


From slim to muscular, to fat and stocky.

Height: (cm)

Females: 170-180

Males: 175-185

Weight: (kg)

Females: 55-75

Males: 65-90

Lifespan: (yr)

Females: 140-145

Males: 135-140


Golden to red to yellow.


Mostly black but any has been seen.


Mostly brown but any has been seen.


3420 FA N’Aaldan Empire founded

894 SA N’Aaldan Empire collapse

1279 Ubun emerges

1417  Sharun of Sunborn

1250 N’Aaldan join The Realm

1283 New N'Aldaan Sharun




“Oldest of Empires, is what the N’Aldaan call themselves, and we can only agree to that statement.

Skjald Vinotis



In the intricate chronicle of Races, the N’aldaan emerge—a people whose heritage weaves through the pages of history, tracing their lineage to an empire more ancient than the Vular. Their noble roots, whispering through the annals of time, have sculpted them into a race marked by a proud demeanour and a legacy of honor. As echoes of their past dance with the present, the N’aldaan stand as a testament to their ancestral prowess, strength, and dedication.

Within their stories and chronicles, the N’aldaan claim a lineage that reaches back to an empire that rivalled the age of the Vular, kindred spirits of nobility and heritage. This heritage has shaped their attitudes, often casting them with a certain air of pride and dignity, especially when compared to the lesser races. Interacting with their words and actions can be rash, marked by a fierceness stemming from their heritage and their unwavering belief in their place within the world.

N’aldaan society is a tapestry woven with threads of history, culture, and connection to the land. Their Settlements, whether nestled in Cities or hidden within the embrace of mountains and woods, reflect their bond with the environment they inhabit. These settlements stand as a testament to their ability to thrive amidst the urban landscape and their profound connection with nature.

Throughout Naldar, the N’aldaan have left an indelible mark upon the realm. Their presence is scattered across disconnected settlements that stand as bastions of their culture or small communities that exist within the broader tapestry of other racial environments. This intertwining reflects their ability to navigate the complexities of coexistence, even as their proud heritage sets them apart.

In the mosaic of N’aldaan society, they organise themselves within the hustle and bustle of large cities or as individuals who choose a life of solitude. Their allegiance is steadfast, a pledge sworn in fealty to a Lord—an emblem of their loyalty to both their heritage and their realm.

Bearing the legacy of their past, the N’aldaan excel as both workers and warriors. Their abilities, honed through generations of dedication, mark them as a formidable force; their prowess on the battlefield is a reflection of the strength that has been woven into their very essence. At the upper echelons of their society, a select few possess the fluency of Nimzaxian—a testament to their commitment to understanding the world around them. For some skilled traders, the art of communication transcends language barriers, allowing them to wield Tha-Arlian to some extent.

In a world where heritage walks hand in hand with destiny, where the past breathes life into the present, the N’aldaan stride forth—a symphony of nobility, strength, and the enduring pursuit of knowledge. With every step they take, the realm itself seems to echo with their presence, a tribute to their heritage and the indomitable spirit that has guided them through the ages, for they are the embodiment of legacy, honour, and the stories that shape the world.

Skjald Yell'a'Beard



Considered the 13th oldest of the Indigenous tribes, they are the offspring of mixing Kobold and Archaic Neander. Some of their old chronicles claim that they descend from an empire older than The Crossing. This gives them a somewhat proud attitude towards the other races, especially the lesser ones, against whom they often act rashly and violently in words as well as in actions. They mainly live in great cities or settlements in mountains and woods.

Skjald Sejrik


Long before the time of Hordes, they began urbanising and fortifying their Strongholds, becoming wasp cubes of gartantuan size. They grew to such size and population that the ruling families expanded local leadership. Thus came the 'Zan Houses, allowing continued growth. But it also created a gap in society, making lowborns nothing but a resource and an elite without restrictions.

The codex was utter loyalty all the way to the highest person, and rebellion had only one consequence: death. Not only for the rebels but also for their family, relatives, and, at times, whole tribes. There was but one exception when going against one’s leader, and that was winning and eliminating the former ruler. Not like in 1204 SA when the Quasaki ‘Zan House King tried to overthrow their Emperor. Not, like in 1226-7, when a corrupt Prince was killed by Kazumix, leading to an investigation and eventually a large revolt, ending with the beheading of the Emperor and a large portion of the corrupt Court.

With established Nobility houses long before the Hordes came to be, the Hordes didn’t gain control over Naldar. Many Hordes have dealt with several ‘Zan Houses at once, which is a delicate balance. At times, a wrong word, miscounted payment, or delayed goods have resulted in shiploads of corpses and coffins of Silver and Gold changing hands.

Skjald Ulrich


One thing they don’t talk openly about is the vampire menace, but there has been such a thing a thing amongst the N’Aldaan. Here are a few: The 2nd generation vampire Agihata Natao; the 3rd generation: Naggahatro Miyano: The 6th generation Dagami Asumi and Jaruto Mogami are 9th generation vampires.

Skjald Vinotis



They are spread throughout the following Isles. and countries

Naldar: Jabos, Karoly, LioniLipinia, Rokea, Ruburma, Seviels, and Waitan.

Skjald El Mary




Generally, they huddle up in settlements, with farmlands stretching out. They live and breathe sworn in fealty to their Emperor in a strict social system.

The Emperor is the head of all and originates from the Ubun.

Ubun is the topmost of Igaar.

Igaar is the elite of society.

Asgaar is a warrior rank between Igaar and Rogaar.

Rogaar is the peasant class.





Ugaar is the Igaar chosen to guard the emperor.

Bugaar is female Igaar.

Asgaar is the main standing army.



Suhemar is the sacred class of temple/harvest dancers.

Kabu-Odor are an elevated class of female companions.

Mugaar is the religious class.

Kogaar is the assassination class.

Shogaar is the warrior monk class.

Skjald Vinotis



Below the Emperor a myriad of Clan leaders from all the ‘Zan Houses form  their Court. These ‘Zan House Kings all reside in the warcouncil and are appointed to lead armies when needed. As the spoils of warfare goes partly to the Emperor and partly to the Generals ‘Zan House, theres quite a lot of competing about who has the Emperors eye.

These are the main fractions of the Court and what major ‘Zan House that is affiliated with it.

BEASTS: Abado, Pota, Obuto, Mavada, Nomaru

CIRCLES: Rado, Bilzar, Nabu, Matado, Kazuo,

MOONS: Cako, Maka, Mimya, Osaki, Zito

LEAVES: Kvata, Ataori, Gaika, Obi, Auato

FANGS: Kuno, Opatu, Aido, Manao, Harita

CLAWS: Miata, Baidu, House Rala, Mazuko, Kliro

SUNS: Binzi, Chan, Paida, Konda, Yama

WINDS: Abura, Lara, Shunti, MarantaZagumo

Skjald Sigurd



They have better combat morale than other humans originating from the The Realm. They are good workers and excellent warriors. A few selected individuals in their upper court circles are known to be able to use Nimzaxian fluently. Some of their more skilled traders are known to be able to use Tha-Arlian to some extent.

Skjald Valgrif

They are excellent warriors, and their legends claim that in ancient times they fended off an Anurai invasion all by themselves, as their combat skills with swords were superior to their enemies skills with spears and great-blades.

Skjald Sejrik



Jocky Chan once told me about the meeting in 1250 where the N’Aaldan finally decided to join in forming The Realm and acknowledging the High King as theirs as well. Basically ending 375 years of brutal civil war, brought to the commoner by their power-hungry Ubun, each eager to be the Sharun of Sunborn as well as protecting their own clans.

The meeting was far more relaxed than ever before among the Ubun, as they knew the war was finally over. Signing the treaty went smoothly, and the only tense moment was when the Sharin of Sunborn handed his crown to Sahsnot, the first ever non-royal N’Aaldan to touch it. Holding it, a Kobold Smidhr pryed the Sunstone of the Blue Ocean from it, then inserted it in the crown of the High King that Kanziganthir was holding.

Meanwhile, Sahsnot stepped in front of the attending Lava Imp. and with a nod to the former Sharun of Sunborn, let it slide down into the boiling lava.

To the sizzling sound of melting, Kanziganthir gave the crown of the High King with the new gem to the former Sharin of Sunborn. Who then stepped in front of the High King Solvarr 'Black Oak' Svartholtr, and with the words “I give you me and my Isles loyalty and our power”, he placed the crown on the High King.
Baldur told me that it was the first time ever that he saw N’Aldaan commoners smile genuinely.

Skjald Sigurd


Last Updated on 2024-05-20 by IoM-Christian