





  • Height: 150- 215 cm
  • Weight: 45 – 170 kg
  • Age: 95-215 years
  • Skin colours: all
  • Hair colours: all
  • Eye colours: all


  • Arctic
  • Coastal
  • Desert
  • Grassland
  • Highlander
  • Jungle
  • Mariner
  • Nobility
  • Nomad
  • Subterranean
  • Swamp
  • Urban
  • Walder


“They are those among the Races in which the Spirit burns strongest, not only to such an extent that it can stay in our World when it should pass on, but also with such intensity that it makes them the most short lived and rash.”

Skjald El Mary



Here you see a interaction chart…. the yellower it is… the more different Human you meet… and greet…

Skjald Kazumix



Humans, and by this I mean both the Wanderers who crossed Indigenous peoples descended from numerous Archaic lineages, may be traced back to the Dark Ages.

We have progressed through time from everyday Hunters to dependable Farmers and Merchants to society of enormous and deep complexity. When it comes to looks, we are the most diversified Race, with people ranging in height and shape from wiry to muscular to stocky. Our hair and eyes cover the full hue and tone spectrum. Males frequently develop beards or moustaches, whereas ladies have long hair. people from a geographic location frequently have comparable characteristics (for example, people from around The Rim have more body hair and whiter skin tones, whilst those from northern climes have less body hair and darker complexion).

Skjald Ulrich


Humans, on average, like urbanisation and organisation more than any other race. This frequently leads to societal suffering for people caught in the contributing threadmill, especially during periods of tranquilly when some have a difficult time becoming somebody, yet at times of turmoil these commit activities that make them stand out. Despite being one of the most varied and adaptive races, it appears that we share one trait: ambition. The amount varies, but it appears that all are always striving to go beyond and beyond their existing means. Consider how soon after the fall of the High Kings power, petty rulers and unscrupulous characters attempted to repress individuals who had previously considered themselves free.

Skjald Yell'a'Beard


The annals all agree on one thing: Wanderers appear to have a little shorter lifespan with each generation. As some of the first documented appear to have survived much beyond the 200-year mark that now appears to have capped the majority of them.

Skjald Valgrif


It’s worth noting that the average age for each race and Human sub-race is a rough guideline based on hundreds of reports from both commoners and nobleborn. Heroes, on the other hand, are persons who stand out among their peers. Some are due to extremely strong physical conditions, while others are due to remarkable mental powers, a unique divine link, or Magic Skills beyond most.The annals all agree on one thing: Wanderers appear to have a little shorter lifespan with each generation. As some of the first documented appear to have survived much beyond the 200-year mark that now appears to have capped the majority of them.

Skjald El Mary


Mankind’s tribes may be divided into five major groups: Archaic, Common, Indigenous, Realmar, and Wanderers. Wanderers are individuals who crossed The Rim thousands of years ago. The three Archaic tribes, along with other Races, are the forebears of the Indigenous, who were all residing above The Rim before to the Wanderers’ arrival. The Common people are any blend of Indigenous races, and the Realmar are anybody having Wanderer and Common ancestors.

Scholars have struggled to pinpoint the precise heritage source of tribes since Indigenous nations did not employ recorded lore in the beginning. However, we were fortunate in that members of Ljost Alfar and Drakk Alfar were so elderly that they could provide firsthand information of the tribes when we began filming. certain even had certain Gods validate the information. As a result, we have put together knowledge dating back to far before the foundation of the World.



The chart shows which Race a person of single or mixed ancestry would be deemed to belong to. Of course, there are additional combinations, such as Ogryl and Realmar, Common and Jomzaar, and so on. However, these Scholars are also known as Common.

Skjald Sejrik



Indigenous races are those descended from Archaic and N-Erectus parents.



All people of mixed Indigenous ancestry are considered common races. There are several mixes, but a handful stick out and have earned a reputation for themselves.


Humans are the only mortal Race known to have bred and conceived at the Astral, and they are the only Race whose Spirits may both leave their Carcass when they die, and also return to their corporeal remains, making them members of the Arisen Race.

Skjald Sigurd

Last Updated on 2024-05-28 by IoM-Christian