
At times, people need to move outside their local area and travel far away. These long-distance travels are adventures in themselves, both on land and at sea. As The Realm generally has no paved roads outside the hamlet, villages, towns, and major city hubs, except for small networks around Grimsborg and a few crumbling ancient hubs. By and large, overland travel is considered cross-country, dangerous, and expensive; one should avoid travelling alone, and if carrying visible merchandise, one can expect to pay tolls to the various feudal lords on route or be robbed.

Skjald Valgrif


The wiser traveller would use water-borne transport whenever possible, even if it meant taking a detour. Travel by sea or by river boat is much faster and less dangerous than overland travel. But how far one can travel either way in a day depends on several factors:

  • Is the travel at sea or overland?
  • Does the travel take place in areas close to major hubs or greater Hordes, in plains and lowlands at the caravan routes, or in distant highlands, woods, and mountains? If the travel is along well-travelled routes, one can expect to sleep in an inn; if the travel is along a not-so-well-travelled route, one must be ready to sleep rough.
  • In times and places when and where there is real winter, it can be very difficult. Spring and autumn rains can transform unpaved roads into mud ditches.
  • A rich traveller, or one in the employ of a rich lord, can have spare horses, enabling about 50% longer distances per day than an ordinarily traveller.

A well-seasoned traveller can keep the below travel distance in summer in good areas for 5 days per week, taking two days off to rest:

Who How Far How Long
Average, w. luggage 15 km 1 day
Average, min. luggage 20-22 km 1 Day
Militia Soldier 25 km 1 Day
Infantry Soldier 30 km 1 Day
Heroic Mortal 40 km 1 Day
Mounted on regular horse 30-40 km 1 Day
Mounted on warhorse 45 km 1 Day
Mounted w. spare 40-60 km 1 Day
Guild Caravan 10 km 1 Day

Skjald Yell'a'Beard


Travel time on horseback is basically the same as on foot, just more comfortable. Horses have the following travel speeds:

  • Walk:
  • Trot:               similar to a human jog, a bit uncomfortable due to the up-and-down movement.
  • Canter:           Most comfortable for travel
  • Gallop:           Only used for most urgent needs, such as chase or flight.
  • Tölt:
  • Skeid:

12–15 mph (averaged to 10mph with the proper rests)

100 mpd (if the distance is <= 100m, less if the distance is greater).

20-30 mpd (20+, and you have to begin watching the horse condition)

50-60 mpd (this is well-skilled riding on well-trained horses)

Waggons only make <= 15mpd.

Any horse that’s been overworked has to be walked before it can be set to rest.

Horses are basically classified due to their usage.

Rouncey (all purpose; war, riding, packing), War (chargers, coursers, destriers (very uncommon and rare warhorses—most likely stallions)), Transport (palfreys), Cart horses, Pack horses, agriculture or use.

Travel can be a lot slower, especially if there aren’t any inns for miles. Your riders will need provisions, and hunting is called poaching when it happens to be on a lord’s land, and most of it was on a lord’s land.

With a great rider or walker, these numbers can be pushed further—14 miles for a walker who is well supplied and experienced (like an infantryman) or 30 miles for a rider. But pushing to the max can only happen for so long before there’s a problem.

And, passage through land largely depends on who you are and how much money you have, because on better-kept roads, there will be tolls and brigands.

Reasons for Delays

  • Lame horse
  • Broken axle
  • Ruined food supply
  • Stolen food & money
  • Festival Traffic: This one requires explaination. Festivals were big business in parts of Europe (in particular France) and could result in traffic jams stretching for miles.
  • Weather conditions
  • Lack of water
  • Illness of rider or horse

An experienced traveler will know what is worthwhile to carry and where to resupply for water, which is a large consideration for any journey.

Skjald El Mary


Just as a side note…

-if the character and the people with him have never travelled that route,…

-there WILL be delays because they won’t know what to expect and how to supply correctly.


-for horse travel you don’t really want paved roads…

-as that’s pretty hard on their hooves…

-except with horseshoes…

Skjald Kazumix


Ocean Travel:

Ship Speed  Average Miles Time Period  Wind Speed
1 dot 111 Miles
(74 N* miles)
24 hours  Gentle Breeze (8 knots)
2 dot 128 Miles
(85 N* miles)
24 hours Gentle Breeze (8 knots)
3 dot 150 Miles
(100 N* miles)
 24 hours Gentle Breeze (8 knots)
4 dot 168 Miles
(112 N* miles)
24 hours Gentle Breeze (8 knots)
5 dot 195 Miles
(130 N* miles)
24 hours Gentle Breeze (8 knots)
1 dot 225 Miles
(150 N* miles)
24 hours Gale (32 knots)
2 dot 255 Miles
(170 N* miles)
24 hours Gale (32 knots)
3 dot 300 Miles
(200 N* miles)
24 hours Gale (32 knots)
4 dot 345 Miles
(230 N* miles)
24 hours Gale (32 knots)
5 dot 390 Miles
(260 N* miles)
24 hours Gale (32 knots)


Skjald Sigurd

Last Updated on 2024-02-08 by IoM-Christian