Junnatu Weavers



  • Itzamna Nanaq



621 Itzamna Nanaq

695 Rouziq Manatak

742 Yaxaq Pilaq

774 Kicte Mazul

802 Tohil Xabal

859 Hunan Pulzaq

887  Inkiz Tohil

931 Xquical Xula

978 Kinick Kizotaq

1009 Balam Maqze

1047 Itzel Nizola

1094 Nicte Aingha

1036 Tiati Willi

1182 Meanbone


625 F.A. founded

1281 joined Battle of Weeping Plains



“The Junnatu Weavers, Masters of Mana Manipulation, emerged as one of the most influential powers in our fantastical World.”

Skjald Sejrik



Fourth Age

Led by the visionary Itzamna Nanaq, they embarked on a series of triumphant raids during the autumn of 625.

In the year 1132, an extraordinary event occurred in the Country of Tusla. Tiati Willi, a revered Shaman of immense power, had a stillborn son. Unwilling to accept the tragic fate, Tiati named it Michel Willi and performed an ancient magical rite invoking the Goddess. Babusla. Through divine intervention, the goddess exchanged the infant’s heart with a ‘Pink Crystal Shard‘ from the Astral, granting him an extraordinary destiny.

As Michel matured, the Junnatu Weavers grew into a formidable force in Tusla. In 1146, they successfully united all the Tusla Tribes under their banner, eventually expanding their dominion to encompass the Fjordor Roughlands and the entire region of Tusfjell up north. Within five years, they had secured control over Tusla, firmly establishing their victorious rule.

Junnatu Weavers, powered by a strengthened home base, planned to control all of East Fjella, and dispatched agents to the regions of Grebi and ‘Usai. Doing that, they discovered a formidable force in Tornix and wisely formed an alliance with Dawn Reborn, seeking to dominate without resorting to warfare.

In 1167, as the health of Tiati faltered, discussions about Michel ascending to the throne commenced. During this time, Michel encountered a remarkable being of Kobold blood, Kalmo. a towering Beastmaster hailing from the Kobold/Moss'Ari Races.

In the year 1182, Michel ‘Meanbone’ Willi was crowned King of the Junnatu Weavers, further fortifying their grip on Tusla. Notably, they embarked on a momentous migration to the Junnatu Caves, a significant turning point in their history.

In 1185, the Junnatu Weavers successfully completed their migration into the Junnatu Caves, a momentous event that marked a significant chapter in their history. Settling into this ancient and mystical abode further strengthened their roots in the region of Tusla.

Skjald Vinotis


However, their otherwise illustrious reputation faced a rare blemish in the year 1190. During this time, a clandestine alliance was formed by Junnatu noble Eau 'Longhorn' L'Dell, alongside King Nefius. and Eri 'Crimsonhand' Burr Together, they established the covert organisation known as the Triad Traders.

The formation of the Triad Traders was considered one of the few stains on the Junnatu Weavers otherwise noble reputation, if one could even call it that. This secret alliance raised eyebrows and cast shadows of doubt upon their otherwise honourable standing within the realm.

Despite this questionable venture, the Junnatu Weavers continued to stand as a formidable force in their pursuit of dominion and the art of Mana Manipulation. Their legacy endured, intertwined with tales of triumph and challenge, shaping the very tapestry of our fantastical world.

Skjald Yell'a'Beard


In the year 1232, the Junnatu Weavers gathered in grand celebration to commemorate the 100th birthday of their revered King Meanbone. The Banquet held on this momentous occasion became the backdrop for the inception of significant ideas that would shape the future of their realm.

During the festivities, whispers spread about the sowing of seeds for The Realm. a visionary concept that sought to unite disparate lands and tribes under a common banner, fostering a sense of unity and cooperation among them. It is rumoured that the seeds of this ambitious idea were planted by King Meanbone and his trusted advisors, aiming to create a harmonious and prosperous domain for their people.

Moreover, the concept of a High King emerged during this gathering. The idea of a central figure, a ruler whose influence transcends individual territories and holds authority over all, captivated the imagination of many. The notion of a High King became a symbol of potential unity and collaboration, promising to bring an era of peace and stability to their world.

Amidst the jubilation, the renowned Bard Sigurd K'Orot graced the banquet with a spectacular performance, captivating the hearts and minds of all in attendance. Through song and verse, he brought to life the tales of heroism, love, and adventure, further enhancing the enchanting atmosphere of the celebration.

However, the grandeur of the occasion was not limited to joyous festivities alone. It was also rumoured that during the banquet, a well-guarded secret was revealed: the hiding place of King Meanbone’s earth. Veiled in ancient magic, this priceless artefact held the essence of the king’s life force, concealed within the innermost recesses of the Junnatu Caves. The revelation of this secret added an air of mystique and intrigue to the already momentous occasion and was later used by Bergon and the Holy Star Order.

As the echoes of the banquet’s revelry subsided, the ideas planted during this celebration took root and began to shape the course of events in the years to come. The legacy of this extraordinary birthday banquet would forever be etched in the annals of their history, signifying the dawning of an era filled with boundless possibilities and profound change.

Skjald El Mary


In the year 1251, the founders of the Holy Star Order ventured into the enigmatic land of Tornix at East Fjella. Their arrival was shrouded in intrigue, and their true purpose remained veiled in shadow. However, their movements did not go unnoticed, as Zizu’s agents spotted them and summoned them to the castle of Dawn Reborn, known as Ashenhall.

To safeguard their intentions, the Holy Star Order wove a tapestry of illusions and misdirection, skillfully concealing their true motives from King Zizu and the esteemed seer, Terminus, of the Junnatu Weavers. Despite Zizu’s cryptic inquiries about their presence, the Holy Star Order’s plans remained intact, as they managed to deceive and avoid detection.

A warning from Den Godan on behalf of the High King did not deter the group. Skjald El Mary, who happened to be present at the inn where The Holy Star Order had gathered for a quiet talk and cool ale, witnessed this pivotal moment.

Unwavering in their pursuit, the Holy Star Order pressed forward with their enigmatic plot. They launched an ambush at the Wronged Donkey inn, targeting Attilla, the Guard Captain of the Junnatu Weavers. In a daring move, they managed to steal Attilla’s Magic armbands, a significant artefact that concealed the secret location of King Meanbone’s hearth.

Despite their audacious act, the Holy Star Order displayed an unexpected twist of honor. Gizmo, a member of The Holy Star Order, personally returned Attilla’s magic armbands, revealing a glimpse of the complex morality and motives that guided their clandestine actions.

As the echoes of their ambush reverberated throughout the realm, the Holy Star Order’s inscrutable quest continued, weaving a mysterious tapestry of enigma and ambition. The stakes were raised, and the realm found itself caught in the web of their hidden machinations.

The realm awaited the unfolding of this intricate plot as the Holy Star Order pursued their enigmatic goals, their presence leaving an indelible mark on the tapestry of history. The fate of King Meanbone’s hearth and the realm’s delicate balance hung in the balance as the High King’s Alliance stood vigilant, ready to confront whatever mysteries the Holy Star Order sought to unravel.

Skjald Sigurd


In the following year, 1252, their masterful manipulation bore fruit. As a reward for their apparent allegiance and their seemingly benign intentions, the Holy Star Order was granted permission to establish monasteries on the fertile soil of East Fjella. Little did the unsuspecting rulers of Tornix realise that this was part of a well-orchestrated scheme to extend their influence and further their quest for power. With monasteries established, the Holy Star Order began to consolidate its foothold in East Fjella.

Unbeknownst to many, the relentless pursuit of the artefact ignited a chain of events that would have far-reaching consequences, impacting the delicate balance of power and alliances within the realm. The Junnatu Weavers, unaware of the true identities and intentions of the Holy Star Order, would soon find themselves entangled in a web of intrigue and manipulation.

As the years rolled on, the Holy Star Order plotted in the shadows while maintaining their outward image of spiritual benevolence. The echoes of their arrival and the ripples of their actions would reverberate throughout the realm as their hidden agenda unravelled and set in motion a sequence of events that would forever alter the destiny of the Junnatu Weavers and their world.

Skjald Yell'a'Beard


In the year 1274, another momentous event took place within the hallowed halls of the Junnatu Caves. The Junnatu Weavers, as hosts, welcomed all the gathered Hordes and Organisations from across the realm to the grand occasion known as the 7th Fair of the Realm.

This gathering of diverse factions was more than just a celebration of culture, trade, and camaraderie. It served as a platform for the realisation of a shared vision—a vision of unity, peace, and stability. Under the watchful eye of the High King, the leaders and representatives of each group convened to craft a profound document that would leave an indelible mark on their world—the 7th version of the Law of the Realm.

Amidst the flickering light of torches and the hum of whispered conversations, discussions echoed through the cave’s labyrinthine passages. Negotiations were fervent, as leaders advocated for their people’s rights and interests. However, amidst these diverse voices, a spirit of collaboration prevailed, recognising the value of solidarity and collective strength.

After days of intense deliberation, the final version of the 7th ‘Law of the Realm’ emerged. The document embodied the aspirations and shared ideals of those present, cementing a commitment to uphold the values of justice, cooperation, and respect for all within the realm.

The 7th ‘Law of the Realm’ encompassed a comprehensive set of principles, ranging from the protection of individual rights to the regulation of inter-organisational disputes. This landmark legislation established a framework for maintaining peace and harmony, ensuring that the realms’ inhabitants could coexist in a spirit of mutual understanding and goodwill.

With inked quills and hands that bore the weight of collective responsibility, each leader and representative added their signature to the historic parchment. This act of unity solidified the shared commitment to the newly established laws, symbolising a pledge to abide by their principles for the greater good of the realm.

As the ink dried and the signatures dried, a palpable sense of hope and optimism permeated the air. The Junnatu Weavers, as the host of this momentous gathering, emerged not only as masters of mana manipulation but also as architects of a more harmonious and just realm.

From that day forward, the 7th ‘Law of the Realm’ stood as a testament to the power of unity and the enduring legacy of cooperation. It served as a guiding beacon, reminding the realm’s inhabitants that together, they could overcome any challenge and forge a future that embraced the diverse tapestry of their fantastical world.

Skjald Vinotis


In the tumultuous year of 1277, the Realm was thrown into chaos as The Great Invasion unfolded. During this harrowing time, King Meanbone found himself far from his kingdom while on a visit to the castle of Dawn Reborn, known as Ashenhall. The invading forces compelled him to hasten his return to the Junnatu Caves, leaving behind the hospitality of Dawn Reborn’s domain.

Skjald Kazumix


Six months later, the enigmatic Polski Warshi and the formidable Aragon Feradorian stood at the entrance to the Junnatu Caves. Their appearance, accompanied by two waggons laden with Magic Glass, signalled a great relief that sent hope through the hearts of those within the caves.

Magic glass is a rare and powerful substance known for its enchanting properties, capable of being moulded into various forms of potent weaponry and mystical artefacts. The significance of these waggons filled with such a valuable resource was not lost on the Junnatu Weavers, who were well aware of the potential devastation it could unleash.

Skjald Sejrik


As the invading forces loomed closer, the Junnatu Weavers found themselves facing a formidable adversary, one that sought to challenge their dominion and shake the very foundations of their realm. The entrance to the caves, once a symbol of strength and protection, now stood as a vulnerable threshold, threatening to grant the enemy access to their sacred dwelling.

Amidst the tension and uncertainty, the Junnatu Weavers stood resolute, prepared to defend their home with unwavering determination. Their mastery of mana manipulation and strategic prowess would be put to the ultimate test as they braced for the inevitable clash with the invaders.

For the first time in years, their sovereignty was at stake, and they had to draw upon all their strength, unity, and wisdom to emerge victorious against the formidable forces that stood at their doorstep.

The clash that ensued was one of epic proportions, a battle that determined the fate of the realm and the legacy of the Junnatu Weavers.

Skjald Ulrich


In the fateful year of 1281, the realm witnessed a pivotal turning point during the Battle of Weeping Plains. where the Junnatu Weavers played a central role as part of the High King’s Alliance. The battle, though valiantly fought, exacted a heavy toll on the Junnatu Weavers, as many of their esteemed banners perished in the crucible of war.

The High King’s Alliance was a coalition of forces united under a common purpose: to stand against the Invaders. and safeguard the realm from further devastation. The Junnatu Weavers, as masters of mana manipulation and revered members of the alliance, stood at the forefront of the battle, their unwavering commitment to protecting their homeland and upholding their ideals evident in every stroke of their weapons and every pulse of their magic.

Despite their valour and determination, the Battle of Weeping Plains proved to be a bitter struggle, and the loss of so many of their banners weighed heavily on the hearts of the Junnatu Weavers. In the aftermath of the conflict, their village in the Junnatu Caves bore the scars of war, and the need for rebuilding and securing their sacred home became their paramount focus.

With resilience and unity, the Junnatu Weavers set about the arduous task of reconstruction, determined to restore their village to its former glory. The caves, once a symbol of strength and protection, were fortified with renewed vigour and imbued with a renewed sense of purpose.

In their pursuit of justice, the Junnatu Weavers also turned their attention towards hunting down the few remaining invaders and traitors who had sought to bring chaos and turmoil to their realm. The pursuit of these malevolent forces became a mission of utmost importance, ensuring that their homeland would be safeguarded from future threats.

Bound by a shared sense of loss and a deepened resolve, the Junnatu Weavers emerged from the Battle of the Weeping Plains more united than ever. Their unwavering commitment to their values and their realm fueled their determination to rebuild, protect, and seek justice for their fallen comrades.

As the dust settled and the realm slowly healed from the scars of war, the Junnatu Weavers remained a beacon of hope and resilience, standing tall as guardians of their realm. Their unwavering dedication to the principles of unity, peace, and justice would forever be etched into the tapestry of their fantastical world, a testament to the enduring spirit of the Junnatu Weavers.

Skjald Valgrif



The Junnatu Weavers’ organisation is intricately woven around a village situated just outside the Junnatu Caves in Tusla. This village serves as a central hub where the members reside, plan, and collaborate on their endeavors. The caves themselves, nestled within the depths of the village, hold great significance to the Junnatu Weavers, as they house not only their elite members but also workshops and libraries that contain invaluable knowledge and ancient wisdom.

Skjald Sejrik


Deep within the Junnatu Caves, the leaders of the organisation occupy the labyrinthine cave maze. This inner sanctum holds even more secrets, where the leaders engage in clandestine discussions and devise strategies for the future. The exquisite workshops and laboratories found within the maze are centres of innovation and experimentation, where the Junnatu Weavers harness the power of magic to shape their destiny.

However, not all secrets within the cave maze are benign. In the shadows, hidden from prying eyes, lie the prisoner dungeons, a stark reminder of the Junnatu Weavers’ uncompromising stance against those who threaten their realm or seek to exploit their knowledge.

Skjald Kazumix


The mystical inner cave is steeped in legend and known to house a pedestal of great importance. It is said that this pedestal cradles the pulsing heart of none other than King Meanbone himself. The heart is preserved and sustained by ancient and potent magic, a testament to the awe-inspiring powers wielded by the Junnatu Weavers.

Since its initial placement in the year 1185, King Meanbone’s heart has only been moved twice. The first occasion was when it was stolen, an audacious act that sent shockwaves throughout the realm and set the Junnatu Weavers on a quest to reclaim their beloved artifact. The second relocation to a place that is even more challenging to access ensures the heart’s safety and guards against future attempts at theft.

This mystical artefact and the ancient magic that sustains it serve as a symbol of the Junnatu Weavers’ unyielding determination and their connection to the realm’s profound mystical forces. The enigma surrounding the pedestal and the heart of King Meanbone fuels the legends and whispers that reverberate through the fantastical world, adding an air of mystique to the already-storied history of the Junnatu Weavers.

Skjald Vinotis



Renowned as some of the world’s most adept ‘Mana Manipulators,’ the Junnatu Weavers possess a unique and unparalleled command over the magical energies that shape our world.

Thus, the Junnatu Weavers continue to shape the course of history in their quest for dominance, weaving their legacy into the fabric of our fantastical world.

Skjald Sigurd

Last Updated on 2024-02-10 by IoM-Christian