


From strong to muscular

Height: (cm)

Females: 210-220

Males: 200-210

Weight: (kg)

Females: 85-105

Males: 90-105

Lifespan: (yr)

Females: 75-95

Males: 75-95


Brown over blueish to black.


Black or dark brown, very rare golden or white.







“Long, slim, gold-ringed necks and stunning beauty conceal the most deadly predators, able to gather Aquerian eggs.”

Skjald Vinotis



From what little the High Kings alliance has been able to gather, it is known that they originate from the northern Outlands. There they have a great empire with vast grasslands and large cities; females are their warriors, and males are their religious staff and city servants.

They are the tallest human race we have witnessed, and with a habit of using neck rings to stretch female necks, they stand towering. They praise the gods as do we, but seeminglythey havey more often experienced their god’s shape shifting. Which we believe is the reason some wear odd masks to honour them.

We have never seen them with earrings or fingerrings, but quite a lot wear painted patterns, symbols, or glyphs.

Skjald Ulrich


Whenever they go to war or hunt, they wear a Steel-Willow backrack strapped with elaborate feathers. Making them appear around 2.5 metres tall at a glance. We assume their height attempts are somewhat connected to their obsession to hunt aquerian.

They wear adorned strapped sandals, arm and leg greaves, and gold armbands and go either bare-breasted or wrapped in tartan; the more tartan rows of their kilts, the greater their social and military rank. Some also don leather, chain, or scale mail chest armour.

Some of them have aquerian egg, on their back-rack sticks, in between or instead of feathers. These eggs are either old ones from the extint Aquerians at Outlands or fresh ones gained here in The Great Invasion.

Be weary that the more eggs, the deadlier she has proven herself.

Besides the egg-filled steel-willow backracks, neck rings, and tartan kilt length, their long, free-flowing hair is sometimes braided, one for each enemy killed or captured. So if your not heroic, go for the eggless, unbraided shortskirts, but if you feel heroic, aim for the braid-nests, with knee-length kilts and lots of eggs.

Skjald El Mary


The Aquarian eggs are imbued with immense magical potential that is harnessed and utilized. A result of the high concentration of arcane energies built by the genetic memories of the Aquarians. Making the eggs a wanted treasure as they hold the wisdom and skills of countless generations.

For the Romasai, adorning their warriors’ backpoles with these eggs signifies their success in conquering a powerful enemy, both a trophy of conquest and a talisman of power. It’s a status symbol that commands respect and fear and has become an integral part of Romasai warrior culture.

The Romasai believe that carrying the eggs into battle grants the warrior defensive or offensive benefits during battles. The eggs serve as a reminder of their ongoing quest for power and their triumphs over formidable foes.

Skjald Ulrich



For a long time, we wondered why they had pock-marked skin, but eventually we found out that it was something they did when young. To pay tribute to their ancestors who survivedthe Great Pox killing almost 90% of their population, the descendants mark themselves to honour all the dead. We think their hunt for Aquerian might be tied to this.

Skjald Sejrik


Yell'a'Beard once told me that he accidentally stumbled into one of their villages… and much to his surprise, he was neither killed nor captured… from his short stay, he learned two things…

Romasai does not take prisoners… for questioning… they use slaves…

They have an odd custom: despite the females being the warring part, the male host offers the house females to guests… normally only with those of their race… but as he’s something special, he says he slept with a Romasai female.

Skjald Kazumix



Their great empire back home is in the northern Outlands, with great steppes and deserts. as hot as only the north is here. Their lands are filled with wildlife that isn’t hunted but is avoided if possible. Here they came to our shores in great straw ships with tartan sails and initially landed at MarkeoyFindonMealisUtarikNaldar, and Midgard.

Soon though, as they heard rumours they also participated, they moved south towards the Aqerians and began hunting them, more than taking male prisoners. But it meant there were beach fortifications and inland camps all the way down into DalipWest- and East Fjella.But as the Aqerians began to retract, their ships were filled with male prisoners. They, as the first of the invaders, began to leave.

Males have not been seen at Midgard or any of the lesser isles. And, according to Yell’a’Beard, their males form their religious orders back home. Thus, we didn’t meet either females or males during the Cleansing Crusade and assume they are all gone now, except for the few prisoners still held at certain places.

Skjald Valgrif



The knowledge I managed to gather while over there and the information gained later have allowed us to somewhat piece together their form of life. It seems that the males are the ones doing all the religious labour, and their females are the ones doing military service and the worldly administration of their empire. We are unclear who is tending their families, if any such exist.

I stayed briefly in one of their small towns, almost a nomadic one. I saw thralls of many races doing household work, and I suspect they also tend the children. I learned that they have some very large cities, very distinct from the pastoral life in which rural people live, tending herds and crops. I don’t know if it’s the same in large cities, but here, kids and cattle were the measurements of wealth. I never once saw them eat any game or wildlife birds, as if the otherwise brave Romasai were afraid of interfering with nature.

Oh yes, I almost forgot. I also once saw two men being punished. One man got his hair cut off as punishment, as he was seemingly unable to pay the expected fee and failed to give a proper public formal apology. The other one beats me, but he was beheaded, and his remains were ditched outside the village for the scavengers to feast upon. I think it was something about a failed attempt at rustling cattle. which reminds me of the steak we have here. It’s getting cold, so let’s eat, shall we?

Skjald Yell'a'Beard


Another, more easily seen sign of rank is the number of pattern ribbons in their kilts. A soldier has but the patterned kilt, sergeant 1, lieutenant 2, captain 3, major 4, and colonel, the highest rank we ever caught or killed, 5.

So far, casualties have been examined, and the few prisoners that broke are being questioned. We think that their soldiers are all between 15 and 65 years old. All start as ordinary warriors and work themselves through sergeant, lieutenant, captain, major, and colonel. Colonels—only one—is the highest rank we have encountered in The Realm, but Yell’a’Beard has mentioned that they have at least two ranks above that. Their ranks are easily distinguished by the trained eye, as every rank adds another patterned ribbon to their kilt. Kilts, which we believe are patterned in each separate regiment, clan, tribe, horde, or whatever they call it.

Some of the captured stated that they looked forward to becoming officers, and the capture was a mere bump in the continued pursuit. Others were actually sick of hunting eggs, raiding, and capturing thralls and looked forward to the end of The Great Invasion, then cut the hair in shame and went home. Become working militia or low-class servants, despite the high social status it is to be in the army.

The few officers younger than 50 we have seen have been individuals with blown Aquerian eggs at their two Steel-Willow sticks strappedt on their backs. So, we assume that it’s quite something for them as well—to track down, get close, and actually kill an aquerian. This hunt, parallel to The Great Invasion, is seemingly something they share or coordinate with the Ye'Til. No notable amount of Romasai has been below the Grimsborg latitude, and no notable amount of Ye’Til has been above.

No captive or corpse, from soldier to colonel, has stated that they are older than 65. So we assume that the mentioned ‘other services’ are a form of ‘last period’ working the fields, practicing a craft, or serving the empire’s officials.

So, it seems that girls at 15 are considered adults, enter their armed forces for 50 years, and fill their hair with a braid for each slain foe or caught slave. When done, they either become officers with some exclusive outs when resigning, or they use their training as hardened veterans working in their homeland militia. A few have told us that some, most often ‘egged ones’, manage to become homeland elders, public Sages, or even ‘Oracles’ in their last period, which we assume is until they die. Oh, and aside from their neck rings, hair, and tartan length, the number of braids reveals their skills.

Skjald Ulrich


We figured, from those captured, that all was coordinated by their general, Filine Fedazi, and each of their regiments was led by a colonel, of which we know of four: Allhana Beror, Miniali Hakani, Dallone Ekatur, and Lonia Mataro.

Skjald Sejrik



It’s been reported by agents and scouts on several occasions that they behead those who fail their codex. So, we assume that they use the death penalty as punishment in their army.

Skjald El Mary


Last Updated on 2024-06-13 by IoM-Christian