The Rim


Once people could travel across in ships, mounted, or at foot, trade was prosperous.

Skjald Sejrik



There have always been hostile mountain ranges across the World. But, in the 1st Cataclysm when the world warped, bent, and folded itself into a sphere, a single mountain range was almost flung up. When the world cooled and relaxed again, it spanned the entire world but had several passages where ships or caravans at foot could cross.

Sadly, when Ljostari sank, the Gods seemingly decided that there should never be another incursion of Wanderers. So as the world was shaking, bending, and warping once more, They decided to share their forces and pour insane amounts of Astral energies into our world and have it seal the rim, cutting our world in half. Since then, only a handful of heroes have found a way there and back again. And much to our surprise, Ye'Til and Aquerian seemingly can ignore its bewildering effects and cross it as they see fit.

Skjald Ulrich



A tall mountain belt spans the entire world, all the way from Darin to Outlands. and from there it runs below Midgard connecting the ring.

Its an odd range of mountains dimming Magic like no where else; in fact, magic becomes stronger the further one gets away from that equatoric belt. It’s also an extremely cold, windy, and hostile environment, as it’s furthest away from the sun circling the world in its ecliptic travel.

There are a lot of rare animal with precious furs to be hunted, and some pretty scary monsters one can risk facing. The Rim is also filled with precious Gems, Minerals, Herbs, and the like.

Only very few Human live there; the most are the Izir.

Skjald El Mary



Don’t go there and count on survival based on your Magic Paths as they aren’t working there.

Skjald Sigurd


Last Updated on 2024-02-04 by IoM-Christian