

BORN: 15/5 1159 FA in Keshon

RACE: Tatongol/Borji

REALM: Essence


HEIGHT: 193 cm




King of Berserk Maimers


“None has ever been this strongly tied to Fylgia.”

Skjald Vinotis



Fourth Age

Born in the southern roughlands of Keshon in the town Urmantlu. His father was a mere stable worker, and his mother worked in the kitchen of the city guard. Lalli, at an early age, spent time helping with the animals and watching guardsmen train. At the age of 7, in 1166, he entered the guard force, cleaning armour and honing weapons, giving his insight into weapon balance and armour strength and weakness.

In 1176, he left the guard force again, even though he had earned a place as a guardsman and a steady income. Instead, he went to work for a nobleman who, on a trip through the crevasse, had recognised the lads skills for tending horses and other livestock. But after 2 years, he left due to too many disputes with other maintainers of noblemen’s stables. He was simply too ferocious whenever he got into a dispute, justified or not; frenzy came easy to him, and he seemingly liked it.

Skjald Ulrich


Instead, he began travelling to Midgard as a market fighter, offering quite some stash if anyone could best him. He very seldom lost, and when he did, he adapted and became increasingly better. One day at the marketplace of Ye Olde Zephyrs, where he defeated several unlucky bastards, a voice rang out asking why he had to be that brutal. He replied that it was his choice to act as pleased in a duel, and the other one stepped forth and said, “Well, then let’s fight ‘wild one'”.

The Pilgrim evaded every blow attempted while bumping, tapping, and scratching his opponent. Seeing his anger grow and then explode in pure rage, he yelled, “My goodness, what a burst…” and then he knocked the frenzied lad out.

During his stay there, Lalli learned from the finest and became a slightly more subtle fighter, but still, the rage came easily to him. It was actually as if the more he oppressed it, the more it wanted out, and the bursts became increasingly wild. Caring not for the rest of the crew, civilians or foes, he just killed and maimed whenever in combat, and more and more of his comrades began to shun him as a crewmate. It had to come, and one day he stepped up to the great hall and announced to the king, noblemen, and crewmates that he would leave for the wild and seek ‘true berserk’. Some were relieved, but it came as a surprise that some other skilled honourable went along to pursue it.

Skjald Yell'a'Beard


It’s said that a few years after their departure, they made a Strandhögg on their former home. Under the banner of Berserk Maimers, they suddenly surged the shores of Ye Olde Zephyrs and made a quick, brutal looting of some goods they seemingly wanted but couldn’t ask for. Act sowing even more animosity between former allies.

The wound went on for ages, but eventually, at the Battle of Weeping Plains, hostility was set aside, and they all once again fought shoulder to shoulder, grinning as they slew Invader. As the battle was won, Berserk Maimers left for the woods and mountains again. But they have been seen all over The Realm since, hunting and killing foes.

Skjald Sigurd



Seemingly still king of his horde…

Skjald Kazumix



He can go frenzy at will.

Skjald Valgrif

Last Updated on 2024-02-17 by IoM-Christian