2nd Alliance

1279 FA Created

1283 Dissolved


“The last grand alliance amongst many of the Races, Nobility, Organisation, and Guilds.”

Skjald Vinotis



The first indications we have about this alliance forming are from summer 1179 FA. The pair of Black Oak and Deepminded rode ahead of a growing army, repelling invaders and punishing traitors. Black Oak again as High King and Deepminded as Seer.

Eventually they reached Grimsborg where they were outmanouvered and had to regroup. The retreat became a rout, forcing them to withdraw for several weeks until they reached some highland meadows, where they were blocked by a large force of invaders. There, the Battle of Weeping Plains took place, eventually turning the tide and ending the Great Invasion.

Skjald Valgrif



It was led by a council, which had Black Oak acting as military commander and Deepminded as seer. Beneath them was a large staff of heroes that did many a deed.

Skjald Sejrik



All staff members of the 2nd Alliance… joined the Cleansing Crusade.

Skjald Kazumix

Last Updated on 2024-02-06 by IoM-Christian