

Deep down in Darin mountain nests linger the oldest of documents and Monsters. So don’t open gates, doors, lids, or bags uninvited.

Skjald Sejrik



Darin is a great landmass, some say the greatest in the World as it is connected to The Rim, but that would be discounting The Rim itself. Anyway, it’s large, arid, and cold and is split into twelve major countries.

Skjald Sigurd



Down the Southwest part, where its connected to The Rim lies Khesyl between the The Deep Blue and the Khesylian Heights. A long mountain range floating out into the vast steppes of Dantres stretches all the way to Black Peaks. A high, jagged mountain range separating main Darin from Svartland stretches far out on the Rim.

North of Khesyl lie Surdy and Saamur. Topped by Norien. North of vast Dantres lies Dania and Nianada up to the Blue Rim, a vast mountain range cutting all across Darin. East and North of this lies Salmydes, Azkanü and Trendonia, topped by Ghond and Thondoline.

Skjald Ulrich



This place has lost all its former glory of councils and treaties; now every city gate is at its finest against everyone else.

Skjald El Mary



A place to make believe… wonders and opportunity… treasure and thrill… and a quick unseen kill…

Skjald Kazumix


Last Updated on 2024-02-04 by IoM-Christian