remained renowned for their unmatched combat skills. They upheld a code of honor and chivalry that set a standard for others to follow, serving as an example of nobility and valor.

In the years that followed the formation of the 1st alliance, the noble houses of Mumak continued to thrive, their contributions and strengths complementing one another to build a cohesive and prosperous realm. Their unified efforts, under the guidance of the High King and The Realm, helped in maintaining peace and stability across Mumak and the entire realm. The legacy of these noble houses continues to be celebrated, as their names and deeds echo through the annals of Mumak’s history.

Skjald Sejrik


The Legend of the Eternal Flame: High atop a mountain peak shared by Mumak and Egral lies the Eternal Flame, a magical fire that never extinguishes. The legend tells of an ancient sorceress who, in a selfless act of sacrifice, cast a spell to protect her homeland from a calamity. Her spirit resides within the Eternal Flame, guiding and protecting the realm from any impending disaster.

In The Legend of the Eternal Flame, the idea of the ancient sorceress being bound in eternal embrace with a Fire Thursar in the magic fire is a captivating and poignant twist. This concept adds layers of depth and complexity to the story, creating a tale of sacrifice, forbidden love, and the intertwining of mortal and elemental beings.

Forbidden Alliance:
The sorceress, seeking the aid of the powerful Fire Thursar, forms an alliance that transcends the boundaries between human and elemental realms. The Fire Thursar, beings of immense power and fire, are rarely seen in the mortal world, let alone forming bonds with humans. This forbidden alliance challenges the very fabric of existence, with both parties knowing that it comes at a high cost.

Bound in Eternal Embrace:
As the sorceress harnesses the Fire Thursar’s flames for her magic, their destinies become entwined. In a moment of intense vulnerability and connection, the sorceress and the Fire Thursar find themselves locked in an eternal embrace—a union that surpasses the boundaries of time and space. Their souls merge, fusing the sorceress’s mortal essence with the fiery and eternal nature of the Fire Thursar.

Price of Power:
The price for accessing the Fire Thursar’s formidable abilities is the sorceress’s own immortality. Her physical form might have perished, but her spirit remains forever aflame in the magic fire, eternally linked with the Fire Thursar. The sorceress’s legacy lives on, with her spirit continuing to guide and protect those who seek the power of the eternal flame.

Guardians of Ancient Knowledge:
As a result of their union, the sorceress and the Fire Thursar become guardians of ancient knowledge and arcane secrets. The magic fire they embody holds the wisdom of the ages, allowing those who approach it with pure intentions to access profound insights and understanding of the elemental forces.

Symbol of Unbreakable Love:
The tale of the sorceress and the Fire Thursar becomes a symbol of unbreakable love and sacrifice. Their eternal embrace transcends mortality, representing a love that defies the limitations of life itself. The story serves as a reminder that love and connection can bridge worlds and realms, leaving an everlasting mark on the fabric of existence.

Legacy of the Eternal Flame:
The eternal flame becomes a source of fascination and wonder for generations to come. It becomes a place of pilgrimage for seekers of knowledge, power, and those who long to understand the profound mysteries of the universe. The legend of the sorceress and the Fire Thursar becomes an enduring tale that continues to inspire and ignite the imaginations of storytellers and adventurers alike.

The Legend of the Eternal Flame, with its enchanting twist, becomes a tale of transcendent love, sacrifice, and the eternal dance of mortal and elemental beings in the ever-changing tapestry of the realm’s legends and myths.

Skjald Vinotis





Locations at the Borders of Mumak:

Ebrar Border: Windcrest Pass – A narrow and treacherous mountain pass that leads from the roughlands into Ebrar. The howling winds that sweep through the pass give it its name, and it is known for being a challenging route for travelers and traders.

Skjald Kazumix


Bebram Border: Thunderfall Ridge – A rugged and imposing series of cliffs and hills that separate Mumak from Bebram. During storms, the rainwater cascades down the cliffs like a thunderous waterfall, making the ridge both awe-inspiring and hazardous.

Skjald Ulrich


Egral Border: Kenscars Pass – A deep and dramatic cut between the Palalto Peak to the Weat and Troars Top to the east. This pass is flanked by towering mountains and offers both a strategic trade route and a perilous battleground. Kenscars Pass holds great significance in the realm of Mumak for several reasons:

1. Strategic Trade Route: Kenscars Pass serves as a vital trade route that connects Mumak to its neighboring country, Egral. The pass allows for the movement of goods, resources, and people between the two realms, facilitating economic exchange and cultural interaction. Its strategic location makes it a focal point for trade caravans and diplomatic envoys, enhancing regional prosperity and cooperation.

2. Historical Battles: Throughout the ages, Kenscars Pass has been the site of numerous historical battles and conflicts between Mumak and Egral. The control of this pass has often been contested, leading to shifting borders and territorial disputes. As such, it holds deep historical significance as a location that has shaped the realm’s political and military history.

3. Symbol of Unity: The existence of Kenscars Pass as a connecting route between Mumak and Egral also symbolizes the potential for unity and cooperation between the two countries. It serves as a reminder that despite historical conflicts, there are opportunities for dialogue and understanding, fostering the hope of future alliances and peaceful coexistence.

4. Cultural Exchange: Kenscars Pass has witnessed centuries of cultural exchange between Mumak and Egral. Travelers, traders, and adventurers from both realms have traversed the pass, bringing with them their languages, traditions, and stories. As a result, the pass has become a melting pot of diverse cultures and ideas, enriching the region’s cultural tapestry.

5. Natural Beauty and Challenge: The pass’s scenic beauty, nestled between the Palalto Peak to the west and Troars Top to the east, captivates all who journey through it. However, its geographical features also present challenges, making it a testing ground for travelers and explorers seeking to prove their mettle against the elements and the rugged terrain.

6. Mystic Significance: In local folklore, Kenscars Pass is believed to possess mystical qualities, with stories of spirits and ancient guardians haunting the area. It is said that those who pass through the pass with a pure heart may experience spiritual revelations or receive guidance from the realm’s ancient forces.

Overall, Kenscars Pass serves as a symbol of connectivity, resilience, and transformation. Its historical, cultural, and strategic importance has made it a focal point for the realm’s development and
relationships with its neighbors. The pass continues to stand as a testament to the realm’s ability to overcome challenges and build bridges, both physical and metaphorical, in pursuit of a united and prosperous future.

Skjald Yell’a’Beard


Noriag Border: Azure Bay– A serene and vast body of water that lies in the central part of the Noriag-Mumak border. The bay’s crystal-clear blue waters and picturesque islands make it a popular spot for fishing and leisure.

Skjald Valgrif


Kustu Border: WeaterMirrorlakes Crossings – A network of interconnected lakes and waterways that form the border between Mumak and Kustu. The still waters of the lakes reflect the surrounding mountains and forests like a mirror, creating a captivating and surreal sight.

Skjald Sigurd



1. Stormhaven (Capital): The grand capital city of Mumak, located strategically at the crossroads of major trade routes. Stormhaven houses the royal court and the magnificent Castle Stormwatch. It serves as the political and economic center of the realm, bustling with activity and cultural exchanges.

Stormhaven stands proudly as the capital of Mumak, a bustling city that exudes the realm’s strength and resilience. Situated strategically at the crossroads of major trade routes and surrounded by lush landscapes, Stormhaven has grown from a small settlement to a thriving metropolis over the centuries.

Description: The city is characterized by its impressive architecture, featuring grand structures of stone and marble. The centerpiece of Stormhaven is the majestic Castle Stormwatch, a towering fortress that houses the royal court and overlooks the entire city. The bustling streets are lined with colourful marketplaces, artisan workshops, and bustling taverns, creating a lively atmosphere.

Significance: As the capital, Stormhaven serves as the political, economic, and cultural heart of Mumak. It houses the royal court, the queen’s retinue, and the Council of Advisors. The city’s markets attract traders from all over the realm, making it a thriving hub of commerce. Additionally, Stormhaven is the seat of learning, with prestigious academies and libraries that attract scholars, mystics, and artists seeking knowledge and inspiration.

Skjald Vinotis


The Tale of the Whispering Bridge: This legend tells the story of how the mystical “Whispering Bridge” that connects Stormhaven and Crystalmoor was created. It is said that in ancient times, two star-crossed lovers from the two cities yearned to be together despite the distance that separated them. In their despair, they pleaded with the spirits of the land for a way to unite their realms. The spirits granted their wish, and with a magical kiss, the bridge was formed, allowing their spirits to meet in the middle each night and exchange sweet whispers of love.

The scholarly postulate regarding the Whispering Bridge kiss being two of the Boriac’s Astral to Object links overlapping and eventually manifesting as an entity is a fascinating and intriguing concept. In the realm of Mumak, where magic and the Astral plane are deeply intertwined with the physical world, such ideas are not entirely far-fetched.

The Boriac’s Astral to Object Links:
The Boriac, as a divine race, possess unique abilities to navigate the Astral plane and connect with objects and entities in the Void. Their “Astral to Object links” are a means of seeking knowledge and locating objects, drawing upon the vast repository of information contained within the Astral plane. The Boriac’s skill in accessing the Astral plane allows them to manipulate and understand the underlying essence of the realm.

Formation of the Whispering Bridge:
According to the postulate, the Whispering Bridge was born when two powerful Astral to Object links of the Boriac overlapped in a fortuitous convergence. This overlap might have occurred due to the perfect alignment of celestial events or the will of the Astral plane itself. As the two links intertwined, their combined energies gave rise to a new consciousness—an entity with a presence and purpose of its own.

Manifestation of a Sentient Entity:
The resulting entity, the Whispering Bridge, became a sentient manifestation—a living bridge between the physical realm of Mumak and the Astral plane. Its existence defies the boundaries of the material world, allowing travelers to traverse the Astral plane and experience its mysteries firsthand. The entity is thought to have inherited some aspects of the Boriac’s knowledge and wisdom, as well as an innate connection to the Astral energies that power its existence.

Comparison to Gods:
The scholarly postulate draws parallels between the Whispering Bridge and the larger “Gods” in the realm—self-aware manifestations of immense Astral energies and divine power. It suggests that the formation of Gods might have occurred through more significant overlaps of Astral links, resulting in beings of godlike abilities and influence over the realm. These Gods are revered and worshiped by the inhabitants of Mumak, as they hold immense sway over the forces of nature, fate, and magic.

Implications for Understanding the Astral Plane:
The postulate challenges conventional views on the Astral plane, suggesting that it is not merely a passive repository of knowledge but a dynamic realm capable of creating sentient entities. This hypothesis opens new avenues for understanding the nature of the Astral plane, its interconnectedness with the physical world, and the potential for consciousness to emerge from the interplay of Astral energies.

While the postulate remains a topic of scholarly debate and exploration, its ideas add depth and mystery to the Whispering Bridge’s origin and significance within the realm of Mumak. It underscores the profound relationship between the Boriac, the Astral plane, and the sentient entities that arise from the mystic fabric of the cosmos.

Skjald Ulrich

2. Crystalmoor (Second Capital): A mesmerizing cultural hub nestled amidst lush forests and shimmering lakes. Crystalmoor is renowned for its arts, mystical practices, and its Enchanted Grove, a sacred gathering place for artists and mystics seeking inspiration.

Crystalmoor, nestled amidst the tranquil forests and shimmering lakes, stands as a mesmerizing cultural hub in Mumak. Renowned for its arts, mysticism, and spiritual significance, Crystalmoor draws people from all races and walks of life who seek enlightenment and creative expression.

Description: Crystalmoor is a captivating city nestled amidst the lush woodlands and shimmering lakes of southern Mumak. It is renowned for its ethereal beauty, enchanting atmosphere, and deep connection to mystical arts and culture. The city’s architecture and layoutare designed to blend seamlessly with nature, creating an otherworldly ambiance that captivates all who visit.

The Enchanted Grove: The heart of Crystalmoor is the Enchanted Grove, a sacred and magical garden where mystical energies converge. Ancient trees with luminescent leaves cast a gentle glow, creating an enchanting atmosphere day and night. Crystal-clear pools mirror the starry night sky, and soft whispers of wind seem to carry mystical secrets. It is here that artists, mystics, and scholars gather to seek inspiration, wisdom, and divine guidance.

Arts and Mystical Practices: Crystalmoor is a haven for artists, musicians, writers, and all manner of creative souls. The city hosts regular festivals celebrating the arts, with performances, exhibitions, and workshops. The mystical practices in Crystalmoor include divination, water scrying, and the study of celestial alignments. The city’s mystics often provide guidance and blessings to visitors seeking answers and spiritual enlightenment.

Shimmering Faun Folklore: The legend of the Shimmering Faun is deeply ingrained in Crystalmoor’s culture. It is said that a mysterious faun with silver fur roams the woodlands, bestowing boons upon those who prove their hearts are pure and kind. Many aspire to encounter this enigmatic creature, and stories of such encounters have become a cherished part of Crystalmoor’s folklore.

Description: Crystalmoor’s architecture embodies ethereal beauty, blending harmoniously with nature. The city is adorned with crystal spires and luminescent structures that emit a soft glow at night. The heart of Crystalmoor is the Enchanted Grove, a sacred garden where mystics and artists gather to meditate, perform rituals, and draw inspiration from the realm’s natural energies.

The Song of the Enchanted Grove: The Enchanted Grove in Crystalmoor is renowned for its otherworldly beauty and mystical properties. This legend speaks of a gifted minstrel who played a haunting melody under the moonlight within the grove. As his fingers danced on the strings of his lute, the flora and fauna of the grove swayed in harmony, creating an ethereal symphony. It is believed that those who hear this magical song are blessed with inspiration and find their true calling.

Cultural Events and Celebrations: Throughout the year, Crystalmoor hosts a myriad of cultural events and celebrations that draw visitors from all over Mumak. The Night of Moonlit Dreams, a mystical celebration under the full moon, sees performances of music and dance that entrance spectators. The Festival of Illuminated Waters, held at the lakeshores, features boats adorned with lanterns gliding across the water, creating a mesmerizing spectacle.

Harmony with Nature: The people of Crystalmoor hold a deep reverence for nature and strive to live in harmony with the surrounding woodlands and waters. The city’s structures blend organically with the environment, and every effort is made to minimize the impact on the delicate ecosystem. The Fautyr, a semi-human race with a strong presence in Crystalmoor, play a vital role in safeguarding the natural balance and mystical energies of the region.

Trade and Cultural Exchange: Crystalmoor’s reputation as a cultural hub attracts traders, scholars, and adventurers from neighboring realms. The city’s markets offer a diverse range of artworks, crafts, and enchanted artifacts created by local artisans and mystics. Visitors come not only to acquire these treasures but also to experience the magical ambiance of the city.

In the realm of Mumak, Crystalmoor stands as a place of inspiration, where creativity intertwines with mysticism, and the beauty of nature intertwines with the wonders of the magical arts. The city’s unique charm and deep spiritual significance make it an essential destination for anyone seeking to explore the realms of imagination and enlightenment.

Significance: Crystalmoor is celebrated as a sanctuary of creativity and spiritual enlightenment. Artists, musicians, and writers from all over the realm converge here to find inspiration and refine their craft. The city hosts regular festivals celebrating the arts, where the streets come alive with music, dance, and visual displays that enchant visitors and locals alike.

Skjald Yell’a’Beard


Connection between the Capitals: Stormhaven and Crystalmoor are linked by a mystical pathway known as the “Whispering Bridge.” It is said that the bridge was created by ancient sorcerers to foster a deep connection between the two cities. Travelers who cross the Whispering Bridge claim to experience a sense of serenity and creativity, as if the spirits of artists and mystics guide their thoughts.

The “Whispering Bridge” is a mysterious and ethereal construct, a bridge that transcends the physical realm and connects the two cities of Stormhaven and Crystalmoor through the Astral plane. The bridge itself is an awe-inspiring sight, appearing as if woven from shimmering threads of pure light and sound. It is said that the bridge was created through ancient magic and the convergence of powerful astral energies.

1. The Gate of Serenity (Stormhaven Side):
On the Stormhaven side of the “Whispering Bridge,” stands the Gate of Serenity. This gate is an intricately designed archway, adorned with intricate carvings that depict serene landscapes, celestial beings, and celestial symbols. The archway itself is crafted from a luminous, iridescent material that seems to emit a soft, soothing glow. The Gate of Serenity is flanked by statues of celestial beings, their faces serene and gentle, and they hold orbs of light in their outstretched hands.

Astral Experience: As travelers pass through the Gate of Serenity and step onto the Whispering Bridge, they experience a profound sense of calm and tranquility. The astral energies surrounding the bridge seem to envelop them in a gentle embrace, and a serene melody fills the air, emanating from the very fabric of the bridge itself. It is as if the bridge whispers soothing words of comfort and reassurance to those who cross its threshold.

2. The Gate of Reverie (Crystalmoor Side):
On the Crystalmoor side of the “Whispering Bridge,” stands the Gate of Reverie. This gate is a magnificent archway adorned with intricate patterns of swirling astral symbols and celestial constellations. The archway is crafted from a crystal-like material that refracts light in mesmerizing patterns, casting dancing rainbows across its surface. The Gate of Reverie is flanked by statues of celestial beings in graceful poses, their expressions dreamy and contemplative.

Astral Experience: As travelers pass through the Gate of Reverie and step onto the Whispering Bridge, they are enveloped in an aura of wonder and inspiration. The astral energies surrounding the bridge seem to ignite a sense of curiosity and awe within them. A celestial symphony fills the air, composed of ethereal harmonies and distant whispers, as if the bridge is connecting them to the secrets of the cosmos.

The Journey Across the Astral Bridge:
As travelers traverse the Whispering Bridge through the Astral plane, they experience a surreal and transformative journey. They are transported beyond the confines of the physical realm and immerse themselves in the boundless expanse of the Astral plane. During their crossing, they may catch fleeting glimpses of astral phenomena, encounter celestial beings, or witness visions of distant lands and realms.

The Whispering Bridge serves as a powerful reminder of the connection between Stormhaven and Crystalmoor, not just through the physical realm but also through the realms of dreams, inspiration, and celestial mysteries. It is a place where the boundaries between the material world and the astral plane blur, offering a unique and enchanting experience to those who dare to embark on its passage.

Together, Stormhaven and Crystalmoor form a harmonious duality, representing the political and cultural facets of Mumak. While Stormhaven thrives as the seat of power and trade, Crystalmoor stands as a beacon of artistic and spiritual expression. The two capitals complement each other, embodying the realm’s unity and embracing its diverse and multifaceted nature.

Skjald El Mary


3. Windreach: A coastal city known for its skilled shipbuilders and bustling harbor. Windreach is a vital hub for maritime trade, connecting Mumak to other coastal realms and beyond.

Skjald Sejrik


4. Greenholm: A tranquil settlement nestled within the Moss’ari forests. The Moss’ari forestfolk dwell here, living in harmony with nature and protecting their sacred woodlands.

Skjald Vinotis


5. Fautyr’s Glade: Hidden amidst the marshlands, this settlement is home to the semi-human Fautyr. The shimmering waters and mystical atmosphere make it a place of wonder and magic.

Skjald Sigurd


6. Willowbrook: A picturesque village situated along the banks of the winding river Willow’s Run. Willowbrook is famous for its masterful weavers who produce exquisite textiles sought after throughout the realm.

Skjald Kazumix


7. Emberwood: Located on the slopes of a dormant volcano, Emberwood is a city known for its skilled blacksmiths and artisans. The volcanic resources contribute to the crafting of exceptional weaponry and armor.

Skjald Valgrif


8. Whispering Pines: A quaint village surrounded by ancient pine forests. It is said that the wind through the trees carries the voices of ancestors, lending the village its poetic name.

Skjald Vinotis


9. Lakeview: Overlooking the serene waters of a large lake, this settlement is a favorite destination for travelers seeking tranquility and natural beauty.

Skjald Sigurd


10. Misty Hollow: A sanctuary for those seeking refuge from the world’s troubles, it is nestled deep within a dense mist-covered valley, hidden from the prying eyes of the outside world. The village is a haven of tranquility, shrouded in an ethereal mist that blankets the landscape, lending an air of mystery and enchantment to its surroundings. Misty Hollow is a place where time seems to slow down, and the natural beauty of the realm remains untouched by the passage of ages.

Eternal Mist and Enchanting Atmosphere:
The valley in which Misty Hollow is located is perpetually enshrouded in a gentle mist, creating an otherworldly atmosphere that captivates anyone who enters its boundaries. The mist weaves between ancient trees and gently caresses the quaint cottages, lending an aura of enchantment and a sense of timelessness to the village. The air is filled with the scent of damp earth and blossoming flowers, enhancing the village’s mystical allure.

Mystical Origins:
Legends among the villagers speak of the valley’s mystical origins, attributing the perpetual mist to ancient spirits that have taken residence within the land. The spirits are said to protect and bless Misty Hollow, granting it a serene and harmonious energy that draws travelers and seekers from far and wide. Some believe that the mist itself is imbued with magical properties, providing healing and rejuvenation to those who breathe it in.

The Guardians of Misty Hollow:
The inhabitants of Misty Hollow are a close-knit community, living in harmony with nature and the spirits that watch over the valley. They are the guardians of this sanctuary, preserving its sacredness and protecting it from those who might seek to exploit its mystical powers. The villagers are skilled herbalists, healers, and practitioners of nature-based magic, drawing their knowledge and power from the enchanting surroundings.

Architecture and Artistry:
The village’s architecture mirrors the natural beauty that surrounds it. The cottages are crafted from locally sourced materials, blending seamlessly with the landscape. Moss-covered stone walls, thatched roofs, and wooden beams lend a rustic charm to the dwellings. Intricate carvings and enchanting murals adorn the buildings, depicting scenes from ancient myths and celebrating the spirits that are believed to inhabit the valley.

Harmony with Nature:
The people of Misty Hollow live in harmony with the land, practicing sustainable agriculture and living off the rich resources of the valley. They tend to beautiful gardens filled with rare and vibrant flora, and the village is known for its captivating flower festivals that attract visitors from distant lands. The villagers are skilled in the art of herbal medicine, using the valley’s abundant plants to heal ailments and foster a sense of well-being.

Sanctuary for Seekers:
Misty Hollow is not only a home for its residents but also a sanctuary for seekers of wisdom, spiritual insight, and solace. Travelers who venture into the valley are often drawn by its mystique, seeking to connect with nature, discover hidden truths, and find solace in the embrace of the mist.

A Place of Unfolding Tales:
Misty Hollow is a place of unfolding tales, where ancient myths and modern-day adventures intermingle. The village is a canvas for bards and storytellers, who recount ancient legends and weave new tales that become part of Misty Hollow’s ever-growing lore.

Misty Hollow stands as a testament to the profound connection between the mystical realm and the hearts of those who call it home. Its ethereal beauty and spiritual allure continue to beckon travelers, offering them a glimpse into a realm where the boundaries between the natural and the supernatural blur, and where the misty veil of enchantment remains forever woven into the fabric of existence.

Skjald Valgrif


11. Starfall: A settlement perched on a hilltop, where stargazers and astronomers observe the night skies, seeking celestial wisdom and understanding.

Skjald Yell’a’Beard


Mumak is a land of diverse landscapes and rich history, dotted with several famous landmarks that hold cultural, historical, and mystical significance. Here are some of the most notable landmarks in Mumak:

1. Castle Stormwatch: Located at the heart of Mumak’s capital, Rimhaven, Castle Stormwatch is a majestic and imposing fortress that serves as the seat of power for the royal court. Its high towers and thick walls have withstood the test of time and witnessed the realm’s most significant events. The castle’s strategic position atop a rocky hill grants it an unobstructed view of the surrounding lands and lakes, making it an impregnable stronghold.

Skjald Sigurd


2. Lake Serenity: One of Mumak’s most stunning natural wonders, Lake Serenity is a vast and tranquil body of water that stretches for miles. Surrounded by lush forests and rolling hills, the lake is renowned for its crystal-clear waters and picturesque islands. Legends speak of a hidden underwater city at the lake’s center, adding an air of mystery and allure to this enchanting landmark.

Lake Serenity holds an air of mystery and intrigue within Mumak. The existence of an underwater city is a subject of much speculation and has become a captivating legend passed down through generations.

The Legend of the Underwater City:
According to the legend, Lake Serenity is said to be home to an enchanting underwater city that remains hidden from the eyes of humans. It is believed that the city is inhabited by the elusive and shapeshifting beings known as Sealkin. These semi-human races are said to possess the ability to transform between human and aquatic forms, allowing them to navigate the depths of the lake with ease.

The Sealkin:
Sealkin are known for their unique ability to shed their sealskin and assume a human form, walking on land as one of us. In their aquatic form, they are graceful and swift swimmers, able to communicate with marine creatures and navigate the lake’s depths effortlessly. In the legend, it is said that the Sealkin are guardians of Lake Serenity, protecting its mystical energies and safeguarding the balance of nature.

The Lake’s Magic and Secrets:
The legends surrounding Lake Serenity speak of the magical energies that permeate its waters, giving rise to tales of extraordinary events and encounters. Some say that the lake possesses the power to grant wishes to those who prove their worthiness, while others claim that it is a portal to the realm of spirits and mystical beings.

Human Encounters:
While many claim to have glimpsed the shimmering figures of Sealkin in the water or heard their enchanting songs echoing across the lake, no conclusive evidence of their existence has been presented. Some believe that these encounters are merely the result of the lake’s bewitching ambiance, where the line between reality and imagination blurs.

The Legacy of the Legend:
Regardless of whether the underwater city and its inhabitants are a reality or a legend, the stories of Lake Serenity and its mystical beings continue to inspire wonder and curiosity among the people of Mumak. The lake remains a cherished place of beauty and tranquility, where the veil between the mundane and the magical is thin, leaving room for the realm’s enchanting folklore to thrive.

Skjald Vinotis


3. Palalto Peak: A towering mountain located on the eastern border of Mumak, Palalto Peak is a challenging and awe-inspiring climb for adventurers and mountaineers. From its summit, one can witness breathtaking panoramic views of the entire realm, making it a favorite destination for explorers seeking the thrill of conquering its heights.

Skjald Kazumix

4. Troars Top: Nestled on the western side of Kenscars Pass, Troars Top is a scenic and accessible lookout point offering a mesmerizing view of the majestic Kenscars Pass and the surrounding mountain ranges. The location is often frequented by travelers and traders, who find respite and refreshment before continuing their journey.

While Kenscars Pass provides a direct route between Mumak and Egral, many traders, travelers, and adventurers still choose to make the arduous journey up to Troars Top before descending into the other side. The reason for this preference lies in the significance of Troars Top as a mini-hub of temples, shrines, booths, and shelters that cater to the needs of those traversing the pass.

1. Temples and Shrines: Troars Top is known as a sacred site, attracting pilgrims and devout travelers from all across the realm. Several temples and shrines dedicated to various deities and spirits adorn the area. Travelers often make a stop here to offer prayers for safe passage through the challenging mountain pass. The divine protection sought from these sacred sites is believed to safeguard them against potential dangers during their journey.

2. Trading and Market Booths: At Troars Top, a bustling market thrives during peak travel seasons. Traders from both Mumak and Egral gather here to exchange goods and services, making it a vital trading post.
The market offers a wide array of items, from essential supplies to exotic artifacts brought from far-off lands. Travelers find it beneficial to restock their provisions or purchase unique treasures before continuing their journey.

3. Shelters and Resting Areas: The terrain around Kenscars Pass can be harsh and unpredictable, with rapid weather changes and rough conditions. Troars Top provides well-maintained shelters and resting areas,
where weary travelers can seek refuge from inclement weather, rest their pack animals, and recharge before braving the descent into Kenscars Pass. These rest stops ensure that travelers can complete the challenging pass safely and with relative comfort.

4. Knowledge Keepers and Guides: Troars Top attracts experienced guides and knowledge keepers who are well-versed in the treacherous terrain of Kenscars Pass. Many travelers seek the expertise of these guides to ensure a smoother and safer journey through the pass. These knowledgeable locals offer valuable insights, navigation tips, and advice that can prove invaluable in navigating the rugged mountain terrain.

5. Communal and Cultural Gathering: Troars Top has become a place where different cultures and communities intersect during their journey between Mumak and Egral. It serves as a melting pot of ideas, traditions, and stories, fostering a sense of camaraderie and cultural exchange among the diverse travelers passing through. Festivals and celebrations are sometimes held here, creating a vibrant and enriching atmosphere.

Overall, Troars Top has evolved into much more than just a geographical point on the way to Kenscars Pass. It has become a destination in itself, offering a blend of spirituality, trade, and cultural vibrancy that draws people from all walks of life. For many, the journey through Troars Top has become an essential part of their pilgrimage or adventure, making it a cherished stop along the route between Mumak and Egral.

Skjald Yell’a’Beard


5. Garden of Echoes: An ethereal and sacred grove located in the heart of the lush Moss’ari forests, the Garden of Echoes is believed to be a place where nature itself speaks to those who venture within. The grove is characterized by towering ancient trees with luminescent leaves, casting a soft, soothing glow during both day and night. The air is filled with the gentle hum of nature, and the ground is carpeted with a rich tapestry of mosses and vibrant flora. The trees seem to resonate with whispers from the past, providing a sense of tranquility and connection to the realm’s ancient history.

Within the sacred grove known as the Garden of Echoes, nestled deep within the lush Moss’ari forests, a small and elusive community of the Wickeryadi race can be found. The Wickeryadi, often referred to as “tree-like guardians,” are a semi-human race with a deep affinity for nature and its secrets. They are beings of ethereal beauty, resembling humanoid forms intertwined with elements of the forest itself.

The Wickeryadi Guardians:
The Wickeryadi who reside in the Garden of Echoes are believed to be the guardians of this sacred space. They possess the unique ability to merge with the trees and plants, becoming one with the forest itself. Their presence ensures the harmony and balance within the grove, and they are known to communicate with the spirits of the forest and the land.

Nature’s Keepers:
The Wickeryadi hold a deep responsibility for the welfare of the Moss’ari forests and the creatures that inhabit it. They are skilled herbalists and wise nature keepers, with profound knowledge of the healing properties of plants and the magic that permeates the forest. They work in unison with the Moss’ari, fostering a symbiotic relationship that allows both races to thrive and flourish.

Protectors of the Garden:
The Wickeryadi serve as protectors of the Garden of Echoes, ensuring that only those with pure intentions and a deep reverence for nature may enter. The grove is considered a place of reflection, meditation, and communion with the spirits of the land. Travelers who are allowed entry are often granted visions, insights, and guidance, offered by the wisdom of the Wickeryadi.

Elusive and Reclusive:
The Wickeryadi are reclusive by nature, seldom seen outside the depths of the Garden of Echoes. They prefer to remain hidden from the outside world, as they believe the tranquil environment of the sacred grove should be preserved and undisturbed. However, tales of their presence have spread throughout Mumak, and those who have been fortunate enough to encounter them speak of their ethereal beauty and the profound sense of peace they exude.

The presence of the Wickeryadi within the Garden of Echoes adds to the enigmatic and magical nature of the Moss’ari forests, making it a place of wonder and reverence for those who seek a deeper connection with the natural world.

Skjald Ulrich


6. The Arcane Observatory: Situated on solitary peninsula in the vast Mirrorlake Crossing, the Arcane Observatory is a place of mystical study and enlightenment. Mystics and scholars from all races gather here to delve into ancient prophecies, unravel arcane mysteries, and seek insights into the realm’s past and future.

Skjald Sejrik


7. The Luminescent Caves: Found deep within the Thunderfall Ridge, the Luminescent Caves are renowned for their unique glowing crystals that illuminate the underground caverns. The caves hold an air of magic and are often used as sacred spaces for meditation and reflection by different races.

Skjald Kazumix


8. Silvervein Mines: Located in the roughlands bordering Ebrar, the Silvervein Mines are an essential source of precious metals and gemstones. The mines have been a site of interest for both fortune seekers and invaders throughout history, making them a key strategic landmark for Mumak’s economy and security.

The Silvervein Mines have a rich history filled with tales of discovery, perseverance, and prosperity. Here are some notable historical events and personalities associated with the mines:

1. The Discovery of Silvervein: The mines were first discovered by a group of adventurous prospectors from Mumak in the early days of the Second Age. Legend has it that they stumbled upon a shimmering vein of silver ore deep within the mountains. The discovery quickly spread, and soon, miners and settlers flocked to the area in search of fortune.

2. The Silver Rush: The discovery of the Silvervein Mines triggered a silver rush in the region, attracting people from all walks of life. The influx of miners and settlers led to the rapid growth of a bustling mining town around the mines. As the precious metal was extracted and shipped to other parts of Mumak, the town flourished into a prosperous hub of trade and commerce.

3. The Rise of House Silvervein: The success of the mines gave rise to the noble House Silvervein. The family’s fortunes grew alongside the silver extraction, and they quickly established themselves as influential figures in Mumak. House Silvervein became known for their skilled negotiators and shrewd business practices, expanding their influence far beyond the mines.

4. The Tragedy of the Silver Collapse: Despite its initial prosperity, the Silvervein Mines faced a crisis in the latter part of the Second Age. A series of unfortunate events, including a sudden drop in silver deposits and a devastating mining accident, caused a decline in production. This led to a significant economic downturn, impacting both the miners and the surrounding community.

5. The Return of Prosperity: Despite the challenges, House Silvervein and the miners persevered. They diversified their operations and invested in other valuable resources in the region, such as gemstones and rare minerals. Slowly, the mines regained their momentum, and the town of Silvervein experienced a revival.

6. The Silvervein Treaty: During the Age of Hordes, House Silvervein played a crucial role in negotiating the Silvervein Treaty, a historic agreement that brought together various factions to unite against a common enemy. The treaty solidified alliances and facilitated cooperation between neighboring regions, helping to stabilize the realm during a time of great upheaval.

7. The Patron of the Arts: Over the years, House Silvervein has earned a reputation as a patron of the arts and culture. They sponsored renowned artists, musicians, and scholars, contributing to the flourishing of art and knowledge in Mumak. The town of Silvervein itself became a center of cultural exchange, attracting creative minds from all corners of the realm.

Today, the Silvervein Mines remain a significant source of wealth and prosperity for Mumak, and House Silvervein continues to be a prominent and influential family in the realm. The history of the mines serves as a testament to the resilience and ingenuity of the people who have called Silvervein their home, and the legacy of their endeavors continues to shape the region’s cultural and economic landscape.

Skjald Valgrif


Emerald Lake

The Guardian of the Emerald Lake: This legend speaks of a majestic water spirit that dwells in the heart of an emerald-hued lake in Northeastern Mumak. The spirit is said to have the ability to grant wishes to those who prove their worthiness by performing acts of kindness and selflessness. Many have ventured to the lake to seek the guardian’s blessings, but only a few have returned with their desires fulfilled.

The Guardian of the Emerald Lake is a prominent figure among the Thursar, tasked with safeguarding the mystical and pristine waters of the Emerald Lake. This lake is believed to possess magical properties and is considered a sacred site by the inhabitants of Mumak. The Guardian’s connection to the lake runs deep, and they draw upon the natural energies of the water to enhance their strength and abilities.

Physical Appearance:
As a member of the Thursar race, the Guardian stands tall and imposing, often towering over regular human-sized beings. Their appearance is both majestic and fearsome, with a rugged and weathered countenance that reflects their close connection to the elements and the passage of time. The Guardian’s physical form may exhibit earthy and aquatic traits, such as moss-covered skin, crystalline eyes that shimmer like the surface of the lake, and long, flowing hair that resembles water cascading down a waterfall.

Powers and Abilities:
The Guardian possesses formidable powers, aligned with the elemental forces of water and earth. They can control and manipulate the water of the Emerald Lake, summoning powerful waves, whirlpools, and water-based attacks to defend their territory. The Guardian’s connection to the earth grants them the ability to shape and control the terrain around the lake, shaping rocks and hills to create natural barriers and fortifications.

Protector of Balance:
As the Guardian of the Emerald Lake, their primary role is to protect the sacred site from any desecration or harm. They act as a staunch defender of the lake’s ecosystem, ensuring that its waters remain pure and untouched by outside influences. Additionally, the Guardian upholds the delicate balance between the forces of water and earth in the region, preventing any disturbances that may disrupt the harmony of nature.

Interaction with Inhabitants:
The Guardian of the Emerald Lake is an enigmatic figure to the people of Mumak. While some may view them with awe and reverence, others approach with caution and respect, recognizing the Guardian’s power and authority. They are known to occasionally offer guidance and counsel to those who seek to understand the mysteries of the natural world. Those who respect the Guardian and the sanctity of the Emerald Lake are often granted safe passage and blessings.

Overall, the Guardian of the Emerald Lake embodies the essence of the Thursar race, acting as a formidable protector of nature’s sacred sites and ensuring that the primal energies of the realm remain in harmony. Their presence adds to the realm’s rich tapestry of mythical beings and legendary guardians who hold the key to preserving the delicate equilibrium of Mumak’s natural wonders.

Skjald Vinotis



The Royal Court of Mumak: A Tapestry of Diversity and Diplomacy

The royal court of Mumak is a captivating tapestry of diversity, reflecting the multicultural nature of the realm. Situated within the magnificent Castle Stormwatch, the court serves as the heart of Mumak’s governance and the central hub for diplomacy, cultural exchange, and decision-making.

1. Queen Isadora the Resolute: At the center of the court sits the strong and determined Queen Isadora, a visionary leader who emerged from the chaos of The Great Invasion to lead Mumak into a new era of stability and prosperity. Queen Isadora is revered for her unwavering dedication to her people and her unyielding commitment to rebuilding the realm.

2. The Royal Council: Surrounding Queen Isadora is the esteemed Royal Council, a diverse group of advisors and nobles from different races and regions of Mumak. The councilors bring a wide array of expertise and perspectives, ensuring a well-rounded approach to governance. They serve as the queen’s trusted confidants, offering counsel on matters of state and policy.

3. The Noble Houses: The court is graced by numerous noble houses, each representing a unique lineage and a distinct domain within Mumak’s borders. These houses, led by influential lords and ladies, form the backbone of Mumak’s feudal system. They pledge loyalty to the queen and are responsible for administering their respective territories, maintaining law and order, and upholding the queen’s decrees.

4. Ambassadors and Diplomats: Mumak’s court serves as a diplomatic hub, where ambassadors and envoys from neighboring countries and distant lands come to negotiate treaties, discuss alliances, and foster diplomatic relations. The court’s diplomatic wing is vibrant, with cultural exchanges and trade negotiations being a common occurrence.

5. Artists and Entertainers: The court of Mumak embraces culture and the arts, attracting skilled artisans, musicians, poets, and performers. The courtiers often enjoy performances and displays of artistic talent, adding an air of sophistication and refinement to the royal gatherings and festivities.

6. The Wise Sages and Mystics: Mumak’s royal court also welcomes revered sages, mystics, and scholars from different races, who bring their wisdom and mystical knowledge to the queen’s attention. These sages are often consulted to gain insight into ancient prophecies, unravel arcane mysteries, and understand the natural world’s secrets.

Skjald Valgrif


The Court’s Role and Function:

The royal court of Mumak plays a pivotal role in the realm’s governance and development. It serves as the epicenter of administrative decisions, legal proceedings, and policy discussions. Generally they follow the desicions written in the Law of The Realm, a great tome of jura written and edited at each Fair of The Realm, held every 4th year. The courtiers work diligently to uphold the queen’s vision of a united and prosperous Mumak, collaborating on various initiatives to rebuild the realm and restore its former glory.

The court is also instrumental in fostering unity and understanding among the diverse races and regions of Mumak. By providing a platform for open discourse and cultural exchange, the court seeks to promote harmony and cooperation among the different communities.

Legacy of the Court:

The court of Mumak is a symbol of the realm’s resilience and determination. Its history is etched with tales of leaders who navigated the challenges of the past, seeking to bring stability and prosperity to the realm. The court’s legacy lies not only in its administrative functions but also in its ability to unite the realm’s races and forge a shared destiny that transcends cultural boundaries.

As the realm continues to emerge from the shadows of The Great Invasion, the court stands as a beacon of hope, inspiring its people to embrace the values of unity, diplomacy, and progress. Its stories, grand celebrations, and moments of diplomacy will echo through the ages, shaping the future of Mumak and leaving a lasting legacy for generations to come.

Skjald Vinotis


The royal court of Mumak is a place of grandeur and intrigue, where the realm’s most influential and noble figures gather to advise the monarch, engage in diplomatic matters, and celebrate the
realm’s culture and history. Here are some additional details about Mumak’s royal court:

1. Hierarchy and Titles: The court is organised into a hierarchical structure, with the queen or king at the pinnacle of authority. Beneath the monarch are the nobles, each representing a noble house with their lands and responsibilities. The nobles hold titles such as lords, ladies, dukes, duchesses, earls, and countesses, depending on their rank and inheritance.

2. The Queen’s Retinue: The queen’s retinue consists of trusted attendants and personal advisors who are dedicated to her service and well-being. This includes chambermaids, personal guards, handmaidens, and scribes who ensure the smooth running of the court and cater to the queen’s every need.

Skjald El Mary


Queen Isadora’s personal guards are known as the “Silver Guardians.” These elite guards are handpicked from the most skilled and loyal warriors in Mumak. They are renowned for their unwavering dedication to the queen’s safety and the protection of the royal family.

The name “Silver Guardians” is derived from the silver adornments and intricate patterns that embellish their armor, signifying their connection to House Silvervein, one of the most influential noble families in Mumak. The Silver Guardians are chosen not only for their combat prowess but also for their unyielding loyalty and impeccable sense of duty.

The Silver Guardians are responsible for ensuring the queen’s safety within the palace, during public events, and during her travels throughout the realm. They undergo rigorous training and are highly skilled in various forms of combat, strategy, and tactical maneuvers. Additionally, they are well-versed in the protocols and etiquette required for serving in the presence of the queen.

In times of crisis or threat, the Silver Guardians display exceptional coordination and teamwork, ensuring the queen’s protection is paramount. Their vigilant watch over Queen Isadora extends beyond physical security, as they also act as trusted advisors and confidants, offering counsel and support to the queen in times of need.

The Silver Guardians take great pride in their role, considering it both an honor and a sacred duty to serve as the protectors of the queen and the realm. Their reputation for unwavering loyalty and exceptional skill has earned them respect and admiration from both the royal court and the people of Mumak. As a symbol of their dedication, the Silver Guardians are often seen carrying the emblem of a silver shield, signifying their steadfast commitment to the queen’s safety and the preservation of the realm’s peace and prosperity.

Skjald Yell’a’Beard


3. Court Functions and Ceremonies: The court hosts various functions and ceremonies throughout the year, from lavish feasts and grand balls to solemn occasions like the coronation of the monarch or the swearing-in of nobles. These events are attended by courtiers, diplomats, foreign dignitaries, and esteemed guests.

4. Cultural Exchanges: The court is a melting pot of cultures and traditions, as nobles and diplomats from neighboring countries and distant lands visit to exchange knowledge, form alliances, and strengthen diplomatic ties. Cultural exchange through music, dance, art, and storytelling enriches the court’s ambiance.

5. Court Intrigue and Rivalries: Behind the grand facade of the court lies a world of political intrigue and rivalries. Noble houses vie for influence, favor, and power, leading to subtle alliances and secret negotiations. Courtiers must be adept at navigating these complex relationships to secure their position and the interests of their houses.

6. Council of Advisors: The monarch’s council of advisors plays a pivotal role in shaping the realm’s policies and decisions. Comprising experts from various fields, including finance, military strategy, diplomacy, and law, the council offers the queen invaluable counsel on matters of state.

7. Court Magicians and Mystics: The court also welcomes esteemed magicians, mystics, and seers who possess arcane knowledge and insight into the realm’s mystical forces. Their wisdom is sought in interpreting omens, unraveling prophetic visions, and understanding the natural world’s mysteries.

8. Court Trials and Justice: The court serves as the highest court of law in Mumak since The Realm collapsed. Court trials are held to dispense justice and settle disputes among nobles and citizens alike. The monarch’s judgment is respected as final, and verdicts are enforced throughout Mumak.

9. Queen’s Progress: Occasionally, the queen embarks on a “Queen’s Progress,” a ceremonial tour of Mumak’s towns and settlements. During these journeys, she listens to the concerns of her subjects, offers counsel, and reaffirms her connection with the people.

10. Legacy and Continuity: The royal court of Mumak has stood for generations, witnessing the rise and fall of rulers, the forging of alliances, and the shaping of the realm’s history. Its legacy is etched in it’s culture and tradition, and it continues to play a crucial role in the governance and unity of Mumak.

The royal court of Mumak is not only a seat of power but also a cultural hub, where the realm’s diversity and traditions are celebrated. Its history is woven into the fabric of the realm, and its influence extends far beyond the walls of Castle Stormwatch, impacting the lives of all who call Mumak their home.

Skjald Sigurd


In the diverse and bustling realm of Mumak, where trade, magic, and cultures intertwine, there are also shadows that lurk in the corners. Several shady guilds and secretive organisations operate behind the scenes, navigating the realm’s intricate networks for their own gains. Here are some of the notable ones:

1. The Nightshade Syndicate: Known for their skill in stealth and subterfuge, the Nightshade Syndicate is a notorious thieves’ guild that operates in the major cities of Mumak, including Stormhaven and Crystalmoor. They specialize in heists, burglary, and acquiring rare and valuable artifacts for the highest bidder. Rumors abound of their involvement in political intrigues, as well as their connections to the realm’s criminal underworld.

It’s doubtful that The Nightshade Syndicate would have been able to function without running across Setil’s Dark Needles, Bergon’s Borgian network, and other unsavory ties.

Skjald Sejrik


2. The Shadowsong Network: A mysterious group of spies and informants, the Shadowsong Network is adept at gathering intelligence and uncovering secrets. They are said to have eyes and ears in every corner of Mumak, making them a formidable force to reckon with. Their allegiance is unknown, as they offer their services to the highest bidder, whether it be nobility, rival factions, or even foreign powers.

It is very improbable that The Nightshade Syndicate has never had interactions or confrontations with the Triad Traders, the Bergon Borgian network, or maybe even agents of The Great Invasion before the Invaders’ goals were made apparent.

Skjald Yell’a’Beard


3. The Whispering Hand: A secretive organisation of assassins, the Whispering Hand is shrouded in mystery, with their true identity and motives concealed behind a veil of silence. They are said to take contracts on powerful figures, and their skills are so refined that their targets rarely see them coming. The identity of their leader, known only as “The Phantom,” remains a subject of speculation.

Legend has it that “The Phantom” is the enigmatic and elusive leader of The Whispering Hand, a shadowy and secretive organisation that operates in the shadows of Mumak. Very little is known about this mysterious figure, and tales of The Phantom are shrouded in myth and speculation. Whispers and gossip circulate among the inhabitants of the realm, fueling intrigue and fear.

The Faceless Mastermind: One of the most intriguing aspects of The Phantom is the claim that they are a faceless mastermind, their true identity hidden behind a mask or concealed in the shadows. Some say that The Phantom possesses the ability to change appearances at will, making them virtually untraceable and impossible to identify.

The Puppeteer of Shadows: Legend has it that The Phantom is a puppeteer of shadows, pulling the strings behind The Whispering Hand’s covert operations. They are said to orchestrate intricate schemes and manipulations, using their vast network of spies, assassins, and informants to achieve their mysterious goals.

A Whisper on the Wind: The Whispering Hand is known for its silent and swift movements, leaving no traces behind. Many believe that The Phantom’s ability to communicate through whispers on the wind grants them an uncanny advantage, enabling them to convey messages and commands with supernatural precision.

A Seeker of Ancient Relics: Rumors suggest that The Phantom’s ultimate objective is to seek and control ancient relics of immense power. It is said that they are obsessed with acquiring artifacts of untold magical potential, and their pursuit of these relics drives their every move.

The Veil of Secrets: The Phantom’s true intentions and motivations remain veiled in secrecy, and some even question if The Phantom is a mortal at all. Whispers of The Phantom’s potential immortality or divine origins add to the enigma that surrounds them.

Feared and Revered: Among those who know of The Phantom’s existence, there is a mixture of fear and reverence. Some see them as a malevolent force, a harbinger of chaos and destruction. Others view them as a necessary evil, a shadowy protector of the realm, willing to do whatever it takes to keep the balance.

The Price of Betrayal: It is said that those who dare to betray The Phantom or The Whispering Hand face a fate worse than death. Legends tell of traitors disappearing without a trace, their names whispered in hushed tones among members of The Whispering Hand, a reminder of the consequences of disloyalty.

An Eternal Enigma: The Phantom’s identity and true nature continue to elude even the most skilled investigators and historians. The legends of The Phantom persist through the ages, entwined with the very fabric of Mumak’s history, casting a dark and enigmatic shadow that stretches beyond mortal comprehension.

In the realm of Mumak, the legend of The Phantom remains an enduring mystery, a tale that weaves itself into the realm’s tapestry of myths and secrets. As long as The Whispering Hand’s influence extends, the legend of The Phantom will continue to echo through the whispers and shadows of the realm.

Skjald El Mary


4. The Arcane Shadows: A clandestine group of sorcerers and dark magicians, the Arcane Shadows dabble in forbidden arts and forbidden knowledge. They seek to harness the untamed powers of the realm’s mystical energies for their own dark purposes. The arcane secrets they uncover can tip the balance of power, and their pursuit of ancient artifacts can bring them into conflict with other factions. Their history include involvement with The Torch, as well as actions against the 1st alliance and the High King, but it remains a murky and enigmatic tale. As with many clandestine organisations, their activities are often veiled in secrecy and shrouded in rumors and speculation.

The Arcane Shadows and The Torch: The Arcane Shadows and The Torch are both renowned for their mastery of covert operations and subterfuge. Some legends suggest that these two shadowy factions might have formed a temporary alliance to further their shared interests. Both organisations are believed to be driven by a desire for power, influence, and control over the realm’s arcane secrets.

Working Against the 1st Alliance: The 1st alliance, formed in 1170 to institute the High King and create The Realm, was seen as a significant threat to the interests of The Arcane Shadows and The Torch. The alliance aimed to unite the various noble banners and kingdoms under a single banner, a prospect that might have challenged the clandestine influence and autonomy of these organisations. It is rumored that The Arcane Shadows and The Torch worked together in undermining the alliance’s efforts, using their network of spies, assassins, and manipulative tactics to sow discord and dissent among the noble banners. By fomenting internal conflicts and sowing seeds of mistrust, they aimed to weaken the alliance’s unity and thwart its attempts to establish the High King.

The High King’s Downfall: The Arcane Shadows and The Torch’s efforts against the 1st alliance ultimately had far-reaching consequences. The alliance’s failure to unite fully and the resulting lack of support from various noble banners weakened the prospect of instituting the High King and forming The Realm.

It is believed that The Arcane Shadows and The Torch played a role in the downfall of the High King, using their shadowy tactics to ensure that the position of High King remained vacant or under their indirect influence. This allowed these organisations to continue operating in the shadows and maintain their grip on the realm’s arcane secrets.

The Legacy of Shadows: The legends of The Arcane Shadows and The Torch continue to reverberate through the realm, leaving a legacy of intrigue and mystery. Their influence is said to extend even into the present day, with whispers of their involvement in political machinations, subterfuge, and even the occasional assassination.

As with many clandestine organisations, the true extent of The Arcane Shadows and The Torch’s involvement in historical events remains a subject of speculation and scholarly debate. The veil of secrecy that shrouds their activities adds to the realm’s air of mystique and intrigue, leaving their true motivations and actions to the whispers and shadows of history.

Skjald Sejrik


5. The Serpent's Coil: A mysterious cult that worships ancient serpent deities, the Serpent’s Coil seeks to gain influence over Mumak’s nobility and political figures. Their rituals and ceremonies are held in secret, and they believe that by invoking the power of the serpents, they can bend fate to their will. Their ultimate goal remains a closely guarded secret.

The Serpent’s Coil is believed to be a tool wielded by a Contender God in their ambitious quest to challenge and potentially topple a Greater God. In the intricate web of divine politics and power
struggles, Contender Gods often seek to ascend the ranks of the divine hierarchy, aiming to challenge and dethrone Greater Gods who hold dominion over various aspects of the mortal realm.

The Serpent’s Coil: The Serpent’s Coil is a mysterious and potent artifact, said to hold the essence of primordial chaos and raw power. It is believed to be a creation of ancient and arcane origins, forged by powerful beings with a deep understanding of the cosmic forces that shape the realm. Legends speak of the Serpent’s Coil as a symbol of the Contender God’s ambition, a tool that amplifies their divine abilities and grants them the strength to challenge Greater Gods.

A Contender God’s Ambition: Contender Gods are deities who aspire to rise above their current status and claim a position of greater influence and power. They see themselves as equals to the Greater Gods and are willing to challenge the established divine order to assert their dominance. The Serpent’s Coil is rumored to be the manifestation of this ambition, granting the Contender God the strength and authority to take on even the most formidable of Greater Gods.

Divine Power Struggles: The realm of the divine is not without its conflicts and rivalries. Divine power struggles and clashes of influence are not uncommon, and Contender Gods are often at the forefront of such disputes. The Serpent’s Coil, with its potential to tip the scales in favor of the ambitious Contender God, becomes a formidable weapon in these divine power struggles.

The Balance of the Cosmos: The ascent of a Contender God to challenge a Greater God has implications not only for the divine realm but also for the balance of the mortal world. As the divine hierarchy shifts, the influence of the Greater God might wane, affecting the forces they once governed. This, in turn, can lead to upheavals and changes in the mortal realm, with unforeseen consequences for its inhabitants.

The Game of Gods: The use of the Serpent’s Coil by the Contender God is a high-stakes gamble in the cosmic game of gods. The artifact is said to come with a price, and wielding its power can be a double-edged sword. It might grant the Contender God strength and authority, but it also attracts the attention and ire of other Greater Gods who seek to maintain their dominance.

The Serpent’s Coil remains a tantalizing mystery in the realm of Mumak, whispered about in hushed tones among scholars, priests, and those who delve into the arcane lore of the divine. The artifact’s true origins, its current whereabouts, and the Contender God who seeks to wield it to challenge a Greater God continue to be subjects of fascination and fear, leaving the realm’s inhabitants to ponder the uncertain fate of their divine pantheon.

Skjald Ulrich


6. The Undermarket: Operating beneath the streets of major cities, the Undermarket is a sprawling network of black market traders, smugglers, and illegal merchants. Here, one can find exotic goods, enchanted artifacts, and illicit services for the right price. While it operates discreetly, the Undermarket’s influence touches all aspects of the realm’s underground economy.

The operators of The Undermarket are known to have had dealings with the Kinoblins from Outlands both prior to and during The Great Invasion. The Undermarket, being a clandestine and shadowy network of black market traders and smugglers, is known for its involvement in various illicit activities, including trading with foreign races and acquiring rare and forbidden goods.

Prior to The Great Invasion: Even before The Great Invasion, The Undermarket established connections with the Kinoblins, who hailed from the distant Outlands. Kinoblins, known for their shrewdness and cunning, were willing to trade exotic and valuable goods with the operators of The Undermarket, often in exchange for resources or items that were difficult to obtain in their own realm.

These early dealings allowed both parties to benefit from the exchange, gaining access to goods, resources, and information that were otherwise out of reach. The secret and discreet nature of The Undermarket provided an ideal platform for these transactions, ensuring that the Kinoblins’ presence in the realm remained relatively unnoticed by the general populace.

During The Great Invasion: During The Great Invasion, The Undermarket’s operations became even more clandestine and vital. With the invasion of the Outlands’ races, including the Kinoblins, The Undermarket found itself in a unique position to exploit the chaos and confusion brought about by the conflict.

The Kinoblins, seeking to secure supplies, information, and support from the realm’s inhabitants, turned to The Undermarket as a means to access resources and services that would aid their efforts in the invasion. In return, The Undermarket seized the opportunity to profit from the demand for scarce goods and services brought about by the war.

The Undermarket’s operators played a delicate game of supplying both the invaders and the realm’s inhabitants, furthering the conflict while ensuring their own prosperity. This strategic balancing act allowed them to continue their operations and thrive even amidst the turmoil of The Great Invasion.

A Dangerous Alliance: While the alliance between The Undermarket and the Kinoblins proved mutually beneficial during The Great Invasion, it also came with risks. The Kinoblins, known for their volatile and unpredictable nature, could be prone to turning on their partners if they perceived a better opportunity elsewhere.

The Undermarket’s operators knew the importance of maintaining secrecy and discretion in their dealings with the Kinoblins, for being caught in a direct alliance with the invaders could lead to dire consequences from the realm’s defenders. As such, they operated in the shadows, orchestrating their transactions with the Kinoblins in the most discreet and secure manner possible.

In the tumultuous times of The Great Invasion, The Undermarket’s dealings with the Kinoblins served as a testament to their resourcefulness and adaptability, allowing them to thrive amidst the chaos and profit from the upheaval brought about by the conflict. However, the consequences of such alliances and dealings continued to reverberate throughout the realm, leaving an indelible mark on the history of Mumak.

Despite the efforts of the realm’s rulers and law enforcement, these shady guilds and organisations continue to thrive in the shadows, influencing the political landscape and impacting the lives of Mumak’s inhabitants. Their machinations and clandestine activities add an element of intrigue and danger to the realm, making it a realm of both beauty and darkness.

Skjald  El Mary



Mumak, with its diverse landscapes and rich resources, boasts a variety of exports that contribute to its economic prosperity and trade relations with neighboring realms. Here are some of the main exports of Mumak:

1. Precious Metals and Gemstones: Mumak is renowned for its abundant deposits of precious metals such as Gold, Silver, and platinum, as well as various gemstones like rubies, emeralds, and sapphires. These valuable resources are highly sought after in other realms for crafting jewelry, ornaments, and artifacts.

Skjald Sejrik


2. Exotic Timber and Lumber: The realm’s vast and lush forests provide an abundance of exotic timber and fine lumber. Mumak exports various types of timber, including mahogany, ebony, rosewood, which are prized for their strength and beauty in crafting furniture, sculptures, and architectural structures. Ironthorn secretly harvested from Moss’Ari forests, are at times also exported.

Skjald Sigurd


3. Fine Textiles and Fabrics: Skilled weavers in Mumak produce a wide array of fine textiles and fabrics. From luxurious silk to sturdy wool and linen, Mumak’s textiles are known for their quality and craftsmanship. These textiles find markets across the realm, adorning noble houses and commoners alike.

I in the realm of Mumak, Fine Textiles and Fabrics, ranging from silk to wool, are often dyed locally. The diverse landscape and rich natural resources of Mumak provide ample opportunities for local artisans and craftsmen to produce a wide array of colourful and high-quality textiles.

Silk Production: Mumak is known for its skilled sericulturists who cultivate silkworms and harvest their silk. The sericulturists carefully tend to the silkworms, providing them with mulberry leaves, which are essential for the silkworms’ growth and silk production. Once the silkworms spin their cocoons, the silk is harvested, and it undergoes a meticulous process of degumming and spinning to create silk threads. These threads are then dyed using locally sourced natural dyes made from plants, flowers, and minerals found in the region. The dyed silk is transformed into luxurious fabrics, ranging from delicate silk scarves to opulent garments, each reflecting the vibrant hues of Mumak’s landscapes.

Woolen Textiles: Mumak’s vast grasslands and hills are home to various sheep breeds, providing abundant raw wool. Local shepherds carefully tend to their flocks, ensuring the health and quality of the wool. Once the wool is sheared, it is cleaned, carded, and spun into yarn by skilled artisans. The wool yarn is then dyed using a combination of locally sourced plant-based dyes, such as indigo and madder, or natural minerals, producing an array of rich and earthy tones. The dyed wool yarn is woven into warm and cozy woolen fabrics, such as blankets, carpets, and clothing, which are cherished for their durability and comfort.

Natural Dyeing Techniques:
In Mumak, artisans often employ traditional natural dyeing techniques, passed down through generations, to achieve a wide spectrum of colours. These techniques involve boiling plant materials, roots, flowers, and leaves in water to extract the natural pigments. The textiles are then immersed in the dye baths, allowing the fibers to absorb the vibrant colours. Some artisans use tie-dye, batik, or resist dyeing methods to create intricate patterns and designs on the fabrics.

Artisanal Craftsmanship:
The local dyeing and weaving processes in Mumak are renowned for their artisanal craftsmanship, emphasizing attention to detail and artistic expression. Each textile crafted in the region carries the unique touch of the artisans who meticulously dye and weave the fabrics. These fine textiles and fabrics have become highly sought-after commodities within Mumak and are often traded with neighboring regions, enhancing the realm’s reputation for exquisite craftsmanship and vibrant aesthetics.

Skjald El Mary


4. Spices and Herbs: Mumak’s fertile lands yield an array of aromatic spices and herbs. The realm’s exotic spices, such as saffron, cardamom, and cinnamon, add depth and flavor to cuisines in various realms, making them highly valued commodities in trade.

Skjald Kazumix


5. Artisan Crafts and Artworks: Mumak has a thriving artisan community, producing intricate crafts and artworks. From delicate ceramics to masterful sculptures and elaborate tapestries, these artisanal products find their way into the homes of noble houses, collectors, and art enthusiasts across the realm.

Skjald Valgrif


6. Enchanted Artefacts: Mumak’s mystics and magicians are skilled in creating enchanted artifacts imbued with magical properties. These artifacts, sought by both scholars and adventurers, are exported to buyers who seek the realm’s mystical knowledge and protection.

Skjald Sejrik


7. Fine Wines and Spirits: Mumak’s temperate climate and fertile lands are conducive to vineyards, producing exceptional wines and spirits. Renowned for their distinct flavors and rich aromas, these libations are highly valued in diplomatic exchanges and trade.

Skjald Ulrich


8. Refined Alchemical Potions: Alchemists in Mumak are renowned for their skills in crafting potent and refined potions, elixirs, and remedies. These alchemical products find markets among adventurers, healers, and mystics seeking aid and enhancements in their endeavors.

Skjald El Mary


9. Rare Flora and Fauna: Mumak’s vast and diverse ecosystems are home to unique flora and fauna. Rare plants and exotic animals are sought after for their medicinal properties, ornamental appeal, and scientific value, making them a niche yet lucrative export. The realm of Mumak boasts a diverse array of rare Flora and Fauna that are highly sought after for export. Here are the top five rare species:

**1. Luminara Orchid (Flora): The Luminara Orchid is a mesmerizing and rare flower that only blooms under the light of the full moon. Its delicate petals emit a soft, ethereal glow, giving the impression of a floating light. The orchid’s nectar is believed to possess healing properties and is often used in the creation of potent medicinal potions and elixirs.

**2. Sapphire-winged Sylph (Fauna): The Sapphire-winged Sylph is a rare and enchanting bird known for its brilliant blue feathers that shimmer like precious gemstones in the sunlight. These elegant birds are skilled acrobats, performing elaborate aerial displays during courtship. Their feathers are highly prized for their ornamental value, making them a coveted item in the realm’s exotic pet trade.

**3. Moonstone Lily (Flora): The Moonstone Lily is a mystical flower that blooms only once every hundred years, and when it does, it emits a soft, silvery light that casts an enchanting glow in the surrounding area. The Moonstone Lily is associated with celestial blessings and is often used in sacred ceremonies and rituals.

**4. Aetherian Panther (Fauna): The Aetherian Panther is a rare and elusive big cat, distinguished by its ethereal, semi-translucent fur, which seems to shimmer with an otherworldly glow. These mystical creatures are revered for their grace and stealth, and their pelts are highly valued for their beauty and rarity.

**5. Starlight Fern (Flora): The Starlight Fern is a rare plant with luminescent fronds that emit a soft, celestial light at night. It is often found growing in the depths of mystical forests and is believed to hold potent magical properties. The Starlight Fern is used by skilled herbalists and alchemists in the creation of powerful potions and enchantments.

The export of these rare Flora and Fauna has become a significant source of revenue for Mumak, attracting traders and collectors from all corners of the realm and beyond. However, the realm’s leaders and conservationists work tirelessly to ensure that the harvesting and trade of these precious species are conducted responsibly and sustainably, preserving the delicate balance of Mumak’s unique ecosystems for generations to come.

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10. Educational Services: Mumak’s academies and institutions of learning are esteemed centers of knowledge and wisdom. The realm exports educational services, offering scholars, mystics, and aspiring artisans opportunities to study and gain insights into the realm’s culture, magic, and history.

Skjald Ulrich



Mumak is rich on ressources and filled with Other Races.


Last Updated on 2024-05-29 by IoM-Christian