



“Hardened by the burning Sun and countless N'Aldaan raids. The people of Hokul fear not even the Gods.”

Skjald Sejrik



Dark Ages

Hundreds of Void Gardens were the melting pot of interaction that eventually became Utari and Hokul, when the formation of our World took place. The isolated Settlements in which the various Races lived formed their minds, though. Laying the foundation for the life preferred by Tribes and Clans, it was maybe also why some nearby races were scattered to other parts of our world when it was created.

Skjald Vinotis


First Age

Ever since lava streams hardened, the rocks cooled, and the sun’s rays again broke through the darkness. The tribes that inhabited Hokul have been fighting off enemies, wildlife predators, and disasters. So they have grown a tremendeously bolstered presence across all races and seldom display their fear towards anything, should it occur. The Indigenous do a lot of hunting, often with a knife, spear, and javelin. They are thus skilled Trackers, Hunters, and Fighters. Their abilities to fend off anything also aid them when herding their livestock.

Slowly, though, several races like Ogryl and Archaic left for milder climates. This gave the Utarik vast forests, rough terrain, and grasslands to roam. Their lands became a peaceful heaven, only tainted by the occasional N'Aldaan raids and an invasion of odd human beasts, which we now know was Pigryn and Anurai.

Peace also had a blow when Vampire, the altered Drakk- and Ljost Alfar creatures came with their glowing eyes and divine powers. Wishing but to find peace, their hunger did cost them dearly, as they always came to loose support amongst the natives. Some of those they embraced, coming from petty mortal origins, could not at all cope with the power gained and tried to create domains and crowds of followers for themselves.

Skjald El Mary


Second Age

It was due to vampires that the 1st Cataclysm occurred. It exterminated hundreds of tribes of all races and consumed thousands of settlements. Much of the Western lands sank, and some rather large mountains rose. Almost two-thirds of Utari sank into the sea, and as time passed, most mortals forgot about its existence.

Skjald Sigurd


Third Age

Time had passed, and generations could no longer be counted, nor could the number of people of different races. Then strangers came to the southern Isle of Ljostari. Soon these Wanderers also came to Utarik’s shores, claiming shoreland for settlements, then migrating inlands and creating hamlets, villages, towns, cities, and fortifications. Conflicts arose as they spread, and Utarik tribes soon began to react violently to the pressure. Triggering a veritable war of extreme brutality, most of the Rimzir and Jomzaar left, and only Vular kept a few fortifications and strongholds and fought back.

Most of these vular settlements closed after the eruption of Mt. Vula and the following Deep Blue Tsunami. Utarik was only touched lightly when it flooded the shores and flushed forth the Arisen. Worse was the raising of a large number of wanderers, as these Rimzir, Jomzaar, and Vular remains became quite nasty towards the living.

Skjald Valgrif


Fourth Age

The Arisen of Trondals Valley stirred everything, and the power-hungry Liches who emerged in the following centuries made things even more chaotic. As the need for rural safety grew, several Hordes rose. With members from Indigenous, wanderers, and N-Erectus, a time of strife under the sun began. Many Kings grapped for crowns and defeated, losing both those and their heads after their defeats. It was a hard time for many, and it sparkled an idea of The Realm and a High King.

Thus sprang the 1st Alliance and The Torch to life, and soon to end it all, The Great Invasion swarmed the realm. Luckily, we all allied up, prevailed, and launched the Cleansing Crusade, ridding us of invaders and traitors.

Skjald Ulrich


Fifth Age

After the cleansing crusade, the reinstated high king Black Oak resigned once more. Leaving The Scorched Dawn to be steered by fresh blood and adapt minds.

Skjald Yell'a'beard





The Indigenous tribes are organised loosely, the Common are a strict hiearchy, and the N-Erectus have their own ways. Locally, though, every fraction has one member of a local council.

Skjald Vinotis



In Hokul, there grows a special plant, Arafsan. More valuable than Gold.

Skjald El Mary

Last Updated on 2024-04-02 by IoM-Christian