


BORN: 31/3 1160 in FA Osmes

RACE: Ortagui/Findograa

REALM: Channelling


HEIGHT: 194 cm






1160 Born

1220 Met Nahita and Wilson

1221 Bought a mansion

1279 Siege of Urbanol


“No resource exists that Testiculas has encountered that he hasn’t been able to turn into an ingredient in a potion, brew, paste, or similar.”

Skjald Ulrich



Fourth Age

Very little is known about Testiculas, except that he was born the sole son of a herbalist couple at their farmstead outside the town of Phuka. With Domarii Desert to the north and Phukaret Roughlands to the south, it was a volcano-like place to live in. But there was quite a buck to be made, refining what was found in the wilderness and selling it to members of the caravans.

At the age of 60, his reputation reached the ears of Nahita and Wilson, who came and bought most of what he had ever cooked, dried, steamed, hacked, and so on. When they left, they swapped a fortune in gems and gold for potions and powders.

He spent part of the wealth he gained to purchase a large mansion, turning it into an alchemical and apotecarian factory. For which he hired a handful of skilled workers. But the management quickly bored him. It is said that Testiculas kept the mansion but practically never stayed there. The herbalist in him was urged to walk in nature and gather.

Skjald Sejrik


I’ve heard rumours that he killed plenty of Romasai, Pigryn, and traitors during The Great Invasion. But it was not until the Siege of Urbanol that he was again recorded as participating against the invaders and their supporters. He is now said to have been seen several times raiding along with other members of the 2nd Alliance, killing foes when caught.

Skjald Ulrich



Testiculas has had no organisations since the collapse of The Realm.

Skjald El Mary



He is a formidable Tracker. and a truly unique, skilled herbalist.

Skjald Sejrik

Last Updated on 2024-02-09 by IoM-Christian